
Why Individual Attention is Important for Kids

‘Why try and Fit Into someone else’s shoes, when you were born to Stand Out?’

This timeless adage makes a great impression on us each time we hear it. However, how many of us truly follow it? If all of us are born ‘unique’, shouldn’t each one of us be treated as such?

This is exactly where Personalized Learning steps in. Aiming to address the ‘individual’ needs of each student from an early age, it ensures that all children get every bit of the Personalized Attention they deserve.

At EuroKids we are all for the idea of celebrating the ‘uniqueness’ of each of our students. That being said, we respect the role that Individual Attention to Students can play, vis-a-vis shaping them into the best possible versions of themselves.

Ready to discover the finer nuances of Personalized Learning? Join us, as we begin our foray into the World of Personalized Learning!

Personalized Learning: At a Glance

There is no one ‘fixed’ definition of Personalized Learning. As you have gathered by now, in essence it encompasses giving Individual Attention to each student, to bring out the best in them.

All said and done, there are different ways that educators view the process of Personalized Learning. Like the following.

  1. Making use of Adaptive Software
  2. This one’s especially relevant, in today’s day and age. This basically entails making use of software that ‘adapts’ to the different skill levels of children in the classroom.

  3. Giving students More Power
  4. Thanks to Personalized Learning, students have the ability to choose the kinds of projects they undertake.

  5. Holistic Development
  6. This approach to Personalized Learning is becoming all the more common. It pertains to the ‘overall’ development of the child – Physically, Emotionally and Socially!

Needless to say, every classroom is filled with students that are different on many levels. The capacity to ‘learn academically’ is just one of them. That being said, it is the responsibility of the educator in question to nurture the different capabilities of each student. They can do this effectively only when they give them Individual Attention.

Ready to find out how Individual Attention to Kids can help make a real difference, vis a vis unleashing the potential of each child to the fullest?Hop on to the next section, to find out just that!

The Power of Individual Attention: The Benefits of Personalized Learning

Personalized Attention for Kids offers some wonderful benefits. Presenting the top Benefits of Personalized Learning for children in the classroom.

  1. Helps them Move at their own Pace
  2. Not all children can grasp concepts at the same pace. When students are given Individual Attention, they don’t feel a sense of ‘hurriedness’ while learning. They move on, only after they have taken their time to fully grasp the concepts at hand.

  3. It helps them Focus
  4. Another great thing about Personalized Learning is, it helps students ‘focus’ better. Not being overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of work in front of them, they are able to concentrate in a far more effective fashion.

  5. It Caters to Different Learning Styles
  6. As we have already touched upon earlier, no two students are alike. That being said, some students are ‘visual’ learners, while others ‘kinesthetic learners’ and some, ‘auditory learners’. What’s wonderful about Personalized Learning is, it embraces the diverse learning styles of all students!

  7. Greater Motivation
  8. When Individual Attention is paid to students, educators can formulate a tailor made plan of learning for each of them. This ensures students forge an ‘intrinsic’ sense of Motivation. When they do, they no longer need to be ‘pushed’ to do their work.

    Bonus: This only serves to spark a ‘Lifelong Love of Learning’ in children.

  9. The Identification of New Skills
  10. A classroom is great, when it recognises that learning does not happen ‘only within textbooks’. There are several other arenas in which some children might be talented, beyond Academics. For instance, they might be great Artists, or even Sportspersons. Personalized Attention ensures these talents are recognised and celebrated, too!

  11. A Boost to Social Skills
  12. The beauty of Personalized Learning lies in the fact that it opens the doors to ‘Collaborative Learning’. This ensures that students do not merely learn in ‘isolation’, but ‘with each other,’ too. When they work with each other, they also ‘learn from each other’!

    Bonus: This also ensures those all-important ‘social skills’ are sharpened.

  13. Helps to Identify Problems in Learning
  14. Often teachers dismiss kids who are not learning well, thinking they are nothing but ‘slow learners’. That’s where Individualized Attention steps in. It helps teachers assess the individual problems faced by each child, so they can effectively fix them.

We at EuroKids believe that Personalized Learning is indeed the need of the hour, where it comes to ensuring all kids get the best education. Ensure your child always gets Individual Attention in their learning years, no matter which institution they go to!