What is telescope and Why are telescopes important

What is telescope? and Why are telescopes important

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Telescopes and their types have always astounded human beings because of the juxtaposition of fantasy and reality. Some people enjoy watching stars and galaxies without any aid whereas, some prefer the help of already existing tools like the telescope. ‘Telescope’ as a word is derived from the Greek term ‘tele skopein’ — to look at from afar. However, have you ever wondered what the world might have looked like without telescopes and why we value them so highly in the present world?

A person’s perspective of the world can literally be altered by a telescope. It makes even the tiniest of objects crystal clear to the user. In modern parlance, a telescope is defined as an “optical instrument” that uses lenses, mirrors or another form of combining the two for viewing far-off stars, colonies, and even different galaxies. It also captures them in high resolution, which is why telescopes are often considered a window to the universe. What sets Telescopes apart from mirrors, binoculars, or lenses is that they can help in observing a star no matter how far or close they are.

Every citizen across the world has their own perspective of what lines the ‘cosmos’ but what is important is that telescopes have made space observatories an unrivalled tool of exploration.
Let us get onto unravel some things about telescopes like what is telescope, who invented telescope, the use of telescopes, the importance of telescope, types of telescopes etc.

Who Invented the Telescope?

The origin of its invention is preserved in the history of the early 17th century. It is argued that the telescope was patented first by Hans Lippershey, a Dutch eyeglasses maker, and believed to be the first with the patent in 1608. Though, for its scientific use, Galileo Galilei is credited. Galileo’s contributions were enhancing the original design and progressing on to make remarkable discoveries such as Jupiter’s moons, Moon’s craters, and Venus’s phases.

The beneficial invention of the telescope ensured growth towards modern scientific study and turn in astronomy.

The Use of Telescopes

The basic function of a telescope is to evaluate objects that the naked eye can not. Such objects include stars, galaxies, moons, planets, asteroids, etc. However, telescope functions go beyond simply staring at the sky. Here are a few key functions:

Astronomy: Telescopes allow scientists to observe the birth and motion of celestial bodies, and are thus the backbone of modern astronomy.

Navigation: Telescopes were previously vital devices for navigation, used by sailors to create their position based on celestial observations.

Military: Telescopes were also employed in wars for reconnaissance and inspection of faraway areas.

Instruction and Promotion: Teaching science and the universe to students fuels their scientific curiosity and can be done by professionals using telescopes in schools and observatories.

Scientific Research: Telescopes were previously vital devices for navigation, used by sailors to create their position based on celestial observations.

Different Types of Telescopes

Telescopes have evolved into extremely advanced technologies. Telescopes can broadly be classified into –

Optical Telescopes:

The most common types of telescopes for tracking light, these include:

Refracting telescopes –  Use lenses to gather and focus light, which creates an image for viewing.

Reflecting Telescopes –  Different from refractors, these telescopes use mirrors to reach the same goal – to collect and focus light.

Catadioptric Telescopes – Utilise both lenses and mirrors to achieve better performance and image quality.

All three telescope designs are popular among amateur astronomers out there stargazing.

Radio Telescopes – Used to receive radio-frequency signals emitted by pulsars, quasars, and other astronomical objects.

Infrared Telescopes – Infrared telescopes look for colder objects in the universe, such as young stars or interstellar dust clouds.

Space telescopes – These do not operate from the ground as telescopes do. There are no atmospheric barriers to vision.

But there is a whole world of telescopes out there with different uses, and each also contributes its own piece to the puzzle of the universe.

The Significance of Telescopes

The importance of telescopes cannot be overstated. Telescopes are more than tools of exploration, they also illuminate our place in the cosmos. Here are some pivotal points depicting the reasons why telescopes matter:

Revealing the Universe

Telescopes let us go back in time through the light emitted by stars and galaxies, allowing us to understand the past, present and future of the universe.

Finding New Worlds

Telescopes have helped find planets outside the solar system, and have extended the search for life beyond Earth.

Progressing Science

Many important scientific theories like the Big Bang, general relativity, or superstring theory cosmology are confirmed through telescopic observations.

Motivating People

The pillars of interstellar dust or Saturn’s rings, and many more tell us a story of where we came from, and inspire millions to cultivate science.

Learning Purpose:

To young scientists and students, telescopes give a means to examine very advanced complex scientific ideas exploring STEM professions.

Social Importance:

In India, other than the Udaipur Solar Observatory, the Vainu Bappu Observatory in Tamil Nadu is a unique example of telescope-based science which helped in shaping Indian scientific thought, and international cooperation in space science.

Telescopes and India’s Space Aspirations

The Indian Space Research Organisation has made significant contributions to space exploration and India’s status in space. ASTROSAT, India’s first-ever multi-wavelength observatory, is indicative of the country’s growing understanding of astronomy.

Students and researchers have seen greatly improved access to telescopes and observatories. This allows them to contribute on a global level. This is equally true for novice stargazers where we see a rise in interest amongst young Indians trying to grab affordable telescopes.

How to Choose a Telescope for Beginners?

A few things to consider if you are interested in purchasing a telescope:

Identify Your Interests: What do you want to focus on more, steeper skied objects, planets, or the moon? This dictates which type of telescope is best for you.

Portability: To what locations will you be taking your telescope? If they are numerous, consider getting a lightweight model.

Budget: As a beginner, brands like Celestron and Orion both offer affordable models suited for amateur stargazing. Entry-level telescopes are perfectly good enough.

Seek Guidance: In gaining knowledge on the practical applications of these devices, consider visiting local observatories or joining astronomy clubs.

Encouraging the Future Generation

Gazing at the rings of Saturn or the many craters on the Moon can be an awe-striking experience for our little ones! By nurturing a passion for Science and exploration, children show a great deal of improvement when galaxies are taught to them from a young age. Fortunately, more and more schools in India have started including astronomy in their syllabus.

Final Thoughts

The telescope is not simply a scientific instrument: it is humanity’s best example of bridging the gap between the inquisitiveness of a human being and the vast and unknown universe. From aiding in life-altering realizations to inducing the passion for science in the youth, the importance of telescopes in the world as we know it is of utmost significance. No matter if you are a novice wishing to view the enchanting night sky or a professional astronomer piecing together the mysteries of the universe – a telescope has the ability to unlock infinite opportunities. Therefore, the next time you glance towards the stars, keep in mind that a telescope can be the key that allows you to uncover these stellar attractions.

We at EuroKids nurture students’ inquisitiveness and imagination from an early age because we know it’s the key to their learning. Children are able to hone their interests and passions with our novel teaching methods and learning-centric activities. Be it space or science, we work towards bringing the best out of them. So, visit the nearest EuroKids and allow your children to take off and discover a whole new world!