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Tweaking That Inner Voice: Teaching Kids Positive Self Talk

‘I’m a Fool!’

Just an example of that Inner Voice in our heads, having us believe in things we shouldn’t!

How many times a day do we engage in an inner monologue, telling us things like the above? That Inner Voice is nothing but a form of Self Talk. Only, we don’t have an inkling of how incredibly harmful that Self Talk can be!

With our kids, it’s especially important that we get them to ‘Tweak’ that Inner Voice. In other words, have them indulge in Positive, rather than Negative, Self Talk. In this article, you will find information on How to Improve Self Talk. Not only will you garner a keener understanding of the myriad Benefits of Self Talk, you will indulge in a Masterclass in How to do Self Talk!

Get started, with a closer look at What is Self Talk, on your journey towards getting your child to avail of the nuanced Benefits of Self Talk!

Table of Contents

Tweaking that Inner Voice: Self Talk Basics

To understand what Positive Self Talk is, one must first get to the core of Self Talk itself!

Simply put, Self Talk is nothing short of being that ‘Inner Voice’ that has us talking to ourselves throughout the day. This includes all the ‘beliefs’ that we harbor about things, and even any ‘biases’ we might have.

Positive Self Talk, then, is merely the result of ‘channeling’ that inner voice, so that we might see ourselves in a ‘positive’ light. Want to know about the many Benefits of Positive Self Talk for your kids? Hop on to the next section!

The Benefits of Self Talk for Kids

By now, you have a fair understanding of What Self Talk is, and even a rough idea of what Positive Self Talk encompasses. Presenting the Benefits of Positive Self Talk for Kids, that will help them understand the true power of their ‘Inner Voice’.

  1. They develop Confidence
  2. In today’s world, Confidence is highly underrated. Not only is it important for your child’s self-esteem, it can help them gain access to several invaluable opportunities in life!

  3. Good for Emotional Health
  4. The importance of Mental Health for our kids cannot be overstated. Positive Self Talk ensures that they come up with ways to deal with all the mental stress they are subjected to every now and then.

  5. Gets them to be more Optimistic
  6. How we perceive the things and events in our lives, plays a large part in shaping our outlook. Kids who indulge in Positive Self Talk are found to have a more ‘optimistic’ outlook. This, in turn, helps make life easier for them!

Teaching Kids Positive Self Talk: A Masterclass in Positive Self Talk

Learn how to Master that Inner Voice, and tweak it into Positive Self Talk with these invaluable tips!

  1. Turning Negative Self Talk to Positive Self Talk
  2. The next time your kid comes to you saying something negative, help them turn their statement around!

    Negative Thinking Example: There is no way I’m going to win the race if Ryan is competing in it.

    Positive Thinking Example: If I try hard enough, I might be able to outrace Ryan!

  3. Engage in Meaningful Conversations with Them
  4. When you ask your child something like ‘How was your day at school?’, you are not only showing them that you care. You are also understanding how they think!

    Bonus Tip: If your child is focusing on the ‘negatives’ that went on in their day, you want to help them change their narrative and focus on the ‘positives’ instead.

  5. Help them Document their Patterns of Thinking
  6. Oftentimes, children are not aware of that Negative Inner Voice, which constantly drags them down.

    To do: Get your child to write down the thoughts that have dominated their thinking over the course of their day. Tell them they must ‘analyze’ those thoughts, and see if they are slipping into a pattern of negative thinking. It is surprising just how effective this can be, vis a vis helping them cultivate that Positive Self Talk!

  7. Step in when things are out of Control
  8. Let’s face it, no matter how hard we try, negative thoughts will find a way into our minds.

    To do: It’s okay if your child is having negative thoughts. A small amount of stress is good for kids, but you need to step in when you think things are blowing out of proportion.

    Example: If they are constantly saying, ‘I will fail this test’, help them change the narrative and think this instead: ‘If I fail, I will work hard and pass next time!’

  9. The Power of Positive Affirmations
  10. If your child is not able to cultivate Positive Thinking on their own, help them harness the power of Positive Affirmations!

    To do: When your child is caught in a loop of negative thinking, tell them to take a step back, relax and think of a positive affirmation.

    Examples of Positive Affirmations

    • I am calm and in control of myself
    • I am stronger than any struggle in my life.

Indulging in Positive Self Talk is important for kids and adults alike! Help your child harness the Power of Positive Self Talk, by having them imbibe the invaluable tips outlined in this article!


  1. KidsHealth
  2. https://kidshealth.org/classroom/cc/ihmp/L6_TalkToYourself.pdf

  3. Raising Brain
  4. https://www.raisingbrain.org/single-post/positive-self-talk-for-children-when-they-are-angry