
The Loyal Mongoose Story With Moral


A word kids these days are not familiar with. Nevertheless, one that takes most adults on a trip down Memory Lane. After all, it is from that very ‘treasure chest’ that is the Panchatantra, that we have come to relish many wonderful ‘fables’ in our childhoods!

One such fable from the Panchatantra stable is the Loyal Mongoose Story. In this article, we present you with this Short Story on Loyalty, that makes for one of the most Famous Stories for Kids. This tale of The Friendly Mongoose, is sure to captivate your interest, even if you have heard it already. After all, that’s what makes fables like this one timeless – the fact that we can listen to them all over again!

Read on, to know all about The Loyal Mongoose Story, that will make for an excellent tale to narrate to your child on a rainy day!

Table of Contents:

The Loyal Mongoose Story: A Short Story on Loyalty

Once upon a time in a village, there lived a farmer and his wife, who had a newborn son that was the apple of their eye.

One day, when the farmer was returning from a day’s work in the field, he was surprised to find a pale-looking mongoose by the side of the road. His heart filled with compassion, he took it home and showed it to his wife. He told her they would keep it as a pet. While at first his wife was highly reluctant to have this creature around her baby, she eventually relented.

And so the mongoose grew up alongside the little baby. One day, the farmer’s wife had to go to the market. Her gut instinct told her the mongoose should not go near her baby, and she told her farmer husband exactly that. The farmer gently assured her that he would ensure that their baby was safe.

Later in the day, the farmer was summoned by the local moneylender. It was only imperative that the farmer return the money he had lent him long ago, he said, especially since the farmer had had such a good harvest. Left with no choice, the farmer placed his sleeping son in a cradle, and left him alone with the mongoose. In his mind, the mongoose would take care of his son, intelligent animal that it was.

Later in the day, when the farmer’s wife returned home with a basket full of vegetables, she was met with a sense of shock. The mongoose was lying outside their home, its paws and face covered with blood.

‘You horrible creature, you have killed my son!’

Thus screaming, she hit the mongoose on the head with her basket, and went inside, only to find her baby sleeping peacefully! On the floor next to the cradle, were the bloody remnants of a seemingly-poisonous black snake.

Instantly, the farmer’s wife realized her folly. The mongoose, upon seeing the snake, had undoubtedly attacked it to protect the sleeping child. Tears in her eyes, she rushed back to the mongoose, but alas! It was too late. Their loyal ‘pet’ was dead!

Summary of the Friendly Mongoose Story with Moral

This is a tale about a farmer and his wife, who both have conflicting opinions on ‘trust’. From the very beginning of the story, we can see that the farmer’s wife does not back her belief that the mongoose will harm her child, with any sort of rational thought.

Later in the story, when she returns home from the market, she does not stop to think for a second that the blood on the mouth and paws of the mongoose might be of a living creature other than her son. It is this hasty, ‘irrational’ thinking that leads her to take the life of an innocent creature. Needless to say, there is no point in her repenting what she has done,  after the act has been committed. It is too late. The mongoose is dead.

Moral of the story:

‘Think before you act’

The Loyal Mongoose Story: Key Takeaways for Kids

There’s a good reason the Friendly Mongoose Story makes for one of the most famous stories for kids. This Short Story on Loyalty, is great for teaching kids the following lessons:

  • Never make a decision in haste.
  • When presented with a situation that creates doubt in your mind, ask questions first.
  • Only after you have learned the facts, is it all right to take action of any sort.

The Loyal Mongoose Story is a fable that is tailor made for the times we  live in. We live such fast lives, it’s common for us to make decisions without thinking. Tell the Friendly Mongoose Story to your child today. That will surely help them understand the value of taking time to learn the truth, so as to prevent themselves from falling into the ‘regret trap’ later!