
The Talking Cave Story With Moral

Few of us can see a Cave without being beholden with a sense of Intrigue.

An intrigue that seems to imply: ‘What on earth might lurk in there?’

That sense of intrigue is multiplied, in the case of children. Imagine their curiosity then, when you tell them you are going to tell them a story about The Talking Cave!

We at EuroKids are dedicated to bringing you the best short stories to regale your kids with.In this article we present you with the Talking Cave Short Story. One of the best tales from the Panchatantra stable, the Talking Cave Story is one that is sure to leave your kids enthralled, while at the same time fostering in them an invaluable Life Lesson.

Read on, to discover the Talking Cave Story With a Moral, for you to add to your arsenal of Bedtime Stories!

Table of Contents

The Talking Cave Story

Once upon a time, a long time ago, there was a Lion who lived in a forest. Now, this lion had become very old and weak, and was barely able to find any food to eat. One day, just like any other, he set out in search of food. Alas! Like all other days of late, he was unable to find any prey to eat. That was about the time the weary old lion stumbled upon a cave. He went inside, only to find no animal in it.

Suddenly, a flashbulb popped into the lion’s mind. He thought to himself, ‘The animal that lives in this cave is bound to come back.If I only wait for a while, I will have my prized catch of the day!’

And so the lion waited. He waited for a long time, but no animal came. Just about the time when he was starting to get frustrated, the Fox who lived in the cave, approached it. He saw the footprints of the lion outside, and knew exactly what awaited him inside. He wondered what he could do to get out of this predicament. That’s when he had an idea.

‘Good evening Cave, how are you today?’ The fox said. The lion was stupefied. ‘What on earth is this animal saying?’ He thought, perplexed.

‘Why are you so silent, cave?’ It was the fox again. This time the lion thought, ‘Might there really be some semblance of truth in what the fox is implying?’ Yet, he did nothing at all.

Then finally the fox said, ‘I think you are upset with me, Cave. There is no other reason for you not to talk to me. Sigh! If you don’t speak to me I will go and never come back.’

That statement seemed to jolt the lion. He thought, ‘Perhaps this really is a Talking Cave! If I don’t do something, I am bound to lose what seems to be a sure meal!’

And so the lion replied, ‘My dear fox, you have to forgive me. I was taking a nap, and didn’t hear you return.In any case, you can come in now. I’m wide awake!’

Little did the foolish lion realize, this statement would be the very cause of his undoing. The fox replied, ‘You silly lion! Have you ever seen a Talking Cave in your life? All I wanted to do was see if you were still in my cave or not.’

Thus saying so, the fox hurried away, leaving the foolish old lion without any food, yet again!

Summary of The Talking Cave Story with Moral

The Talking Cave Short Story is the story of a grand old lion in the twilight years of his life. Not able to find food to eat, he decides to come up with a plan in order to obtain his next meal. That sees him waiting inside a cave, for his prey to saunter inside and present itself to him. While the idea in itself is quite brilliant, the lion stumbles in the end, by doing something entirely foolish. He falls for the trap set by the wily fox, by pretending to be the ‘cave that talks’!

Moral of The Talking Cave Story: Presence of Mind is essential, to safeguard oneself in the most tricky life situations.

The Talking Cave Story: Key Takeaways for Kids 9

There are some invaluable Life Lessons that can be learned by children vis a vis The Talking Cave Story. These are the following.

  • No matter how intelligent you might be, all it takes is ‘one slip’ that can very well lead to your downfall.
  • When presented with a tricky situation, take your time to dwell on the problem and come up with a practical solution.

The Talking Cave Short Story is a fine example of a story that teaches kids an important moral lesson. We at EuroKids encourage you to tell your children this story, to help prepare them well for the many tricky situations life might have in store for them!