
The Secret of The Rainbow Phoenix: A Magical Tale for Kids

‘There is a Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow’

Tell a little child that, and you will have them mesmerized. That is, after they have recovered from the mesmerizing sight of the Rainbow itself!

It’s true. For little children, the ‘Rainbow’ itself is the ‘Pot of Gold’! Imagine your child’s excitement, then, if you tell them that you have a cool Short Story about the Rainbow for them! Luckily for you, we at EuroKids are your source for that very story! In this article we have for you one of those Rainbow Magic Stories that never ceases to fascinate little children. After all, it’s a Magical Tale about something ‘Magical’ in the first place!

Join us, as we take you on a Magical Rainbow Journey, with the Rainbow Story with a Moral Lesson that you can narrate to your kids later. However, let’s first take a closer, ‘scientific’  look at Rainbows. Don’t worry, no amount  of ‘Science’ will ever diminish the ‘magic’ of that Rainbow in the Sky we all love so dearly!

Table of Contents

Decoding Rainbows: Understanding What Rainbows Are

We have all been fascinated at the sight of a Rainbow in the sky, but do we even know how it is ‘created’ in the first place?

A Rainbow is formed by Sunlight striking Droplets of Water. That is exactly how we get to see that magical, ‘Multicoloured Arc’ in the Sky.

Cool Fact: There is actually a precise angle (42 degrees) at which the sunlight must strike those water droplets, for the rainbow to appear in front of someone.

Note: The Rainbow is actually an ‘optical illusion’. It is caused by the ‘refraction’ and ‘reflection’ of light.

The following points explain how the rainbow is formed.

  • At first, the light that enters the water droplet is refracted.
  • Then, this refracted light is ‘reflected’ at the back of the water droplet.
  • As the reflected light leaves the droplet of water, it is yet again refracted, this time at multiple angles.

Bonus Fact: Nobody actually sees the ‘same’ Rainbow! Their different vantage points will have them see different ‘versions’ of it.

Rainbow Magic Stories: The Rainbow Story with a Moral Lesson

Once upon a time, in a town far, far away, there lived a little girl who was in love with the Rain. Every time the rain came, she would go wild with excitement. Dancing in the rain, she would stretch her arms out wide, close her eyes and thrust her tongue out, to have the water droplets fall on it. Why, she would even skip in the rain and splash about in puddles, so very fond of the Rain was she!

One such day, as the rain fell, a beautiful Rainbow appeared in the sky. The little girl, mesmerized, looked out for the proverbial ‘Pot of Gold’ she had been told existed at the end of every Rainbow. While she couldn’t see one, what she could discern were the bright ‘streaks’ of intense colours the Rainbow was composed of. Colours like Red, Yellow and Blue.

Enchanted at the sight, the young girl walked towards the rainbow, determined to find something ‘more’ behind it. As she moved closer to it, something ‘magical’ happened. Those enchanting ‘rays’ of the Rainbow miraculously arranged themselves into a Rainbow ‘Bridge’. The little girl needed no more encouragement. She hurried and made her way to the bridge. When she finally reached it, she suddenly vanished into it.

People in that town still speak of The Little Girl who loved the Rain. Legend has it that if you look carefully as the Sun is peeking out from behind the clouds, while that Magical Rainbow paints the Sky, you can see her. The little girl, who is giggling and dancing, just like she did all those years ago before she disappeared into the Rainbow Bridge.

It is believed that the Rainbow Bridge connects the Earth with Heaven. And if you want to see the little girl, all you have to do is ‘Look’!

Summary of the Short Story about the Rainbow

This is a tale of a young girl, who is not only in love with the Rain, but with Life itself! One day, as she is having a whale of a time in the rain, she is captivated by the sight of a magnificent Rainbow in the sky. Seeking the proverbial Pot of Gold, she moves closer to it. As fate has it, the Rainbow turns into a Bridge that the little girl finds herself vanish into. However, whenever people of the town see a rainbow, they can still see the little girl giggling and dancing.

Moral of the Story: When one Door closes, another opens.

Key Takeaways of the Short Story about the Rainbow

If there is anything that our children can learn from this Magical Short Story about the Rainbow, it’s the following.

  • Be so in Love with Life, that you don’t have to be scared of anything at all.
  • There is indeed a ‘Pot of Gold’ at the end of a Rainbow. What this means is, there is ‘Heaven’ after ‘Life on Earth’!

  The Rainbow Story with a Moral Lesson we have presented to you here, will surely have your kids fall even more in love with the Rainbow. We at EuroKids encourage you to narrate this, one of the most beautiful Rainbow Magic Stories, to your child today!