The Role of Parenting Styles in Child Psychology

The Role of Parenting Styles in Child Psychology

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The Internet is full of information on a lot of parenting styles. Different parenting styles have different approaches and different parenting style psychology. Parenting style and its effects can shape the entire future of a child. While on the one hand, some parenting styles and child development are directly linked, the other parenting styles are said to have induced effects on the personality of a person for a lifetime.

Many times due to the non-compatible parenting style, children grow up to an individual who still has unpacked trauma. They might be in denial, but their traits like always calculating the worst-case scenario, emphasizing more negative than positive, angriness turning into sadness, sudden bouts of anger and frustration, over-eating, inability to be vulnerable, etc., exist in the person in the form of unidentified trauma.

As parents, we do our best to understand our children’s individual needs and provide them with the environment and support they need to grow into happy, healthy adults. One of the most essential ways to do this is by understanding and embracing different parenting styles. Parenting styles and child development are strongly interrelated and can have a big impact on how our children grow mentally, emotionally, and socially. Let’s dive deep to find different types of parenting styles and their effects on child development.

We’ll also discuss how to identify what type of parenting style is best suited for your family and how to use it to create a nurturing environment for your child. By knowing the details of the parenting styles psychology, you can make sure you are providing your kid with the love and guidance they need for healthy growth.

Overview of Parenting Styles

As a parent, you want to raise your children in the best possible way—but how? Different theories of parenting styles and child development have come in the last few years, each one of which has its own unique set of advantages and disadvantages.

At their core, parenting styles and their effects can be divided into four major categories: authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and uninvolved.

  • Authoritative parenting is a style that has a balanced approach that combines warmth and responsiveness with expectations and limits. This style emphasizes communication, listening to the child’s feelings and concerns, providing explanations for why rules have been set, setting age-appropriate limits, following through on consequences when rules are broken, and offering plenty of love and support.
  • Authoritarian parenting involves high expectations for children to obey without explanation. Authoritarian parents use strict discipline techniques such as punishments or rewards to ensure that their children abide by these high expectations.
  • Permissive parenting is characterized by an indulgent attitude toward a child’s wants and needs. Permissive parents rarely set limits for their children; instead, these parents often give in rather than risk confrontation.
  • Lastly, uninvolved parenting is characterized by a lack of communication between parent and child as well as minimal demands placed on the child. Uninvolved parents aren’t necessarily neglectful; they may just be unaware or overwhelmed by the demands of being a parent.

Benefits and Downsides of the Authoritarian Model

One of the most extreme parenting styles psychology is authoritarian. This style of parenting is characterized by inflexible, strict rules and expectations, with little to no room for discussion or negotiation. Generally, these parents focus on maintaining high standards of obedience from their children and expect them to follow through without questioning the orders given to them.

In essence, this parenting style model encourages self-discipline in children as there are consequences for misbehavior, which may include punishment. It has been suggested that children raised in this model are more obedient, disciplined, and well-behaved than those raised in other models due to their fear of repercussions if they do not comply.

However, this style can also come with a few downsides. Studies have shown that children raised with an authoritarian style of parenting may be less sociable and less confident than their peers because they are not provided with an opportunity to think independently or have an open dialog about their opinions. Additionally, research has found that these children may be more prone to aggressive behavior due to feeling frustrated when they are not able to freely express themselves or seek approval from a parent.

Permissive Parenting Style Childs Development

When it comes to parenting styles, the permissive style can be particularly damaging to a child’s development. With this style, parents tend to give very little guidance, instead letting their children make their own decisions without any guidance or structure. This could lead to a lack of discipline and children feeling that their opinions are all that matters.

Permissive parenting can lead to many issues in the long term as it creates a lack of responsibility and independence in children. As such, this can lead to:

  • Children having difficulty making decisions and problem-solving
  • Higher levels of aggression
  • Lower self-esteem
  • Poor academic performance
  • Difficulty understanding limits
  • Poor social skills

These issues may stem from the fact that when children are overly indulged and allowed to do whatever they want with no restrictions or consequences, it makes them feel both powerful and entitled – two traits that may cause major problems in their later lives.

Using Positive Discipline Strategies for Raising Children

You have an opportunity to shape your child’s development and give them the tools they need to reach their potential by using positive discipline strategies. Positive discipline is focused on corrective actions that foster understanding and respect while also teaching the child appropriate behavior.

Positive strategies can include:

  • Providing verbal praise when your child behaves appropriately
  • Ensuring basic needs are met, such as food and sleep
  • Encouraging children to express their feelings
  • Offering clear expectations and consequences for inappropriate behavior
  • Providing a structure through routines and schedules
  • Listening to children’s views with respect
  • Being a role model for your children by demonstrating self-control and empathy.

By employing positive discipline strategies, parents can not only help develop the self-esteem of their children but also ensure that their development is well-rounded, with meaningful relationships with others, strong values and morals, and a good understanding of how to deal with difficult situations.


It’s clear that parenting styles can have a profound effect on the development of children, influencing everything from their behavior to emotional well-being. As parents, it’s important to be aware of how your style of parenting affects your child and to make conscious choices when it comes to interacting with them. Conclusively there is no one right way to be a good parent; different families have different needs and dynamics. But by being aware of the effect that different parenting styles can have, you can create an environment where everyone feels respected and secure. With this in mind, you can strive to become the loving, caring, empathetic, and supportive parent you can be for your child.

At Eurokids, we make sure that you, as a parent, learn about the most appropriate parenting style to help raise your kid into a magnificent individual. A preschool like Eurokids is the building block of your child’s overall personality. Contact us today to learn more about our programs and preschool admissions