
Colour Fest- Teaching Colours To Kindergarten Kids

“Learning about colours helps kids sort, organise, categorise, and compare objects. Early identification of colours helps children to create a cognitive link between visual clues and words. Learning to identify and describe colours improve the children’s ability to communicate and express themselves.”

–  Medha Saini, FirstCry Parenting

What’s a world without colour? The beauty of learning colours for kindergartners goes well beyond visually discriminating colours. It also serves as a stepping stone towards honing other skills like Math, Literacy, and Art. Namely, through the processes of sorting and graphing (for Math), reading colour words in sentences (Literacy) and identifying different colours (Art).

Basics to Introduce preschoolers into colour-learning in 3 Simple Steps

Here are some wonderful ways to ensure those colour identification skills in your children are as robust as can possibly be.

  1. Start simple
  2. You want to get your kids familiar with the commonest colours: red, blue, yellow and black. Simply point to items in the kitchen, like fruits or veggies, to help get those colours firmly ensconced in their minds. It is one of the primary steps to teaching colours to kindergarten kids.

  3. Use the power of association
  4. When teaching colours to kindergarten kids, you want to get them to recall things they have seen of late. For instance, when teaching them about the colour black, bring to their minds that noisy black crow they had seen on the windowsill only yesterday.

  5. Draw and identify
  6. Have children sketch anything they like, and then hand them, say, an orange crayon to fill it with colour. Now, you have to ask them what colour they have used to fill their sketch. You can design various colour activities for kindergarten kids to teach them about various hues.

10 Best Colour Activities for Kindergarten

Here are some really cool colour activities that will help children garner a better appreciation and understanding of colour.

  1. I-Spy
  2. Teaching colours to children was never more fun. You can do this one any time of the day. It is also one of the fun colour activities for kindergarten kids.

    How: One person (perhaps you) is designated ‘The Spy’. Looking around the room, they say ‘I spy with my little eye, something with the colour (choose colour of object in mind, like red or yellow). Your child has to guess the object in the room correlating to the one in your mind. If guessed right, they get to be the next ‘spy’.

  3. Multicoloured Car Park
  4. A multicoloured car park is so much more fun than a black-and-white one! One of the more fun colour activities for kindergarten children.

    How: Get those model cars out of the cupboard. On a large piece of cardboard, sketch parking spots in different colours that your child has to then park the corresponding colours of cars into.

  5. Colour Scavenger Hunt
  6. Colour scavenger hunt is one of the adventurous ways to teach colour lessons for kindergarten kids. Getting kids to hunt for colours? Teaching colours was never simpler.

    How: Take differently coloured slips of paper and hand the children a different colour each. They must go around the room and stop beside an object of their slip colour, and bring it to you. At the end of the game, the slips are mixed and the kids each get a new colour to hunt for.

  7. Drawing The Colour Game
  8. Colour activities for kindergarten that help kids show off their drawing skills? Bring them on, they will say! Drawing the colour game is one of the best colour lessons for kindergarten children.

    How: Give your child a large sheet of paper and some crayons. Then, tell them to draw a ‘yellow’ sun, a ‘blue’ river and other things that generally catch their fancy.

  9. Colour Sorting
  10. Kids love to sort things, and sorting by colour can be especially stimulating to them. One of the most effective ways of teaching colours to children and also an interesting colour lesson for kindergarten kids.

    How: Toss objects of various colours, like buttons, erasers, pencils, etc., in a plastic container. Ask your children to sort them colour wise.

    Tip: You can make this game even more interesting by asking them how many colours of each object there are. That will surely give a boost to those emerging Maths skills.

  11. Colour Call Out
  12. Colour recognition activities are fun when you rely on your memory. This one’s a fun challenge for kids. It is also an interesting teaching colours activities for children.

    Note: You need a few children for this game, to make it even more fun.

    How: Have the children stand in a circle. One child will call out the name of a colour, and the child to the left of him has to identify an object in the real world corresponding to that colour. Then, all the children have to spell the colour called out. After that, the child who has identified an object with the colour called out, calls out the next colour.

  13. How many Cars?
  14. Teaching colours to kids is simple and loads of fun, while on the move! It is a fun teaching colours activities for kids.

    How: In your moving car, have children identify how many cars go by of a particular colour. This one’s great for boosting counting skills, too.

    Tip: Make this game super fun by throwing in a challenge like needing to spot 15 white cars before you reach your destination.

  15. Playdough Colour Shapes
  16. Playdough is something your kids will never tire of. It also forms the perfect platform for a cool ‘fun with colours’ activity. It is also one of the amusing teaching colour activities for children.

    How: Get playdough in as many different colours as you possibly can. Let your child’s imagination go wild through creating different shapes with each colour.

  17. Image Hunt in Illustrated Books
  18. Image hunt in illustrated books is one of the engaging colour recognition activities for kids. Teaching colours through the use of wonderfully illustrated books for children, makes for a visual feast for your kids.

    How: Take a book that is packed with loads of lovely illustrations and have your child identify, say, all the red images in it. You can ask them to keep a count of these, too, to polish those counting skills.

    Note: You can use a magazine, too, if you don’t have a book lying at home. As long as it has some really colourful pictures!

  19. The Colour Stand Up and Jump Game
  20. Kids love jumping. Here’s a really cool activity that will help them learn, while having a gala time jumping. It is one of the amazing colour recognition activities for kids.

    How: Give children papers of different colours and have them sit in a line. Then, when you call out the name of the colour they are holding, they must stand up and jump before sitting down again.

    Tip: You can start out slow, and gradually up the tempo.

    Are you ready to embark on a journey of colour exploration with your kids?


Teaching kids about colours is a fun and exciting way to introduce them to the world’s wonders. Each object of nature that humans make has different colours. Colour identification is crucial in all walks of life. The word ‘colour’ itself means joyful, and we thought of introducing meaningful and fun ways to teach colours to your little ones. This article has suggested ten activities that can make colour learning fun for your kids.

The learning of colours is an important milestone in the development of young children, and a good reflection of their cognitive understanding. Use the activities essayed here, to help them develop their visual perception through a fine understanding of colours.

Which of these activities are you going to try to create a colourful journey for your children?

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