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Signs and Prevention of Overfeeding in Babies

‘What’s all the Fuss about?’

Turns out there’s ‘Plenty’, when the subject is our ‘Babies!’

It’s true. We spend so much time fussing over ‘Feeding’ our Babies, the last thing that crosses our minds is the thought that we might, in fact, be ‘Overfeeding Them’!

Do you find yourself in the same situation? Do you, like pretty much every Indian parent out there, fuss more than you ordinarily should over your Baby? Luckily for you,in this article you will learn all there is to know about Overfeeding Babies, and more. From recognizing the Signs of Overfeeding Breastfed Baby, to understanding the hazardous Effect of Overfeeding, we have it all covered here.

Read on, to learn all there is to know about how to ‘Selectively Fuss’ over your little one. The objective being, of course, that you never end up Overfeeding them!

Table of Contents

Overfeeding Babies: Breastfed Babies vs Bottle Fed Babies

The issue of Overfeeding Babies marks a potential threat to All Babies, irrespective of whether they are breast- or bottle-fed!

That being said, more attention is given to babies who are bottle-fed. That is, of course, because one can actually ‘see’ the amount of Milk that goes into a bottle that you feed your Baby. Just like a mother follows her instincts when it comes to breastfeeding her baby, it’s perfectly all right for Baby to not finish that bottle of milk, as long as Mama thinks they’ve had enough!

Of course, by the same logic, mothers who are breastfeeding should also watch out for the potential signs that indicate that their child is full. What are those signs, exactly? Hop on to the next section, to find out just that.

Recognizing the Signs of Overfeeding Breastfed Baby

Looking at How to Stop Overfeeding a Baby? First, you need to recognize the Signs of Overfeeding a Breastfed Baby!

Luckily for us, babies give their parents the following vital ‘cues’, that help them determine exactly how much their baby has had to eat.

  1. Longer Pauses between Feeds
  2. A baby that is on the verge of getting full, will take longer ‘pauses’ between feeds.,

  3. Turning away from the Breast or Bottle
  4. If there ever were a clear indication that Baby we’re getting full, then this would be it!

The Effect of Overfeeding Baby

There are some symptoms that your Baby will display, when they have had too much to eat. To that ‘effect’, you want to look out for the following Overfeeding ‘Effects’!

  1. They Regurgitate Milk
  2. This only happens, as a case of Baby’s stomach being extended far too much for comfort.

  3. Constant Belching
  4. All that swallowing of air that happens when they are feeding too much, is responsible for this unwanted symptom.

  5. Flatulence and foul-smelling stools
  6. Note: In the case of Baby being fed breast milk, these stools might be ‘liquidy’ and ‘explosive’ in nature.

  7. Choking Hazard
  8. Yes, this scary symptom can present itself at times, when you overfeed Baby!

  9. Spitting after they Feed
  10. If they have had too much to eat, they will have the tendency to spit it out.

    Note: That ‘spitting reaction’ is not the best possible indicator of Baby being overfull, as it is otherwise a pretty ‘typical’ baby reflex.

How to Stop Overfeeding Baby

There are certain things you can do to ensure Baby is never overfed!!

  1. Ensure they are not Feeding too ‘Fast’
  2. After all, how is your baby to know the pace at which they should sip that milk?

    Tip: To fix this problem, try using a ‘slow’ nipple.

  3. Watch those Cues
  4. Needless to say, if you pay heed to those vital cues we touched upon earlier, you will ensure that Baby never eats more than they need to.

  5. Satisfy that ‘Sucking’ Impulse
  6. Plenty of times, you will see that your baby merely wants to ‘suck’ on something, rather than ‘feed’.

    Tip: You might want to give them a pacifier, to satisfy their sucking impulse. If you’re worried they might not be eating enough, relax. They will make it pretty evident to you, when they want to be fed!

  7. They fall asleep after they have had their feed
  8. When they do this, you want to gently kiss them and whisper ‘Sweet Dreams’. In all probability, sleeping after feeding is an indication that they have had enough.

As Indian parents, we need to be a tad more Mindful, when it comes to feeding our Babies. After all, Indian Culture is inextricably linked with plenty of ‘Feeding’! Follow the tips outlined in this article, to ensure Baby is always fed ‘enough’, never ‘more’!