
Quick and Easy Immune-Boosting Smoothies for Kids on Sick Days

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Boost Your Child’s Immune System with Healthy Smoothie Recipes

  Where little children are concerned, that ‘season of sniffles and sore throats’ is more or less perennial. The worst thing is, they are always touching everything and putting their hands into their mouths. Needless to add, getting them to wash their hands can be something of a task.

What better way to boost their immune systems, than by whipping up some delicious smoothies for kids?

You will find in this article, a list of healthy smoothie recipes for immune boosting. Consider these as the proverbial ‘tricks up your sleeve’, to get your children back on track when recovering from an infection, and also keeping future infections at bay.

Quick and Easy Immune Boosting Smoothie Recipes for Sick Kids

If you’re looking for healthy smoothie recipes for immune boosting, you’ve come to the right place. Our list of smoothie recipes will give you plenty of choices, to brighten your child’s day in bed. And help get them out of it, too!

#1. Blueberry Orange Immune Boosting Smoothie

When you couple the King of Antioxidants (Blueberries) along with a fruit that’s loaded with vitamins (Orange), you get the perfect Immune Boosting Smoothie for your toddler.


  • ½ cup blueberries
  • 1 Orange (with the rind removed)
  • 1 cup Spinach
  • 1 cup Milk


Put the ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth. Tip: You might want to add ice before blending, to make for a ‘thicker’ smoothie.

Health X-Factors: Blueberries contain flavonoids, that are a type of antioxidant that can help reduce damage to cells and boost your immune system. Apart from being packed with vitamins, that orange is also laced with minerals and phytonutrients that help boost immunity. As far as spinach goes, it is rich in vitamins A, C and folate, all of which help boost immunity.

#2. Red Antiviral, Antibacterial Smoothie

Bananas make for the perfect snack before lunchtime, or even bedtime. Smoothies for kids with bananas, then, make for the perfect choice to not only cool off, but also flush out those terrible germs that are wreaking havoc on the health of our kids.


  • ½ cup raspberries
  • 7 strawberries
  • ½ cup banana
  • ½ cup organic apple juice


Blend until smooth, before serving.

Health X-Factors: The raspberries in this wonderful smoothie help expel mucus, phlegm and toxins. The strawberries have antibacterial and antiviral properties, while the banana makes for a natural antibiotic that helps promote sleep. As for that apple juice? It’s great for child gut health and removing unwanted toxins!

#3. Sick Day Immunity Powder Smoothie

When looking for healthy smoothie options, you might wish to consider using an immunity powder for smoothies. A good choice would be the immunity boosting powder from Two Brothers Organic Farms. This one is recommended by award-winning holistic nutritionist Luke Coutinho, and is appropriate across all age ranges.

The powder is packed with spices like turmeric, cumin and cardamom. Along with dry ginger, black pepper and whole coriander seeds that have been ground together, they make for a potent mix. That ‘slow roasting’ over firewood ensures that the nutrients haven’t been damaged. Now, off to make that ‘Super Smoothie’!


  • ½ cup banana
  • ½ cup milk
  • 2 cups spinach
  • 1 scoop Two Brothers Organic Farms Immunity Powder
  • 1 cup frozen berries


You want to blend the first 4 ingredients until they are completely liquefied. Then, add berries, blend once again, and serve.

Health X-Factors: The anti-inflammatory and digestive properties of this powder, make it ideal for the gut, where all food absorption and assimilation happens. Using this immunity powder for smoothies, then, becomes a truly great option.

#4. Green Toxin-Removing Smoothie

You know what they say about ‘getting all your greens’, right? Not so easy with kids, apart from where it comes to those greens finding their way into a smoothie!


  • 1 whole kiwi
  • 1 whole green apple
  • ½ avocado
  • ½ cup organic almond milk


Put all the ingredients into that blender and let it swirl to create a lovely green blend.

Health X-Factors: Did you know that the kiwi fruit actually stimulates immune cells to fight infections? The green apple removes toxins, and is also great for gut bacteria health. That avocado is loaded with essential vitamins, besides being packed with phosphorus, copper and potassium. Last but not the least, that almond milk contains zinc that helps fight viruses, and vitamin E that protects against toxins.

#5. Cold Buster Smoothie for Kids

Looking for a smoothie that can make great popsicles, too? Apart from being one that is loaded with electrolytes, natural probiotics and vitamin C, that is.


  • A combination of 4 fruits – orange, banana, pineapple and mango
  • Coconut Water
  • Plain Greek Yogurt
  • Honey


Blend on high for 1or 2 minutes, until creamy. To make those popsicles, pour the smoothie into popsicle moulds. Then freeze the popsicles for at least 4 hours or until solid all the way through.

Tip: You might wish to save those popsicles for days when your child is feeling better.

Health X-Factors: This one’s a ‘cocktail’ of fruits, that serves to provide children with all the vitamins they need. Apart from that, the coconut water is full of electrolytes and is great for hydration, besides packing in a good amount of antioxidants. That plain Greek Yogurt? It’s one of the best sources of probiotics that will help in your child’s digestion. As far as that honey goes, it helps soothe sore throats and in guarding against illnesses.

Note: When selecting a brand of honey, you might wish to opt in for one that is local, and raw.

At EuroKids we believe that healthy bodies make for healthy minds. To that effect, you might wish to save these delicious and healthy smoothie recipes, for those ‘sick days’ when your little one is in bed. The really great thing is, unlike juicing, blending fruits and vegetables into a smoothie retains the whole food, leaving the fiber intact. Time to get that blender whirring with the right ingredients, to bolster your child’s immunity.