
Preschool Math Games for Group Play and Cooperation

Learning indeed takes place during all stages of life. However, learning for preschoolers is extremely crucial as it lays a strong foundation for facilitating further learning. Learning may not always be fun which is why most pre-schools are adopting innovative and engaging teaching-learning programs to yield quick yet effective results. Learning through the use of visual, and auditory aids and even simple games has now become the go-to method adopted by most pre-schools. One of the best ways to develop a keen interest and desire for learning mathematics in children is through the use of preschool math games. Math games can be a lot of fun if conducted in the right manner and at the right time. These games are interactive, involving minimal use of aids and even encourage the development of motor skills in children.

Need And Importance Of Play In Learning

Play is an important part of every child’s life, especially when it comes to preschoolers. Including play in the educational journey of a child’s life stimulates the body and mind. It also provides kids with a hands-on experience and satiates their innate desire to explore and learn from their immediate surroundings. Through the simple act of playing, a child can imbibe values and learn other skills, including problem-solving, critical thinking and a deep understanding of the key concepts of mathematics. Now that you have an idea of why play is important in the life of a child’s educational journey, it’s time to delve deeper and focus on preschool math games that work.

The Most Effective Preschool Maths Games For Group Play and Cooperation

  1. Snowball
  2. This is a simple yet highly effective group math game that requires at least six to twelve children. The idea behind it is simple. Each piece of paper has a matching part. For instance, if a square is drawn on one piece of paper, it is also drawn on another piece of paper so the kids can match it by themselves. If six children are playing the game, you will need twelve pieces of paper. Once the children have drawn the shapes or numbers on the pieces of paper, the teacher or guardian can replicate the same. The pieces of paper are then crumpled up into a snowball and thrown on the ground. Once all the snowballs are on the ground, the children must pick up only one and match it with the same shape or number on the other piece of paper. This exercise encourages little ones to learn shapes, numbers, letters and alphabets.

  3. Math Relay Race
  4. The primary goal of this game is to reinforce counting and teamwork. Instead of passing a baton as in a usual relay, set up a few math problems at each station. Only on successful completion of the maths problems will the child be able to tag their partner to run and solve the next problem awaiting them at the next station or checkpoint. This game combines physical activity with cognitive development.

  5. Number Jump
  6. This is by far one of the simplest and most captivating math games for pre-schoolers. All you need is a marker or some paint to draw numbers on the field. Line up the participants and assign each a number. As their numbers are called out, they will jump to where the number is marked on the field. This is geared towards developing motor skills and number recognition.

  7. Counting Circles
  8. Gather all kids from the classroom to form a circle. Once the circle is large enough, introduce a softball into the mix. Now, you might be wondering what purpose the softball serves. Well, if you are, it serves a dual purpose of engaging motor skills in preschoolers while also being a primary teaching aid to teach them how to count. The ball can be passed from one child to another and as each one catches the ball, he or she is required to call out their number in sequence . Moreover, it is a safe activity that can be conducted with minimal effort and cost, both inside and outside the classroom.

  9. Math Storytelling
  10. As the name implies, it suggests exactly what it means. In this group math activity, the teacher begins by stating a mathematical concept. After this, students have to interpret it and create a story surrounding it, with each student in the classroom contributing to the story. This ingenious method makes learning mathematical concepts and formulas fun as it involves using the storytelling technique. It also stimulates creativity and opens up their minds to asking questions regarding mathematical concepts.

  11. Pass The Potato
  12. This game bears an uncanny resemblance to a game known as Passing the Parcel. However, it has a twist as it involves a potato and builds a pre-schooler’s counting skills. At the start of the game, each student is assigned a number in chronological order. Once that is done, music is played. As one passes the potato, they call out a number and the teacher or guide stops the music at random. The person who is caught with the potato is asked to sit outside the group. The game continues in this fashion till the music stops and there’s only one kid left.

  13. Maths Memory Game
  14. This is perhaps one of the most mentally stimulating games out of all the math games for preschoolers on our list for today. It requires no additional equipment and can be conducted either inside or outside the classroom. During this game, the teacher calls out the name of a shape. Once the first student hears it, he repeats it. The teacher then proceeds to call out another shape or a numeral. The second student will have to remember both and repeat them. This goes on until a student is unable to repeat the entire list in chronological order.

Here at Eurokids, we focus on a preschool math curriculum that is not only conducive to every learner but also incorporates various faculties of a child. A blending together of mental as well as physical activity is desirable for every young learner. The best way of achieving this is by incorporating play into the teaching-learning process. Group math games have been made a mandatory part of the curriculum to facilitate cognitive growth alongside the growth of motor skills and various other life skills. If you want to learn more about how to teach your preschooler or what is the best kind of diet for them, be sure to visit our blog or head down to our nearest center.