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Overview of the Polio Vaccine_ Purpose, Dosage, and Side Effects

Envisage a township situated in rural India where children are playing cheerfully in the fields and families are thriving in close-knit communities. In one such village, there appears little Rohan, who is only five years of age, suddenly becomes sick with high fever, muscle weakness, and extreme fatigue. His parents, being anxious and helpless at the same time, rush him to the nearest clinic. After several tests have been done by doctors there, a doctor comes up with their worst fear – polio has attacked Rohan’s body. It’s not just a story but an example that shows how important the polio vaccine is.
Let us address some of the important facets of Polio, like what is polio vaccine, the importance of polio vaccine, the correct age to administer it, its uses, some side effects etc…

Table Of Contents:

  1. What is Polio Vaccine?
  2. The Importance of Polio Vaccine
  3. Types of Polio Vaccines
  4. Polio Vaccine Side effects
  5. Sources

What is Polio Vaccine?

Poliomyelitis (polio) is an acute viral infectious disease mainly affecting children under five years old that leads to permanent paralysis or death among 1-2 out of every 200 infected people worldwide; it spreads person-to-person contact through faecal-oral route typically by contaminated water supplies but can also be transmitted food handlers with poor hygiene practices like not washing hands after using toilet facilities before preparing meals etcetera… The poliovirus invades the nervous system, where it multiplies rapidly and then travels along nerves, causing damage, especially those controlling muscles needed for breathing, swallowing, walking, etcetera…

The Importance of Polio Vaccine

The importance of having polio vaccination cannot be overemphasised since, until now, this deadly virus still threatens many lives globally, most especially among young ones. Prior to vaccine discovery, poliomyelitis was, therefore, one of the most feared diseases all over the world, including India, where immunisation campaigns are widespread today due to its devastating effects on public health as well as socio-economic development within different societies. As of now, great strides have been made towards eradication thanks largely to vaccines like these, which were successful in reducing cases drastically, thus bringing us closer than ever before towards total elimination once and for all times from our planet Earth itself!!! So you see how vital is Polio Vaccine?

Types of Polio Vaccines

There are two types of polio vaccines –

Oral Polio Vaccine

Inactivated Polio Vaccine

Oral Polio Vaccine: It is a live, weakened form of the poliovirus that can be taken through the mouth. This makes distribution easier, especially during mass immunisation campaigns, when many people need protection quickly. OPV works best in areas with still active transmission because even though attenuated viruses may revert back to wild-type virulence, they rarely cause disease among immune individuals who have already been vaccinated or previously infected, thus preventing further spread.

Inactivated Polio Vaccine: IPV contains a killed virus that cannot cause any infection but still prompts an immune response, just like when someone gets sick from natural exposure. This vaccine is given by injection into the muscle, so its effect lasts longer than those given beneath the skin; therefore, one dose should be enough for life-long immunity against all three types of wild polioviruses irrespective of whether they belong to vaccine-derived strains or not!!! The risk associated with IPV includes pain at the site where the needle was inserted, fever, etcetera.

This itinerary guarantees the right protection in the necessary intervals of age, and greatly reduces chances to be infected by polio.

Polio Vaccine Side effects

Just like any other medical treatment, the polio vaccine may have side effects but they are usually mild and temporary. Knowing polio vaccine aftereffects addresses concerns and ensures that many people accept its usage.

Mild Reactions:

In OPV: Slight fever, fatigue and irritability are common. Some children might experience mild GI (gastrointestinal) symptoms such as nausea or diarrhoea.

In IPV: Pain at the injection site, slight fever, and fatigue are the most common side effects.

Rare yet Serious Reactions:

With OPV: In very few cases, OPV can cause vaccine-derived poliovirus (VDPV), which leads to symptoms similar to those caused by polio.

With IPV: Severe allergic reactions are extremely rare, but they can happen.

But for these side effects, Polio Vaccine is good far more than bad. Continued use of both OPV and IPV is essential in eradicating Poliomyelitis.


The Polio vaccine has revolutionised global health, especially in countries like India. Understanding what a Polio Vaccine is, appreciating its significance as well as following recommended Polio Vaccine Age and Dosage schedules will shield our future generations from this crippling ailment. Being aware of the uses of Oral Live Attenuated Poliovirus Vaccines (OPVs), together with their potential side effects, also heightens our commitment to realising a world free from Wild Polioviruses (WPVs).

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Poliomyelitis (polio) (who.int)
Polio Vaccination | CDC