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Not in a Pickle: Benefits and Considerations of Pickles for Babies

Do you find yourself ‘In a Pickle’, when thinking of what solid food you might introduce your little one to?

Don’t worry, just give them ‘Grandma’s Pickle!’ Thanks to their many wonderful Benefits, You’re certainly ‘Not in a Pickle’, if you do!

It’s true. That legacy of grandmothers, that has been passed down generations, is certainly one your baby can benefit from. That too, especially when they are starting solid foods for the first time.

Luckily for you, in this article we have compiled a plethora of information pertaining to Pickles for Babies. This not only entails a close look at Pickle Nutrition, but also a foray into the Benefits of Pickles and even, the Types of Pickles! Read on, to find out ‘When Babies Can Eat Pickles’, and a whole lot more!

Table of Contents

When Babies Can Eat Pickles: Introducing Pickles to your Baby’s Diet

If you’ve been wondering ‘When Can Babies Eat Pickles?’, you will be relieved to hear that you can give them to your baby when they are as young as 6 months old! That is, when they are able to start eating solid foods in general. Nevertheless, it would be a good idea to consult your pediatrician, to get that coveted ‘green signal’.

That being said, one must keep the following Considerations in mind, when feeding pickles to their baby.

  1. Preferably feed them Homemade Pickles
  2. You’d ideally not want to start a baby on food laden with ‘preservatives’! That’s exactly why Grandma’s homemade pickle recipe is best for them!

  3. Feed them Small Quantities
  4. After all, pickles are not your regular type of food! That being said,you want to feed them pickles only ‘on occasion’.

  5. Keep a check on that ‘Sodium’ Content
  6. Have you ever had a pickle that’s not salty? Pickles are generally high in sodium, so it’s best you give your baby one that’s relatively lower in salt.

  7. Always Supervise them when they eat pickles
  8. Even though it’s not something that will ordinarily come to pass, eating pickles might just pose a choking hazard to babies. Which is why you need to be especially vigilant while feeding them pickles.

The Benefits of Eating Pickles for your Baby

There’s far more Benefits of Eating Pickles for your Baby, than merely providing that ‘explosion of flavour’ to their taste buds!

  1. A Great Teething Snack
  2. Ensure that those ‘Teething Problems’ are merely ‘Teething Issues’! When you give them those pickles to ‘chew’, your baby’s ‘teething gums’ are relieved by a cooling sensation.

    Cool Fact: Even a mere couple of bites of that pickle, are sufficient to relieve Baby of those troublesome teething symptoms.

  3. Great for Gut Health
  4. If there is one thing that we know about pickles, it is this: They are great for your gut! If you’re looking for a food that will help with Baby’s Digestion, this one’s certainly it.

    Cool Fact: This is because pickles are packed with ‘Probiotic’ Bacteria that are responsible for boosting gut health.

    Note: It’s only pickles that contain ‘salt’ and not ‘vinegar’, that have those probiotic properties.

  5. A Boost to Immunity
  6. When your baby is small, you are especially concerned about keeping them safe from all types of Infection. Luckily, the Immunity-Boosting powers of Pickles come in handy here.

Pickle Nutrition: All that’s Packed into a Pickle

The following list of Nutrients in pickles will further reinforce in you the belief that Pickles are great for Baby!

Presenting a list of nutrients that can be found in a single Dill Pickle.

  • Vitamin K – great for healthy bones and teeth.
  • Potassium – necessary for the optimal functioning of nerves.
  • Vitamin C – the essential antioxidant that prevents cellular damage
  • Vitamin A – great for bolstering vision.
  • Calcium – once again, great for strengthening bones and teeth!

Types of Pickles: Choosing the Right Pickle for Baby

In India, we boast of a wide array of pickles. Indeed, a grand selection of pickles that stems from the ‘diversity’ of the different ‘cultures’ our country encompasses.

Presenting a couple of great Mouth-Watering Pickles you can start Baby on!

  1. Mango Pickles
  2. Know anyone out there who isn’t fond of ‘Aam ka Achar?’

    Key Features: Its unique ‘fruity, spicy and sour’ taste.

    Cool Fact: Even though it’s usually made in the summer months, mango pickle can be consumed all year round if preserved properly.

  3. Lemon Pickle
  4. More commonly known as ‘Nimbu ka Aachar’, this one’s one of the more preferred Indian pickles.

    Key Features: Its irresistible ‘sweet and sour’ taste.

    Cool Fact: This one goes best with that beloved Aloo Paratha!

Consumed in small quantities, Pickles for Kids are certainly a great option when it comes to ‘spicing’ things up vis a vis Baby’s Diet. Introduce Pickles to your Baby, and give them their very first brush with ‘Flavour’!