
Vegetables to avoid this Monsoon Season

Don’t go out in the rain! You’ll fall sick!’

Said every mother to their child, who was all too eager to get wet in those first rains’ of the monsoon season. However, have you ever heard a mother say the following to her child:

Don’t eat those Veggies! You’ll fall sick!’?

It’s true. Every mother wants their child to eat plenty of vegetables. That being said, the monsoon brings with it a plethora of contaminated vegetables. Why this sudden spurt in bacterial infections in the monsoon season? The answer is simple. It’s the temperature and humidity during this time that are extremely conducive for bacteria to thrive in, leading to the rampant Contamination of Vegetables. Luckily for you, we at Eurokids have compiled a list of all the vegetables you don’t wish to have your kids eat, this monsoon season. Here you will find all the Leafy Vegetables and Root Vegetables in the rainy season you need to avoid, on account of that unwanted Bacterial Growth.

 Time to get that menu right, and make better choices at the supermarket, after crossing the names of the following Vegetables to avoid consuming this Monsoon.’

Table of Contents:

Top 10 Vegetables to Avoid in the Monsoon Season

You need to refrain from having the following vegetables this monsoon season, if you want to avoid those bacterial infections and stay hale and hearty!

  1. Leafy Green Vegetables
  2. You need to stay away from those leafy vegetables in the rainy season. The very vegetables you are told to eat more of, under ordinary circumstances.

    Why: Did you know, the growth of crops is severely affected by the rains? There is a high probability of those vegetables being affected by all sorts of diseases. Diseases, you don’t want trickling down to your plate!

    Green leafy vegetables to avoid: Spinach, Cabbage

  3. Cruciferous Vegetables
  4. This family of vegetables is characterized by crevices’ on the surface of the vegetables, that make it all the easier for moisture to slip in. Needless to say, that only increases the probability of Bacterial Growth.

    Cruciferous vegetables to avoid: Cauliflower, Broccoli

  5. Pre-Cut Salads
  6. If you’ve been gorging on salads lately in an attempt to lose weight, you might wish to cut back this monsoon season. The reason being, freshly cut salads are easily susceptible to being contaminated by bacteria and other pests. That’s largely on account of their raw’ nature, of course. When we talk food poisoning’, there’s a high probability it came from eating a salad!

  7. Mushrooms
  8. All of us like some mushrooms in our diet from time to time. However, you need to know that they are highly perishable, and certainly one of those Vegetables in the Monsoon Season you need to avoid.

  9. Root vegetables
  10. Sometimes, the root’ of the problem might lie in those Root Vegetables’ we consume ever so often. When we speak of the Contamination of Vegetables, these might be the prime culprits. The reason is pretty obvious. Because they are in the soil, they tend to absorb more moisture!

    Root vegetables to avoid: Carrots, radishes, turnips.

  11. Eggplant
  12. Interestingly, this vegetable most of us love, should be avoided in the monsoon season for a not-so-obvious reason. That’s because they produce toxic chemicals called alkaloids, whose prime function is keeping pests at bay. The last thing you want is to develop an alkaloid allergy’ that is characterized by hives and nausea!

  13. Raw Sprouts
  14. These might even be added to that salad’ we talked about earlier. However,

    They are often eaten all by themselves, which is why they merit a special section here. Again, these are eaten raw, so you want to steer clear of them to avoid any kind of Bacterial Growth therein.

  15. Herbs
  16. Indian cooking employs the use of plenty of spices, but also a lot of herbs. The thing is, herbs grow close to the ground. This makes it all the easier for them to get contaminated by the bacteria in the moist soil.

    Herbs to avoid: Coriander, Mint.

  17. Bell Peppers
  18. Once again, these are generally consumed raw, so they are certainly amongst the vegetables in the rainy season that you need to avoid. Furthermore, they are also extremely chilly’, which can cause an increase in our acidity levels.

  19. Corn
  20. Who doesn’t like some good old bhutta’ in the rain? While we might love to go for a drive in the rains and eat this delicious treat, it’s advisable to stay away from it. That’s on account of its starchy’ nature, leading it to absorb more moisture than natural, and becoming susceptible to bacterial growth.

Vegetables to Eat: Saying Yes’ to these Vegetables in the Monsoon Season

If you’re avoiding all the vegetables outlined above, it’s only natural to ask, What vegetables can I eat? The good news is, there’s plenty of healthy’ veggies you can eat this monsoon season, like the following.

  1. Bitter Gourd (Karela)
  2. Did you know, this veggie actually kills the worms and parasites that are rampant in the monsoon season? It might be a tad bitter’, but there’s no denying its positive effects on our health.

  3. Tinda (Indian squash)
  4. If you’re looking to boost your immunity, look no further! Have a generous serving of Tinda Ki Sabzi, that will safeguard your health with its antioxidative properties.

  5. Bhindi (Okra)
  6. If you’re looking for a vegetable that is not only healthy but also comes with fewer calories, Okra makes for the perfect choice! Bhindi ki Sabzi, anyone?

  7. Lauki (Bottle gourd)
  8. This wonder vegetable is known for its miraculous effects against several monsoon-borne illnesses. Want to keep that fever and cough at bay this monsoon? Have some good old Lauki!

     You are what you eat’, they say. The next time you’re at the market, skip all the vegetables in the No’ List above, and say Yes’ to those in the other list instead. At EuroKids we believe in making the right choices where it comes to what we eat. This monsoon, eat right and stay healthy!