
National Engineers Day: History and Significance

‘Doctor or Engineer’

Two of the professions, that were erstwhile held in an exalted position by most of Society, our parents included!

The rapid rise in Technology has given birth to a plethora of opportunities in todays’ day and age. So much so, that the terms ‘Doctor’ and ‘Engineer’ might appear to have taken a back seat. Well, not quite! The contributions of Engineers to Indian Society is unparalleled. Hence, the need for a day to celebrate Engineers in our country!

We at EuroKids proudly present to you all the information you need to know about National Engineers’ Day. From taking a look at the Importance of Engineers’ Day, to discovering Why Engineers’ Day is celebrated, we have all the relevant information pertaining to National Engineers’ Day, and more!

Ready to learn all About Engineers’ Day? Start your journey, with a look at the answer to the question that’s in all probability at the tip of your tongue already: When Is Engineers’ Day? The answer is, it’s on the 15th of September 2024! Now that’s out of the way, let’s take a brief look at the History of National Engineers’ Day.

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National Engineers’ Day: A Brief History 

National Engineers’ Day, or Visvesvaraya Jayanti, is celebrated to commemorate the birth anniversary of Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya.

Needless to say, Visvesaraya was one of the greatest engineers India has ever seen. Best known for his work on irrigation projects like the Khadakwasla dam in Pune, he was also instrumental in the establishment of the Bangalore Engineering College.

Cool Fact: The great thing about Visvesvaraya, was that he was not just an ‘engineer’, but a ‘visionary’, too. That is why, every year, on the anniversary of his birth that is September the 15th, we celebrate National Engineers’ Day in his honor.

The Importance of Engineers’ Day: Why Engineers’ Day is Celebrated

We know When is Engineers’ Day, but why exactly is it celebrated?

National Engineers’ Day holds a great significance to the people of our country. The following are reasons that best illustrate the Importance of National Engineers’ Day.

  1. A Day to celebrate Engineers in General
  2. Perhaps the most important reason of all, this is a day to celebrate all the Engineers in our country, and their remarkable work and achievements. For instance, the Civil Engineers who are responsible for building dams and bridges. Apart from them, we must of course celebrate our Software Engineers, who are responsible for changing the way we think and live!

  3. To encourage the Youth
  4. Apart from motivating engineers in the country, National Engineers’ Day also marks the perfect time to motivate the youth of the country to take up this exemplary field.

  5. Honouring Sir Visvesvaraya
  6. There’s a reason this day is also called Visvesaraya Jayanti, after all! At the heart of this day, is the rich ‘legacy’ that has been passed down by ‘Sir MV’, as Visvesvaraya is popularly known as. We must learn from him that engineers are more than just ‘people who solve problems’. Rather, they are ‘builders of the nation’!

About Engineers’ Day: Learning How it is Celebrated

While the theme for National Engineers’ Day for the year 2024 is yet to be announced, we know well by now how this memorable occasion is celebrated each year.

Presenting some of the important Activities that are conducted on the occasion of National Engineers’ Day.

  • Engineering institutions and even companies, organize events like ‘quizzes’ on this day. Of course, they are all related to the subject of engineering! The primary purpose of these events is to highlight the ‘engineering prowess’ of the students and professionals.
  • Note: Apart from these events, there are even important ‘seminars’ and ‘workshops’ that are organized on this day.

  • The felicitation of outstanding engineers for their contributions to the field of Engineering.
  • The publishing of articles and books on the theme of Engineering.
  • Last but not the least, showing a sense of appreciation for all the Engineers who have made such a positive impact on our lives.

More About Engineers’ Day: National Engineering Day Quotes

The Importance of Engineers’ Day cannot be overstated. Looking for some more inspiration, to help you celebrate National Engineers’ Day with a sense of gusto? The following quotes might help!

  • ‘Engineers like to solve problems. If there are no handily available problems, they will create their own problems.’ – Scott Adams
  • ‘Science is discovering the essential truths about what exists in the Universe, engineering is about creating things that never existed.’ – Elon Musk
  • ‘The engineer has been, and is, a maker of history.’ – James Kip Finch
  • ‘The human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art.’ – Leonardo da Vinci
  • ‘At its heart, engineering is about using science to find creative, practical solutions. It is a noble profession.’ – Queen Elizabeth II
  • ‘The fewer moving parts, the better. Exactly. No truer words were ever spoken in the context of engineering.’ – Christian Cantrell

We at EuroKids have only the greatest level of respect for Engineers in our country. We believe it is thanks to them that we can live more comfortable lives. This Visvesvaraya Jayanti, let us all celebrate the wonderful engineers in India who have made, and are continuing to make, our lives better!