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Avocado for Babies: Benefits & Recipes

Care for some Avocado? Or should we say, ‘Guacamole’?

Avocado is a Fruit that’s been doing the rounds lately. You heard that right, ‘Fruit’, and not ‘Vegetable’! What does it matter, really, when it makes for one of the most nutritious foods out there?

Read on, to know all about things like The Benefits of Avocado for Babies, How Much Avocado per day for Babies and even,  some cool Avocado Recipes for Babies!

Table of Contents

Avocado For Babies: Timing the Introduction of this Superood in Baby’s Diet

If you are one of those parents who have ever wondered, ‘Is Avocado Safe for Babies’, you can rest assured that it most certainly is! Babies can be introduced to this Superfood right when they have reached 6 months of age. That is, when they are ready to eat solid foods for the first time!

The thing with Avocado is, it’s a ‘fun food’ in the form of that ‘guac’ dip kids cannot get enough of, or ‘slices of avocado’ that serve as the perfect finger food! This only begs the question, ‘How much Avocado Per Day for Babies?’ The answer is pretty simple. You want to start them with a spoonful of avocado, and then gradually increase it to around half an avocado a day. By the time they are around 9 months old, they can be eating three-fourths of the fruit every single day!

The Benefits of Avocado for Babies

Apart from its irresistible, lip smacking taste, The Avocado is packed with a whole host of benefits.

  1. They are a great source of ‘Good Fats’
  2. Yes, our bodies need good fats to function properly. This is  especially relevant, in the case of our babies!

    Cool Fact: These ‘healthy fats’ present in avocados are important for the overall development of little kids, including that all-important ‘brain development’.

  3. Rich in Fiber
  4. When babies are small, they are prone to all sorts of digestive problems.

    Cool Fact: Luckily, the avocado is packed with that vital ‘fiber’, that ensures that ‘constipation’ is kept well at bay.

  5. Good Source of Vitamin K
  6. We speak in high regard of Vitamin C, but Vitamin K is not far behind.

    Cool Fact: Vitamin K is essential for functions like the healthy development of bones, and even the clotting of blood!

  7. Loaded with Antioxidants
  8. Your little one is susceptible to several infections. Luckily, the modest avocado is laced with antioxidants that help stave off those infections.

    Cool Fact: Not only does the avocado contain antioxidants itself, it aids in the absorption of antioxidants from other fruits and veggies, when tossed alongside them in a salad!

  9. Packed with Vitamins and Minerals
  10. Vitamins and Minerals form the ‘building blocks’ of healthy development in children. The really great thing about avocados is the fact that they are packed with these elements!

    Vitamins present in Avocados: B1, B2, B6, Folate, Niacin.

    Minerals present in Avocados: Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Selenium, Phosphorus.

Simple Avocado Recipes for Babies

Now comes the fun part! Excited to learn about cool new ways you can introduce that  Avocado to your little one? Here are some Simple Avocado Recipes for Babies that will help you do just that.

Avocado Recipe #1: Avocado Baby Puree

Let’s start with the basics, shall we? Nothing says ‘Baby Food’ quite right, than a delicious ‘puree’!

What you need

  • 1 ripe avocado
  • A touch of breast milk or formula
  • A blender


  • Wash the avocado thoroughly, before removing the peel and pit from it.
  • Add the soft avocado flesh to a blender and blend till you get a smooth mixture.
  • Add that touch of breast milk or formula, to thin out the mixture.
  • Voila! Your Avocado Baby Puree is ready to serve to your little one!

Avocado Recipe #2: The Basic ‘Mashed Avocado’

We all love that mashed avocado in the form of ‘Guacamole’, right? Why shouldn’t our babies join in the fun?

What you need

  • 1 ripe avocado
  • A knife
  • A spoon
  • A fork


  • After you have cut the avocado in half, remove the pit with the help of the knife.
  • Using the spoon, scoop out the fleshy part of the avocado.
  • Cut the avocado into thin slices, using the knife.
  • Finally, using the fork, mash that avocado thoroughly before serving it to Baby!

Avocado is indeed a Superfood, that you certainly do not want your little ones to miss out on. Go to the market today, and stock up on some avocados to serve to your precious child. Oh, and perhaps some for yourself, too!