
List of Fruits Name in English, Hindi, Tamil, Marathi

‘Apple’ or ‘Safarchand’.

Call it what you like, the Language of ‘Taste’ is one and the same!

Were you always the proverbial ‘Kid in a Candy Shop’? You know, the kind of child perennially seeking that ‘Sugar Fix’?

Luckily for all of us, adults and children alike, there are healthier Sugar Alternatives. Case being in point, all the succulent Fruits that can be found at a fruit vendor’s stall, in any given season. Talking about ‘Seasons’, every different season brings about a plethora of different fruits. However, have we ever stopped to think for a moment, about the varied ‘names’ given to these fruits?

It’s true. Just like the many variants of fruits that come with the changing seasons in India, there are different ‘names’ for them, too. Most of us know those Fruits Names in English and even Hindi, but have we ever stopped to think what might be the Names of those very Fruits, in Tamil? Luckily for you, we at EuroKids have compiled for you a comprehensive Fruits Name List. Forget English and Hindi, we have Fruits Names in Marathi and Fruits Names in Tamil, too!

Know what the person next to you at the fruit vendor might be calling those exotic fruits, with our carefully compiled Fruits Name List. But first, a closer look at what Fruits are!

Table of Contents

Fruit or Vegetable: A Deeper Understanding of Fruits

Did you know that Tomato is actually a ‘Fruit’ and not a ‘Vegetable’? It’s true! So, what makes a Fruit, really?

Basically, a Fruit is the Fleshy Ovary of a flowering plant that encloses a Seed (or Seeds).

Note: This is exactly what makes that juicy Tomato, a Fruit!

There are 4 different kinds of fruits.

  1. Simple Fruits
  2. These grow from a single ovary of a single flowering plant.

    Examples: Banana, Tomato

  3. Aggregate Fruits
  4. These are composed of mass ‘drupelets’. Furthermore, each drupelet stems from different ‘carpels’ of the same flower.

    Examples: Raspberry, Blackberry

  5. Multiple Fruits
  6. These are developed from carpels that stem from several flowers.

    Examples: Pineapple, Fig

  7. Accessory Fruits
  8. These are not formed from the ovary, but from the tissues that are adjacent and external to the carpel.

    Examples: Pear, Apple

Fruits Name List: 25 Common and Exotic Fruits and their English, Hindi, Tamil and Marathi Names

Fruits can be ‘exotic’, and so can their names! Presenting the list of Fruit Names in English, Hindi, Marathi and Tamil, of fruits both exotic and common.





AppleSeb, SafarchandAppilSafarchand
PeachAadoo PhalPic PallamPica Phala
Sweet LemonMeetha NeembooInippu ElumiccaiGoda Limbu
LycheeLitcheeLaichi PazhamLichi
JackfruitKathal, KatahalPalaphazamPhanas
PearNashapaateePerikkay PalamNasapatice Phala
KiwiKeevee PhalKivi PalamKivi Phala
GrapefruitAngoor Khana PhalTiratcaippalamDraksaphala
Indian GooseberryAmlaNellikkayAvala, Awla

Tips for Eating Fruits

Call them any name you like, there are some considerations you need to bear in mind when purchasing all that fruit for your little ones.

Presenting some invaluable Tips for Eating Fruits, that will help you get the most out of these wonderful ‘fleshy’ delights!

  1. Eat them as Nature intended you to
  2. Needless to say, the best possible way to consume fruits is to eat them ‘raw’!

    Cool Fact: This is the best way to get the maximum fiber from the fruit you consume.

    Note: You need to make it a point, to discard those inedible ‘peels’ and ‘seeds’.

  3. Add them to your Breakfast!
  4. They say that Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and with good reason.You want to make sure you kids get their dose of fruits first thing in the morning, even if that means having it in the form of a ‘smoothie’.

    Cool Fact: Fruit actually makes for a great accompaniment to breakfast foods like eggs and yoghurt!

  5. Keep them Clean
  6. The last thing you want is to catch any sort of infection that comes from bacteria that might be present on the surfaces of fruits. Ensure you wash those fruits well under clean running water, and then wipe them off with a dry towel before serving to your kids.

  7. Focus on Seasonal Fruits
  8. Want to get the most flavour out of those fruits? It’s simple. Just buy them when they are in season!

    Bonus: Apart from that great taste, you will be assured that those seasonal fruits are ‘fresh’ and ‘less expensive’, too!

  9. Eat them at the Right Time
  10. You do not want to consume fruits right after you have eaten lunch or dinner. This is because it might go on to cause several problems like acid reflux and indigestion.

  11. Carry some Fruit along with you when on the Go
  12. Fruits make for a really great snack. Instead of bingeing on unhealthy treats during the course of the day, you might want to choose fruits!

  13. Keep them in Plain Sight
  14. How many of us can resist the temptation of reaching into a bowl of fruits every now and then, to savour some of our favourite fruits? You want to ensure that bowl of fruits is kept in plain sight, so you never find an excuse for not eating fruit again!

  Over the course of this article we have learned plenty about Fruits, including Fruits Names in English, Hindi, Marathi and English. Needless to say, this Fruits Name List can prove extremely useful, where it comes to communicating with your local fruit vendor. We at EuroKids strongly encourage Parents to inculcate healthy eating habits in their kids, and that includes their eating more Fruits. Get that kitchen basket stocked up with Fruits that go by different Names, in case you haven’t already!