
Learning Activities for your 3-Month-Old Baby

‘A Sense of Control’

That is what we, as adults, seem to be striving for almost continuously, during our waking hours. Did you know that the very term ‘Control’ has its origins in babies as young as 3 months?

It’s true. Right from the time they are about 3 months or so, little children garner a greater sense of control over their movements. This is the time you might want to start playing the addictive game of ‘Peek-a-boo’ with them. Apart from that, though, there’s plenty more!

Our team at Eurokids recognises and celebrates the developmental milestone of 3 months in all kids. To that effect, we have carefully compiled for you a list of some truly cool 3 Months Old Baby Activities. If you’re looking at How to Play with your 3 Month Old Baby, you can rest assured you will find all the activities you need for them herein, and more.

Join us then, on a journey into discovering all the 3 Months Old Baby Activities you will need for your child’s first ‘milestone’. Be it Developmental Activities for your 3 Month Old, or Learning Activities for your 3 Month Old Baby, we have them all covered here!

Table of Contents

  1. Babies at 3 Months of Age: Key Milestones
  2. Learning How to Play with your 3 Month Old Baby: 3 Months Old Baby Activities

Babies at 3 Months of Age: Key Milestones

Babies at 3 months of age are far more developed than you think. Presenting a list of only a few of the things  they are able to achieve at this tender age.

  1. An increase in upper body strength
  2. They are able to lift their head and chest along with their arms, when lying on their tummies!

  3. Heightened sense of Communication
  4. This is perhaps the very first time since their birth that they might begin to start ‘cooking’.


    Note: This is the time when they will respond, when you make silly faces or noises in their presence.

  5. An increased sense of Awareness of things around them
  6. Your 3-month-old baby might now find themselves reaching for an object that is placed in front of them. For instance, their very first toy!

Learning How to Play with your 3 Month Old Baby: 3 Months Old Baby Activities

As you have garnered from the section above, your 3-month old is indeed trying to gain a sense of ‘Control’ vis a vis the world around them. Presenting some cool 3 Months Old Baby Activities, to help them do just that!

Developmental Activities for your 3 Month Old

Developmental Activities for your 3 Month Old are essential when it comes to improving things like ‘gross motor’ and ‘fine motor’ skills.

  1. Tummy Time
  2. That ‘raising’ of their chest and hands we spoke of earlier? That’s only the beginning of an exercise that’s engineered to get them to start ‘crawling’!

    To do: Place Baby on a soft and flat surface. On their ‘tummy’, of course. Keep doing this over time, gradually trying to get them to increase the duration of time spent lying on their stomachs.

    Note: You want to be around them the entire time, talking to them or showing them a toy or two to keep them engaged.

  3. Sensory Play
  4. Talking about ‘fine motor skills’, this activity is one that will go a long way in developing them!

    To do: Take a mat and place on it some sensory beads or glitter. Have your baby delight in feeling the ‘textures’.

    Note: You can even do this, by getting your baby to rub their hands over the smooth surface of something like a ‘spoon’!

  5. Grasping and Holding
  6. Hand-eye coordination is one of the key developmental skills that need to be nurtured in little children.

    To do: Offer several objects for your child to hold on to. At first they might not even care, but soon they will start reaching for them more and more.

    Note: It’s not uncommon for babies this age to put whatever they grasp into their mouths. Therefore, you must be careful about the objects you offer them.

    Learning Activities for your 3 Month Old Baby

    Learning Activities for your 3 Month Old Baby, mark the beginning of a Lifetime of Learning!

  7. Peek-a-boo
  8. Believe it or not, but this seemingly ‘silly’ game has an important lesson to teach your little ones! Namely, that ‘people’ or ‘objects’ exist even when babies can’t see them!

    To do: After you have caught the attention of Baby, place your palms over your face to hide it. Then suddenly remove them and say excitedly, ‘Peek-a-boo’!

  9. Storytelling
  10. There’s no age that’s too young, when it comes to telling them a good old Story!

    To do: You want to get the most ‘bright’ and ‘colourful’ picture books from your local bookstore. Then, read them out to your child. Even if they don’t understand the story, their senses will be highly ‘stimulated’ by the sound of your voice and the lovely ‘pictures’ in the book.

  11. Talk to them often
  12. You must talk to your baby, as often as you possibly can. This will only serve to ensure that they sharpen their ‘communication skills.’

    Hot Tip: When you talk to your baby the next time, you might want to look them straight in the eye and make some facial expressions, too. This will help teach them the link that exists between ‘words’ and ‘feelings’.

  We at EuroKids believe that at 3 months of age, your child is a lot more developed than you can imagine. Go on out there, and do all you can to aid your little one’s development at this precious ‘milestone’ age. Use the 3 Months Old Baby Activities outlined in this article,and see what a boost it gives to their Learning and Development!