Introduction to Conceptual Learning

Introduction to Conceptual Learning: Pros and Cons

Conceptual learning, encompassing various learning styles, is a relatively modern education method. It emphasizes delving into concepts in detail rather than relying solely on statistics and facts. This approach focuses on understanding important concepts, principles, and ideas, moving beyond memorizing isolated facts like historical event dates. The integration of activity-based learning aims to prompt students to apply their learned concepts in real-life situations. Throughout this post, we explore activity-based learning, compare it with rote and traditional techniques, and delve into the pros and cons of conceptual learning styles. Keep reading.

Conceptual Learning Explained With Examples

Education in today’s age focuses on enabling students to apply their learning to the current situations. Conceptual learning does just that. It organizes the information in a logical format so that students can understand a new concept by relating it to the one they have studied earlier.

It’s considered a more effective form of learning practice than traditional learning practices. The technique makes it easier for students to grasp new concepts fairly quickly and apply them to different situations. Plus, students find it better to follow a specific learning order to understand multiple concepts without having to memorize tons of data. It also makes learning fun and engaging.

Although conceptual learning is applied to many subjects, it’s the most popular form of learning method for math and science. The method enables you to understand and solve the “why” of a problem, thus making the trickiest concepts easier for students. Coming to the concept-based learning examples, conceptual learning is a common learning approach in math students. They can use this approach to understand tables and algorithms, instead of just memorizing them. Likewise, science students no longer have to memorize dozens of formulas. They rather focus on the principles and theories to understand the given matter.

Conceptual Learning Vs. Rote Learning: Which is Better?

Earlier, when conceptual learning wasn’t introduced, fact and rote learning were used as the common ways to teach students and help them learn different matters. The modern education system is different from this approach, in that it allows students to know what they are learning, where they can implement this information, and how to relate to the next concept. This can only be done when students understand these concepts in detail from the beginning of the course. You may have heard teachers and other professionals say that if the concepts aren’t clear from the start, the subject can’t be understood. So, how is rote learning different from conceptual learning, and which one is better for students?

Rote learning is a traditional form of learning, in which students are encouraged to memorize facts and theories without understanding the underlying principles. The goal is to memorize as much information as possible. The biggest difference between rote and conceptual learning lies in the concept of the subject matter. Rote learning centers around the “what” of the matter while conceptual learning is more about the “why”. To put it in simple terms, a mathematic student following the rote learning practice memorizes the tables and formulas. For instance, they know that 3+3 = 6.

However, conceptual learning centers around the detail of this concept and explains the why, i.e. why adding these two numbers gives us a six. Based on this, students can learn and practice “addition” accurately. There is no need to memorize the tables, nor do they have to limit themselves to the particular tables they have learned. Rote learning is a routine habit for a child, as it focuses on repetition. Conceptual learning, on the other hand, is a long-term process that helps your kid understand the concept thoroughly.

This was the concept-based learning example that explains how this technique works. Let’s move on to the pros and cons of this learning method.

Pros and Cons of Conceptual Learning

Concept-based learning for kindergarten comes with its share of advantages and drawbacks. You should weigh each before determining the right learning method for your child. Let’s check out the pros and cons of conceptual learning in detail.


  1. In-depth Understanding:
  2. Conceptual learning involves an in-depth understanding of the underlying principles and theories, which help kids apply their learning to different situations. They don’t just memorize a few formulas and facts, but gain a deep understanding of the subject, thus performing better in academics.

  3. Develops Problem-solving Skills:
  4. As conceptual learning enables students to learn principles and the core concepts of the subject, it makes them better at problem-solving. They use this knowledge to solve real-world problems or understand other relevant concepts better.

  5. Better Retention:
  6. Students tend to remember the concepts they have understood in detail for a long time, as compared to those who follow rote learning practice. Memorized tables or facts do not take long to be forgotten. Following concept or inquiry-based learning methods makes you more likely to retain the information for years.

  7. Higher Engagement:
  8. Students find conceptual learning engaging, as the practice allows them to grasp different concepts easily. These students can adapt to different learning environments and new information pretty quickly. It also motivates them to continue with new chapters.


  1. Time-consuming:
  2. While conceptual learning is an effective educational procedure, it often takes longer for students to learn the principles, theories, and underlying concepts of a subject as compared to the conventional rote learning practice. Teachers also find it difficult to cover a broad curriculum using conceptual teaching methods.

  3. Lack of Real-World Examples:
  4. Some concepts do not have real-world examples, making it difficult for students to relate the principles or concepts they have learned to the actual situations. This makes conceptual learning ineffective in some cases.

That was all about conceptual learning. If you want your child to follow conceptual learning practice from a young age, consider getting them into EuroKids Preschool. Eurokids follow a systematic conceptual learning approach to help children acquire in-depth knowledge of different subjects. Visit Eurokids website today!