
Importance & Benefits of Arts Education in Schools

‘Think Outside the Box!’

A phrase nonchalantly uttered by one and all, without even knowing the full meaning of the term. Moreover, a phrase that can actually be ‘taken to fruition’, by people who have critical-thinking skills and creative skills.

Skills that can only find their true potential flourish in ‘The Arts’!

Sadly, Art Education has taken something of a backseat in today’s times where the utmost importance is given to core subjects like Science and Economics. While the days might well be gone, when being a ‘Doctor’ or ‘Engineer’ were the only worthwhile professions for a child to pursue, there is still no emphasis on Education in the Arts.

We at Eurokids understand well the importance of art in education. To that effect, we have curated for all parents in this article, a list of the many benefits of art education.

It’s about time we stop perceiving art education in schools as a luxury, and instead see it for what it truly is: an integral component in the holistic education of our children!

All set to get those artistic vibes flowing? Get started, with a closer look at what is art education!

Table of Contents

Art Education in Schools: Understanding What is Art Education

Most of us have only a brief sense of understanding of what is arts education.

In a nutshell, then, Arts Education is nothing short of being a focus on ‘tangible’ arts vis a vis the student curriculum. In essence, this refers to the involvement of students in creative and artistic disciplines, such as theater, dance, writing or even painting.

On the whole, arts education is an approach to teaching that is based on the cornerstones of ‘creativity’ and ‘imagination’. Now you know, how students learn the art of ‘thinking outside the box’, when they undertake an education in the arts!

Ready to explore the many wonderful benefits of art education? The next section will help us see the importance of art in education, and why it needs to be taken seriously by all students.

The Importance of Art in Education: The Benefits of Art Education

Art Education in schools is highly underrated. There is a growing need, now more than ever before, to seamlessly integrate art education in schools.

Presenting the benefits of art education, that clearly highlight the importance of art in education.

  1. A MasterClass in Creativity and Imagination
  2. Clearly, this one deserves to be on the top of the list!

    Cool Fact: All the artistic activities that children indulge in via a good education in the arts, reap benefits that extend well beyond the classroom.It prepares them for the larger lesson called Life, where they will be able to use all the skills they have mastered vis a vis a good arts education. Skills such as innovative thinking, and problem-solving!

    Interesting Fact: Creativity comes to the fore, in examples like the following: A student takes a classical composition by Beethoven, such as Fur Elise, and infuses it with hip-hop beats!

  3. A Great Means of Self-Expression
  4. Not all children are able to express themselves as fluidly as others. This only leads to them ‘bottling up their feelings’, something that can be detrimental in the long run.

    Cool Fact: When children opt for the arts, they find wonderful modes of self-expression that they can use to express themselves in a way they could have never imagined. For instance, expressing what they feel on a canvas, through a masterpiece they create with paints!

  5. A Fresh Way to see the World
  6. We talk loosely about things like ‘inclusivity’ and ‘diversity’ to our kids, but do they really get the message?

    Cool Fact: The great thing about a good art education is, it exposes children to different cultures. In doing so, it helps them see the world like never before, and embrace all of its diversity. Furthermore, this helps them garner a valuable insight into ‘other ways of being’.

  7. A Boost to Academic Achievement
  8. This one’s for all those parents, who think their child’s academic achievements might be hampered when their children spend too much time studying the arts.

    Cool Fact: Not only will a good art education not adversely affect your child’s academic achievements, it will give a boost to them as well! Their problem-solving skills having been honed well by that arts education, they will do better in Math and Science, too.

  9. Fostering a strong sense of Self-Identity
  10. We want to believe that our children are special, yet we expect them to turn out like everyone else!

    Cool Fact: When children study the arts, they come to see that they have their own special ‘strengths’ and ‘talents’. This only helps them foster a stronger sense of self-identity, thus helping them embrace their ‘special’ place in this world.

  11. It helps them work as a Team
  12. When children indulge in the Performing Arts, they learn the invaluable lesson of working as a team!

    Cool Fact: The very process of collaborating with other students on a project in the arts, helps foster in children a strong sense of ‘community’. This not only helps them communicate more effectively with their peers, it also helps them see the importance of a ‘collective effort’ in working towards success.

We at EuroKids believe strongly in the importance of art in education where it comes to creating well-rounded, creative individuals. Explore the several stellar arts education options for your child out there. You might just find one, that will help them become the best possible version of themselves!