
Impact of prolonged sitting and lack of physical activity in kids

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India’s children, once known for their boundless energy and love for outdoor games, now face a hidden adversary: a sedentary lifestyle fuelled by prolonged sitting and lack of physical activity. This trend, driven by increased screen time and changing school environments, is raising red flags for their physical and mental health.

The Sitting Epidemic: How Today’s Kids Are Glued to Their Seats

Picture this: a child hunched over a tablet, eyes glued to a screen, barely budging for hours. This familiar scene, once a rare occurrence, has become a daily reality for many children. We’re witnessing the rise of a “sitting epidemic,” where kids are spending more time perched than ever before, fueled by a perfect storm of factors.

The digital revolution stands at the forefront. Smartphones, tablets, and TVs have become constant companions, offering endless entertainment and social connection, all from the comfort of a couch. Video games, once relegated to dedicated sessions, now infiltrate leisure time and homework breaks. The pandemic further fueled this fire, with online learning replacing the bustling classrooms and playgrounds of yesteryear.

But it’s not just technology. Changing family structures, with busier schedules and less emphasis on outdoor play, also contribute. Additionally, the pressure to excel academically often leads to hours hunched over desks, sacrificing physical activity for study sessions.

This shift towards sedentary lifestyles has far-reaching consequences, impacting children’s physical and mental health. From obesity and muscle weakness to impaired cognitive development and increased anxiety, the “sitting epidemic” demands our immediate attention.

Sitting Still, Growing Worries:

Children in India spend an alarming amount of time sitting. From glued-to-screen hours to extended school sessions involving desks and chairs, their bodies crave movement. This prolonged sitting, dubbed the “new smoking,”. There are some worrying  side effects of prolonged sitting:

  1. Obesity:
  2. Lack of activity leads to excess calorie storage, increasing the risk of childhood obesity, now a significant concern in India. Obesity paves the way for chronic diseases like diabetes and heart problems later in life.

  3. Weakened Bones and Muscles:
  4. Growing years are crucial for bone and muscle development. Sitting restricts this growth, leading to weaker bones and muscles, impacting posture, balance, and coordination.

  5. Poor Mental Health:
  6. Research indicates a correlation between elevated sitting behaviours and elevated levels of anxiety and sadness in kids. Sedentary lifestyle-related boredom, dissatisfaction, and social isolation are contributing factors to these problems.

School Days, A Missed Playground:

School environments, meant to nurture young minds and bodies, sometimes fall short when it comes to physical activity. Long hours spent in classrooms, focused on academics, leave little room for free play and movement. This lack of physical activity in schools has further ramifications:

  1. Academic Difficulties:
  2. Studies reveal a positive correlation between physical activity and cognitive development. Active children tend to have better focus, memory, and academic performance compared to their less active peers.

  3. Disrupted Sleep Patterns:
  4. Inactivity throughout the day disrupts natural sleep patterns, leading to sleep deprivation and affecting overall health and well-being.

  5. Social Disconnect:
  6. Playgrounds are playgrounds for a reason. They foster social interaction, teamwork, and communication skills, all essential for emotional and social development. Replacing playtime with screen time hinders these crucial interactions.

Rekindling the Flame of Movement:

  1. Embrace family playtime:
  2. Instilling a love for physical activity in children is most effective when it becomes a family affair. Here are some ideas:

  3. Go for Walks:
  4. Enjoy leisurely strolls in the evening, exploring your neighbourhood or nearby parks. It’s a great way to bond and get some gentle exercise.

  5. Cycle Together:
  6. Cycling as a family promotes cardiovascular health. Explore scenic bike trails or ride around your locality.

  7. Play in the Park:
  8. Visit your local park and engage in various activities like frisbee, badminton, or a friendly game of soccer. These outdoor games offer both exercise and social interaction.

  9. Indoor Activities:
  10. On rainy days or when staying indoors is necessary, opt for activities like dancing or yoga. Turn on some music and dance around the living room, or practice yoga poses together to enhance flexibility and mindfulness.

Lead by Example:

Children closely observe and mimic the behaviours of adults. To inspire an active lifestyle in them, adults must set the right example:

  1. Put Down Your Phone:
  2. Limit your screen time, especially during family activities. Being fully present with your children conveys the importance of real-world interactions.

  3. Step Away from the TV:
  4. Reduce TV time and engage in physical activities instead. Encourage your children to join, whether it’s a quick game of catch or a family workout session.

  5. Engage in Movement Together:
  6. Find joy in movement as a family, whether it’s hiking in nature, swimming, or gardening. Involving your children in physical activities helps them associate movement with enjoyment.

Advocate for Active Schools:

Active schools play a vital role in nurturing physically active children. Lack of physical activity in schools should not be the cause of problems. Encourage educational institutions to prioritise physical activity in their curriculum:

  1. Regular Breaks:
  2. Schools should incorporate breaks for stretching and short outdoor games during the school day. These breaks rejuvenate students and enhance concentration.

  3. Movement-Based Learning:
  4. Promote movement-based learning activities in the classroom, making learning more engaging and enjoyable.

  5. Outdoor Learning Spaces:
  6. Support the creation of outdoor learning spaces where children can connect with nature and engage in physical activities, such as gardens, nature trails, and designated play areas.

Limit Screen Time:

Excessive screen time contributes to sedentary behaviour in children. To address this issue:

  1. Set Clear Boundaries:
  2. Establish clear screen time guidelines at home, especially during meals and before bedtime. Limit the use of smartphones, tablets, and computers.

  3. Replace Passive Screen Time:
  4. Encourage children to swap passive screen time with active alternatives. Suggest outdoor play, reading, arts and crafts, or pursuing hobbies that involve physical movement.

Join Active Camps and Programmes:

Consider programmes like EuroKids to foster an active and healthy lifestyle for your children. Here’s why they’re worth considering:

  1. Promoting Physical Activity:
  2. EuroKids actively promotes physical activity and outdoor play as part of its innovative curriculum. Children engage in fun and stimulating activities that contribute to their overall development.

  3. Dedicated Play Areas:
  4. Recognising the importance of play, EuroKids provides safe and dedicated play areas where children can explore, socialise, and stay active.

  5. Holistic Development:
  6. EuroKids emphasises holistic child development, understanding the interconnection of physical health and mental well-being. Their programmes strike the right balance between academic excellence and physical fitness.

EuroKids, a leading chain of preschools in India, recognises the importance of physical activity in early childhood development. Their curriculum embraces the “child first” philosophy, integrating movement and active learning into every aspect of the day. Through dedicated play areas, outdoor activities, sports sessions, and creative movement classes, EuroKids ensures that children are moving, growing, and learning in a healthy and holistic environment.

Investing in our children’s physical and mental well-being starts with recognising the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle. By prioritising movement, limiting screen time, and championing active learning environments like EuroKids, we can help Indian children reclaim their love for play and build a strong foundation for a healthy and vibrant future. Let’s get our kids moving again!