
How Does School Anxiety Affect Kids?

‘Don’t Worry, Be Happy.’

A saying most of us are familiar with.

Sigh! if only it were that easy.

As human beings, we tend to worry a lot. This ‘worry;’ takes on a ghastly avatar, when it crosses normal limits and becomes that word we all dread: ‘Anxiety’!

Did you know that there is something called School Anxiety? Anxiety in School Children is really far more common than you might think. In this article, we at EuroKids propose to explore everything related to School Anxiety. From shedding light on the Effects of Anxiety, to learning How to Deal with Anxiety Attacks at School, you can rest assured we have it all covered.

Join us, as we begin with a closer look at What Is School Anxiety.

Table of Contents

School Anxiety: What it is

School is one of the places where children should feel secure and happy. Indeed, a place that serves as a ‘home away from home’! And yet, more children are prone to School Anxiety than you can imagine!

If you were wondering what exactly School Anxiety is,it can be loosely defined as the following:

‘A Fear or Phobia of going to School.’

So, what causes Anxiety in School Children?

There are several causes for School Anxiety that might suddenly occur out of the blue.

  1. Not being able to fit in
  2. After all,making new friends does not come so easily to all kids.

  3. Unable to cope with their homework
  4. It does get especially difficult, in the case of kids who are slow learners.

  5. A death in the family
  6. Yes indeed, a difficult experience ‘outside school’, can have a negative impact on a child’s psyche.

All said and done, it is pertinent to take steps to address School Anxiety early on. This is because, if you don’t, it might severely affect your child’s emotional and educational development! More about that, in the following section.

Effects of School Anxiety

School Anxiety is not something you want to merely ‘brush off’, as though it were nothing at all! It can have some pretty grave consequences for your child, like the following.


  • Shortness of Breath
  • Sweating
  • Rapid Heartbeat
  • Stomachaches


  • A blunt refusal to go to school
  • Bouts of Crying
  • Losing their temper frequently
  • Feigning illness in an attempt to miss school


  • Being irritable all the time
  • A prolonged feeling of sadness
  • Feeling scared
  • Worrying excessively

How to Deal with Anxiety Attacks at School: Prevention of and Dealing with School Panic Attacks

Thought that only Adults were prone to Anxiety Attacks? Think again! The last thing you want to do is allow that School Anxiety to blow out of proportion, to the point your child has an Anxiety Attack at School.

That being said, here are some ways your child can not only prevent Anxiety Attacks, but also effectively deal with them when met with one.

  1. Letting their Teachers know
  2. As difficult as this might seem for your child, it is perhaps one of the best things they could do to deal with that School Anxiety Attack.

    Note: It is a good idea for your child to tell their teachers in advance that they suffer from Social Anxiety. That way, if they ever have a full-blown anxiety attack, their teachers will understand their need to leave the class.

  3. Empathizing with Oneself
  4. Again, while this is easier said than done,it is a crucial means to getting that School Anxiety Attack well under control.

    Note: This is where leaving the class will help your child. They must then go to a calm place within the school’s confines, and tell themselves something to the tune of: ‘I accept what I am feeling, and it is all right. This too shall pass.’

  5. Practice Deep Breathing
  6. When that Anxiety Attack strikes, there is one thing for sure: your child’s heart rate will go out of control. Apart from breathing rapidly, they might start sweating and even find themselves short of breath, as we touched upon in the earlier section.

    Note: Deep breathing is not as difficult as it sounds. Your child must learn to breathe slowly and deliberately through the Nose, before exhaling from the Mouth. This exercise will go a long way in helping them calm down, in the event of an anxiety attack.

  7. Have Mental Health Conversations frequently
  8. You are your child’s biggest support system. You must ensure that you talk to them about how they are feeling on a daily basis. This will not only help you understand what might be the root cause of their problem, it will also show them that ‘you care.’

    Note: When they are not feeling anxious, you might want to ask them questions like ‘Who is your partner in class?’ or ‘Is there someone who is troubling you at school?’

  9. Help them to identify their Triggers
  10. Sometimes, it might be that ‘one thing’ that is causing their Anxiety Attacks. Anxiety in School Children can be avoided sometimes, if children only understand what is behind their fear.

    Note: One of the best ways to do this, would be to have your child write down what they were doing, before they were met with that Anxiety Attack. That will help them avoid those unfavourable situations in future, and possibly prevent that anxiety attack!

  11. Counseling
  12. If all else fails, counseling might not be such a bad idea!

    Note: In many instances, a trained mental health specialist might be the best person to help your child deal with their School Anxiety. For instance, they might even be able to pinpoint the true cause of all that ‘anger’ in your child, as being nothing short of ‘School Anxiety’!

School Anxiety is a serious issue and must be treated with due diligence before it gets out of hand. We at EuroKids empathize deeply with all children who suffer from School Anxiety. Go on ahead, and take the steps outlined in this article today itself, to help your child if they are suffering from School Anxiety!