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High Calorie Foods For Supporting Your Underweight Toddler’s Growth

Struggling to get your little one to gain some weight? You’re not alone! Many parents struggle with feeding their kids, especially very young children who are often fussy eaters. As toddlers, children are growing faster than ever and need many good, healthy (and calorie-dense) foods to keep up. We know, the struggle is real when it comes to ensuring that they get their high-calorie packed meals 🙂

So, common, let us check out some tasty and nutritious options to help your underweight toddler grow strong and healthy. We shall go through some of the high-calorie foods for kids to gain weight and create a high-calorie foods list too!

Table Of Contents:

Understanding Nutritional Needs for Toddlers

Between ages one and three years old, kids experience significant changes physically as well as mentally too; hence there should be provision different kinds nutrients such proteins fats carbohydrates vitamins minerals etcetera which aid this development process even further so apart from balanced diet one must concentrate on things with more calories since such give the required power levels necessary to foster their advancement.

List Of High-Calorie Foods For Kids

Dairy Products

Whole Milk

A glass full of cream milk not only contains essential fat but also calcium and vitamin D; both are crucial for strengthening bones during growth phase therefore it can significantly boost up total number calories taken by an individual within a time frame.


This type of food has high levels of proteins , fats as well calcium too while being added onto sandwiches, pasta or even consumed separately like snacks then children will be able to gain some weight within a short period due its richness in energy content.


Instead of using low fat yoghurts opt always for whole ones because they have higher amounts protein needed by kids at this stage plus some calories which make them more attractive than those without any taste enhancers such fruits honey etcetera applied during processing thus increasing their nutrition value greatly besides improving upon flavour thereby making it easily acceptable even picky eaters among toddlers.

Nuts And Seeds

Peanut Butter

This particular spreadable item possesses lots of calories, proteins and healthy fats so when smeared over bread made from whole grain or mixed with oatmeal served alongside apple slices then such combination will provide sufficient amounts of energy required for active living throughout day long.

Almonds & Walnuts

Both these nuts contain considerable quantities omega three fatty acids besides having higher calorie densities too; hence one may grind either type finely before sprinkling them onto cereals while blending into smoothies thereby ensuring that kids get enough nutrients especially during breakfast time which is known as most crucial meal period in terms of meeting all nutritional needs among children aged between one year up till five years old inclusive.

Fruits And Vegetables


There are few other foods out there which can compete with avocado when comes comparison concerning calorie content this being said it still remains highly packed full fats good ones nevertheless so serve as spreads for instance blend some into smoothie just chop them into small pieces then offer together along side dish mainly because they have got lots calories thus making perfect choice during meals where need more energy arises.


These fruits not only provide large amounts of carbohydrates but also contain significant levels of potassium besides their high calorific values make them ideal snacks and suitable additions to cereals taken during morning hours.

Grains And Cereals


Preparation involves boiling grains and milk together, adding nuts, seeds and fruits since doing so greatly raises the amount of calories which should be consumed within a given period thus making it more nutritious than when prepared without any such ingredients.

Whole Grain Bread

Compared white breads, those made using wholegrains have higher energy contents necessary for supporting growth processes in children hence fillings like cheese peanut butter can be used while making sandwiches with these kinds of breads.

Protein Rich Foods


They are quite versatile due this quality alone would make an excellent addition to any meal however eggs happen also carry good quantities proteins something essential especially during periods rapid tissue formation therefore boiled fried it does not matter much what matters most is presence large amount eggs consumed at least once daily by kids aged one year up till three years inclusive .

Chicken & Fish

Proteins need bodybuilding purposes as well adding calories into an underweight person’s diet thus should never miss out meat chicken fish being common sources so long cooked using oils rich omega fatty acids or any other healthy oil type that would add more fats to them during the preparation process.

Healthy Fats

Olive Oil

This particular form of cooking dressing contains unsaturated extra virgin; one tablespoon has about hundred twenty five which means if used frequently then children are likely going to get increased amounts of healthy fat into their system thereby contributing towards maintaining appropriate weight levels among such individuals besides enhancing flavour dishes served too.

Butter And Ghee

These two ingredients usually employed widely within Indian cuisine due higher calorie contents associated with them hence adding spoonful either onto rice vegetables chapatis etcetera will go long way in boosting caloric intake

Developing a High-Calorie Foods Chart

Charts are fun, aren’t they? Here is an example of how a high-calorie foods chart can help you track what to include in your toddler’s diet and how much:

Food Item

Serving Size

Calories Per Serving

Whole Milk

1 Cup



1 Slice (28 gms)


Peanut Butter

1 tablespoon



½ medium



1 medium



1 cup cooked


Whole Grain Bread

1 slice



1 large



100 gms


Olive Oil

1 tablespoon



1 tablespoon



1 tablespoon


There you have it. A simple high-calorie foods list!

Tips for Getting Your Toddler to Eat More

Make Meals Fun

Create a visually appealing plate by using colourful foods and fun shapes to make mealtime more enjoyable for your toddler.

Small, Frequent Meals

Offer smaller, more frequent meals and snacks instead of three large meals. This will ensure that your toddler gets enough calories throughout the day.

Involve Them in Meal Prep

Children are more likely to eat what they’ve helped prepare. Let them assist with simple tasks like washing fruits or stirring ingredients.

Be Patient and Persistent

It can take several tries before a child accepts a new food item. So be patient, and keep offering different kinds of high-calorie foods.

Healthy Snacks

Make sure to keep those healthy and high-calorie snacks handy, such as cheese sticks, yogurt, or peanut butter on whole-grain crackers.

Sample High-Calorie Meal Plan for Toddlers


Scrambled eggs with cheese

Whole-grain toast with butter

Banana slices

Mid-Morning Snack:

Full-fat yoghourt with honey and nuts


Chicken curry with rice

Avocado slices

Afternoon Snack:

Peanut butter on whole-grain bread

A glass of whole milk


Oatmeal cooked with whole milk, topped with fruits and seeds

Before Bed Snack:

A small bowl of full-fat yoghourt or cheese cubes

It is indispensable for the growth and development of an underweight child that we have to give high-calorie foods in their diet. A list of high-calorie foods plus the daily meal planner (track where and when you are including these snacks within your toddler’s meals) will help ensure that all vital nutrients as well as energy are being supplied for your little one. Remember, the key is consistency, folks. Keep at it and the patience will pay off in the long run.

Hey there, are you looking for a reliable preschool for your little munchkin? Look no further than EuroKids! EuroKids offers holistic development with a nurturing environment so that every child gets the best start in life. Visit EuroKids today.

So, there you have it! Just follow these tips and include these high-calorie foods in your toddler’s diet. You will effectively support their healthy growth and development.


WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6-23 months of age
16 High Calorie Foods for Toddlers to Gain Weight (firstcry.com)
Secret To Healthy Weight Gain: Eat These 5 Healthy Foods That Are High On Calories – NDTV Food

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