
Guiding Your Child In Developing Courage

Parents all want their children to grow up to be confident, flourishing people, confident in the world they are heading into. It is important to remember that courage is not without fear. Courage is the ability to do something that frightens one; the strength in the face of pain or grief demonstrating significant fearlessness. It is the foundation that enables children to face adversity, to take on challenges, and to grow as resilient individuals. So common, let us explore what courage is, how to build courage, set realistic expectations and how positive self-talk can help your child.

Table Of Contents:
What is Courage?
How to build courage?
How to eradicate fear?

Nurturing Emotional Strength

What is Courage?

In essence, courage is stepping out of your comfort zone, taking risks, and giving things a go even when you feel scared. It means you make challenging decisions—you do things that are hard or even a bit scary, but needed, due to your progress and betterment. Courage is the realisation that there is something more important at stake than fear.

How to build courage?

The building up of courage in children is a slow process of developing their independence and belief in themselves. Encourage them to develop this one thing in life with these effective strategies and your child is forever a winner:

Create a Safe Space to Take Risks

However, permit your child to take up age-appropriate risks. That could be as straightforward as trying new things, expressing yourself in class, or socialising with others. Ensure that the space is supportive and safe for them to feel safe enough to take those risks.

Set Realistic Expectations

You have to try to set realistic targets for your child. Overly ambitious expectations can result in frustration, causing them to give up. Guide your child to develop achievable small-scale objectives and then scale up as their confidence builds.

Teach Positive Self-Talk

Teach your child to use positive self-talk to conquer fear and self-doubt. When they are with you, tell them that for every negative thought, there should be a positive affirmation such as “I can do this” and “I am capable.” Engaging in positive self-talk greatly increases their sense of confidence and ability to bounce back. Make a list of affirmations as a family and say them daily.

Facilitate and Encourage Independence

Always let your kid make choices, and work out problems on his or her own. It might be the setup of what they are going to wear that day, or how they are going to present their school work. Courage grows with independence, the feeling that you are a responsible and capable individual.

Read Courageous Stories

Provide books and bedtime stories that feature brave characters. Talk about these stories and ask your child how they would deal with such situations. They are jumping-off points, motivators, and they serve as a blueprint for standing up to fear.

Fear – Your Passport to Experience

One of the best things to eradicate the fear of your child is giving them a variety of experiences. Children learn that they can adapt to new situations and environments. To handle this easier, follow these approaches:

Expose Them to New Experiences

Introducing your child to different experiences, such as a new sport, a new hobby, or new travelled places, is the gateway to becoming a more aware human being and being able to adjust to diverse situations. All these experiences teach them that they can survive in an unknown environment.

Discuss and Deconstruct Fears

Just keep asking questions and dialogue with your child about what they are afraid of and logically let them come to the wise conclusion that what they fear is non-existent. Learning what they are afraid of can help to demystify them. Brainstorm ways to deal with and overcome these fears together. If your child is afraid of speaking, practice at home first with family members.


Role-playing situations in which your child can practise how to handle scenarios can help them in building confidence to handle real-life situations. Role-play as a fake friend/teacher and have them start by introducing themselves or asking for something.

Nurturing Emotional Strength

Courage also includes an element of emotional resilience. Children who possess emotional resilience are capable of managing stress, failures, and hardships. How to help your child become more emotionally resilient:

Encourage Expression

Encourage your child to outlet their emotions positively – drawing, writing, talking. They can express themselves, which helps them process any emotions they may feel and lessens their emotional load. Install a “feelings corner” where they can withdraw and rinse their feelings.

Build a Support Network

Ensure your child has strong relationships with family, friends, and mentors. It gives them a safety net and can help them feel less lonely when confronted with adversities. This is best done through regular, weekly playdates and family gatherings.

Teach Coping Strategies

Some coping strategies to aid your child may be deep breathing, mindfulness, and relaxation techniques. Such tools can assist them in dealing with stress and remaining composed in tough times.


Teaching courage to kids is complex and involves role modelling bravery, fostering risk-taking, managing expectations, and encouraging emotional resilience. When parents enable their children to learn what courage is and how to foster it in oneself, they also equip their children with the necessary capabilities to confidently deal with life’s adversities.

The ability to have courage is a skill that will serve your child well throughout their life, enabling them to get through life’s highs and lows, achieve what they previously thought unachievable, and become a psychologically strong individual. We parents have a part to play in this journey, to help them shift mountains and reach their full capacity.

At EuroKids, we believe that all children have unique potential and should be nurtured to establish firm roots for a successful life. One of the common things you will find in our approach to early childhood education is the holistic approach, where the aim is to develop other but more essential life skills like courage, resilience, and confidence, among others. Read more about our programs and how we can help your child grow at EuroKids. Visit our website now!