
Guide to Digital Art for Kids: Types & Ideas

In the 19th century, the arrival of the camera meant one thing:

 ‘There was a New Art Form in town!’

For years hence, human beings were enamored with the use of the camera. That is, until the arrival of the computer in the late 20th century! Little by little, this magnificent machine got us acquainted with the wonders of Digital Art. An art that is only growing stronger, what with the arrival of things like cool new ‘apps’, every other day!

In this article from the EuroKids stable, we take the liberty of elaborating on what is digital art. From the myriad types of digital art out there to some truly cool digital art ideas, we have all the information every parent needs, regarding digital art for children.

Ready to hop onto the technology bandwagon, and see how kids can get comfortably started in the process of mastering the fine nuances of digital art? Start your journey, with a closer look at what is digital art.

Table of Contents

  1. Digital Art for Children: Understanding What is Digital Art
  2. Different Types of Digital Art
  3. Digital Art Ideas: How to get Kids started vis a vis creating Digital Art

Digital Art for Children: Understanding What is Digital Art

Ever heard the term ‘Computer Art’? Digital Art is quintessentially the same thing!

Simply put, Digital Art is any form of artistic work that employs the use of technology during the process of creation.

Note: That digital art need not have been generated entirely by a computer. Even something that has been ‘scanned’, falls under the wide umbrella of digital art.

The process of creating art using digital devices can be traced back to the 1950s, when technology was first used to manipulate images. That being said, it is only in more recent times that digital art has found itself blooming unlike ever before.

Want to give your kids a MasterClass in digital art? Before you do that, you might want to peruse a list of types of digital art!

Different Types of Digital Art

There are different types of digital art out there that your children can choose from, when looking to create some truly amazing work with the use of the computer.

Presenting the more popular types of digital art out there.

  • Digital Painting
  • Vector Art
  • 3D Modeling
  • Virtual Reality (VR) Art
  • Digital Photography
  • Pixel Art
  • 3D Sculpting
  • Photomanipulation
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) Art
  • Generative Art

Eager to get your kids started, in creating one of the many cool types of digital art listed above? Hop on to the next section, to find out how you can do just that!

Digital Art Ideas: How to Get Kids Started vis a vis creating Digital Art

Looking to initiate your child into the wonderful arena of Digital Art? Use our stellar digital art ideas, to help them get started!

  1. Get them the right Tools
  2. How will your child make any digital art, if they don’t have the right resources?

    To do: You want to get them a ‘tablet’ that is suitable for creating digital art, especially one that has a large screen and a top-notch surface to draw on!

  3. Creating Temporary Tattoos
  4. All children love temporary tattoos. Watch their excitement, when you tell them that they can make one themselves! Certainly, one of the best digital art ideas.

    To do: Use a cool software program to help your child design the tattoo of their choice, then have them print it out on printable tattoo paper with the help of an inkjet printer!

  5. Help them learn various Drawing Techniques
  6. Before they can master the creation of digital art, they need to be exposed to the basics!

    To do: You want to introduce them to the different drawing ‘techniques’, and have them practice them on that tablet with a stylus or even, their finger!

    Bonus Tip: You also want to teach them other features of the digital software they use, like adding ‘colors’ and ‘textures’.

  7. Enroll them in Digital Art Classes
  8. There’s only so much you can teach your child yourself about all that digital art, after all!

    To do: After they have mastered the basics of digital art, it might be time to up that ante after all, and sign them up for some cool digital art classes. Ensure you do your homework well, and only sign them up for a class that will truly help them take their skills to another level.

  9. Encourage them to Share their Art
  10. If there’s one thing about Art, it is this: It is ‘subjective’!

    To do: When your children share their art, they will be exposed to a world of ‘opinions’ that are not biased. What this means is, apart from all the extra praise they might get, they might even receive some valuable ‘feedback’ that will help them hone their skills better.

    Bonus Fact: All that sharing of art, might even land your child the possibility of collaborating with other artists!

  11. Indulging in some good old Photoshop Fun!
  12. How many times have we looked at a picture and gone: ‘Oh, that looks like it has been photoshopped’?

    To do: Introduce your child to the wonders of Photoshop. While it might seem trivial at first, over time you will see them garner a keener interest in ‘all things digital art’. Certainly, something that will give them a boost towards creating digital art of all kinds in the future!

  We at EuroKids believe that making Digital Art is one of the best possible ways to bring out creativity in children. Get that tablet for your child today, in case you haven’t already. It might just be the best decision you ever made!