
Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English for School Students

‘Mahatma Gandhi’

Two words that evoke a sense of profound respect and admiration in the hearts of not only Indians, but people around the globe. From Hollywood movies to novels written by award-winning writers and even casual conversations in coffee shops, there is no dearth of the utterance of these two words in peoples’ daily lives.

In India, on the 2nd of October every year, the birthday of this stalwart is celebrated with a great sense of fervor. Such is the respect for Mahatma Gandhi – or Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi if we go by his full name, that the holiday is recognised by government and private sectors alike.

To mark the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti this year, we at Eurokids have carefully crafted a Gandhi Jayanti speech in English. We are hopeful that this short speech on Gandhi Jayanti will inspire a sense of renewed admiration for a man we proudly call ‘The Father of the Nation’.

Or ‘Bapu’, as he is fondly known by one and all.

Looking for a Gandhi Jayanti speech in 10 lines? Take a look at our Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English, that all school students must listen to. We hope it will pay sufficient tribute to one of the most remarkable human beings in the annals of world history!

Table of Contents

A Short Speech on Gandhi Jayanti for School Students

The process of curating a Gandhi Jayanti speech in 10 lines or so, is not all that easy a task. After all, words always tend to fall short, when describing a man of such a lofty stature!

Presenting a short speech on Gandhi Jayanti, that we have crafted to the best of our capabilities, after some pretty extensive research on the glorious Mahatma Gandhi.

Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English

On the prestigious occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, I offer my sincere greetings to all who have gathered here, to celebrate this momentous occasion.

On this day each year, the 2nd of October, India celebrates Gandhi Jayanti. This is a national holiday in honour of the birth of the legendary Mohandas Karmachand Gandhi. Often known as ‘Bapu’ but more often referred to as ‘Mahatma Gandhi’, he was conferred the title of ‘Father of the Nation’ by Subhash Chandra Bose, for his persistent struggle for the freedom of our country. 

Did you know, the name ‘Mahatma’ means ‘One with the greatest soul?’ This part of his name was bestowed upon him by the Nobel Prize-winning Rabindranath Tagore!

This day, that is the 2nd of October 2024, marks the 155th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. It is on this day that our minds must hearken to his infamous principles of ‘living rightfully’, that inspire us to live life as a society with a renewed sense of empathy for all living beings.

Indeed, Gandhi’s principles were centered around Ahimsa (non-violence) and peace. In fact, the U.N. General Assembly declared this very day to be the International Day of Non-Violence, too. Needless to say, this only goes to show that the entire world acknowledges the Mahatma’s fine contribution of the ‘weapon of non-violence’, that has proven to be the best weapon in the arsenal of all countries, for effective combat.

Interestingly, another one of Bapu’s fundamental teachings was the ‘Power of Truth’, or Satyagraha’. He believed that positive change in society can only be enforced, through the transformative power of Truth. For those who are looking to live a life of righteousness as Mahatma Gandhi advocated, there is no better guiding light than Mahatma himself. After all, his life was a living testament to this principle!

Apart from this, the Mahatma was a strong proponent of the ‘Make in India’ concept. It is towards that end, that he strongly motivated people to weave their own clothes. Not only that, the well-known ‘Charkha’ is something that came into existence out of the Mahatma’s very thinking! In fact, the Make in India concept was engineered by Mahatma Gandhi, to get Indians to discard foreign products and rely on their own.

It is thanks to this very concept, that in today’s times we see an India that is trying its best to become self-sufficient at the global level!

Although Ganddhiji garnered a prestigious law degree in Africa, he returned to the country of his origin to serve a social cause. He was generally seen wearing Khadi clothes (usually a Dhoti), with a shawl wrapped around him. The other infamous items of his attire are his pair of spectacles and the stick he carried around with him.

On this important day of Gandhi Jayanti, to commemorate the man who gave our country so much, let us take a pledge. A pledge to treat all the people that we come across in our lives with a sense of equality and respect, without ever having to conform to violence of any kind.

In a nutshell, let us resolve to live a life of peace and love, as taught to us by our dear Bapu.

Jai Hind!

At EuroKids we believe that all children should be taught the importance of celebrating Gandhi Jayanti. To that effect, we believe that it is helpful for them to read this Gandhi Jayanti speech in English. Narrate this short speech on Gandhi Jayanti to your child today, and help them see the Mahatma through a lens of awe and admiration!