
Fascinating Trivia About Countries for Children

Children are curious little beings and they have every right to be. On the one hand, we tend to get annoyed when our little ones are curious or ask too many questions, but on the other hand, we need to understand that this is the way they learn and get accustomed and acclimatized to their surroundings. As parents and caregivers, the best thing we can do to help our kids get used to their environment is to teach them about it. We live in a big and beautiful world that is inhabited by millions of living things. As a child enters preschool and climbs the educational ladder, he or she must learn about our planet and the countries of the world. There are numerous things which fascinate little kids. One being the sky and the innumerable stars that it contains, and the other being the countries of the world.

As parents, you may be wondering how to introduce the topic of countries to your beloved babies. If this exact thought crossed your mind, you’re in luck as you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we will be covering everything you need to know regarding countries. This includes not just how to introduce the topic of countries to your kids, but also a few fun facts that will make the lesson enjoyable, engaging and fruitful. Did you know that the total countries in the world are just a little under 200? As of today, the exact number is 195. Well, before we delve deeper into some interesting trivia about the total countries of the world, let’s dig a little deeper into the definition of a country.

What Is A Country?

Before we teach our babies some interesting facts about countries, it is important for them to first know a few things about continents. Continents are huge masses of land, surrounded by water, mountains, islands and other physical features. Did you know that there are seven continents in the world as of today? The following is a list of continents, ranging from the largest to the smallest based on area: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia. Most continents contain several countries. For instance, some of the countries in Asia include India, China, Pakistan, Thailand, and Japan.

Continents are divided into smaller masses of land known as countries. Countries have territories that have borders to separate one from the other based on area. This is done to avoid confusion and conflict among countries and people. Each country is managed by its independent form of Government, which is the rule-making body to ensure law and order. People residing in a particular country are addressed as citizens of that country. For instance, citizens of India are known as Indians. One of the most interesting facts about countries is the parameters on which they are divided.

How Can One Differentiate Between Countries?

Since all countries are masses of land, with their only boundaries, physical features, cultures and traditions, there needs to be certain parameters to differentiate between them. One can do so based on names, flags, and languages.

  1. Name
  2. No two countries can ever have the same name. Each country is unique and to preserve its unique identity, no country can have the same name. This is also to avoid confusion among people.

  3. Flags
  4. Each country has its national flag which stands as a symbol of pride, respect, and love for one’s country. Flags create a sense of commonality and unify people belonging to the same nation.

  5. Languages
  6. While English has gradually emerged as a universal language across many nations, each nation has its mother tongue. This is another distinguishing factor when it comes to countries. Having one’s mother tongue encourages a country to be unique and fosters a sense of patriotism not just based on area or boundaries, but also based on a commonality like language.

Why Should Kids Learn About Countries?

  • Learning about the different countries of the world teaches kids the crucial value of cultural awareness and tolerance. It exposes them to different languages, cultures and lifestyles. This makes kids not just learn about the different cultures but also respect them. The world is becoming highly multicultural and to continue to further it, it is important to teach these values to our little ones.
  • It enables kids to learn about the global perspective. Learning about different countries broadens their horizons of thought and allows them to analyze things from different perspectives. It teaches them about contemporary global issues and keeps them attuned to current affairs on a global scale.
  • It fosters the spirit of geographical literacy. This not only involves learning to spot places on a map but also teaches them about the various kinds of borders, regions and climates.
  • Teaching little ones about countries that exist in the world helps foster their sense of curiosity. Discoveries are made out of a burning desire of curiosity to know more.
  • It teaches kids to respect diversity. Since they learn about the different aspects of different countries, it makes them more sensitive to differences based on religion and culture. In a way, it also discourages discrimination and teaches our little ones that all are equal no matter what they look like.

Fascinating Trivia About Countries For Kids

  • The smallest country in the world is considered to be Vatican City, with an area of just 49 hectares.
  • The title of the richest country in the world, as of today, rests with The United States of America.
  • The most populated country in the world is India, with a population of 140.76 crores.
  • Iceland is known as The Land of Fire and Ice because it not only has fiery volcanoes but also glaciers.
  • Thailand is popularly known as a country that houses some of the friendliest people. Owing to this, it has gained the title of The Land of Smiles.
  • Since Africa is home to a diverse population, it has earned the reputation of being The Rainbow Nation.
  • Egypt has taught us a lot about tombs, mummies, and pharaohs. It has gained a title which it justly deserves, that of The Land of Pharaohs.
  • The sun never sets in the northern parts of Norway during the summer months. Owing to this, it has been called The Land of the Midnight Sun.

Here at EuroKids, we strive to achieve excellence in preparing your kids for a bright and successful future. To do so, our teams of experts work tirelessly day in and day out to ensure that your child grows in mind, body, and soul. The curriculum in our preschools is designed uniquely to bring the best out in your little ones. We teach them about their surroundings and the world in which we live. Learning about countries promotes their overall cognitive development. Alongside this, we have fun and engaging activities that stimulate the mind and encourage creative thinking. If you want to learn more about us, visit our blog or head down to our nearest center near you.

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