
Fascinating Facts About Giraffe for Kids

‘Look, Ma! A Giraffe!’

The enthusiasm with which your child might belt out these words during their next visit to the zoo, knows no bounds! Probably the only other time they will get so excited at an ‘animal sighting’, is when they see a Tiger or Lion.

Be it their long necks or their impressive height, there’s just ‘something’ that draws children to Giraffes. Imagine their excitement then, when you tell them you have some wonderful new information for them about this Gentle Giant!

The team at EuroKids are pleased to inform you that we have compiled a list of amazing Giraffe Facts for Kids. There’s no ‘Sticking our Necks’ out here, where it comes to presenting this Information about the Giraffe for Kids to you. After all, they are nothing short of being ‘Facts’!

Without further ado, then, let’s get all the lowdown on that Giraffe Info for Kids!

Giraffe Info for Kids: 15 Amazing Facts about the Giraffe for Kids

Looking for some truly amazing facts about the Giraffe, like Giraffe Habitat for Kids? We have it all covered here, with our list of 15 Amazing Giraffe Facts for Kids.

  1. No Two Giraffes have the Same Pattern!
  2. It sounds incredible, right?

    Apart from this, it’s interesting to note that the ‘patchwork’ on the coats of giraffes is determined by the ‘species’ of Giraffe. The following are a couple of examples.

    • The Reticulated Giraffe
    • This one has brown-orange patches, separated by thick white lines.

    • The Masai Giraffe
    • A darker giraffe, with brown lines between its patches.

  3. They are the Tallest Mammal on Earth
  4. No wonder they create that sense of awe in children.

    Cool Fact: The Giraffe can grow up to 5 and a half meters.

    Bonus Fact: The newborn Giraffe is taller than most human beings!

  5. They eat only Plants
  6. Yes, this Gentle Giant is a Herbivore!

    Cool Fact: The favourite food of the Giraffe is the leaves from the Acacia Tree.

    Bonus Fact: The tongues of Giraffes grow to a whopping 53 cm, thus enabling them to pluck those leaves with ease.

  7. Giraffe Habitat Fact for Kids
  8. In case your child is wondering where most giraffes are found, it’s on the dry Savannah Plains in Africa!

    Cool Fact: The open plains here are dotted with those ‘acacia trees’, that giraffes happily feed from.

  9. They are Highly Social Animals
  10. Like humans, they love to mix with others of their own kind.

    Cool Fact: Giraffes roam around in groups called ‘towers’. These usually have around 15 members, that are led by an adult male.

  11. Baby Giraffes can stand almost as soon as they are born
  12. It;’s true. In only half an hour after their births, baby giraffes can stand up.

    Cool Fact: In a mere 10 hours after their birth, giraffes can ‘run’, too!

  13. The Long Necks of Giraffes make for great Watchtowers
  14. The Giraffe, too, has to be on the lookout for predators like lions and hyenas. This is where their long necks step in. From that ‘high’ vantage position, they can easily keep an eye out for predators in the grasslands.

  15. They have a gargantuan Appetite
  16. Yes indeed. The giraffe spends most of its time eating, and is known to consume around 45 kgs of leaves and twigs in a day!

  17. They don’t drink a lot of Water
  18. It’s not really surprising, because all those leaves that giraffes eat are primarily composed of Water itself!

    Cool Fact: Giraffes are known to drink water only once every few days.

  19. They are almost always Standing Up
  20. What’s really surprising here, is the fact that they even ‘sleep’ and ‘give birth’ while standing up!

  21. Male Giraffes Butthead each other
  22. This is done to prove their superiority over other males.

    Cool Fact: This Giraffe Behaviour is known as ‘necking’.In most cases, giraffes don’t end up getting hurt doing it. One of the males will eventually give up, and retreat.

    Bonus Fact: Giraffes are on the whole very peaceful animals, and only fight on rare occasions.

  23. They have a very strong ‘Kick’
  24. Yes, that Giraffe’s Foot can certainly ‘pack a punch’!

    Cool Fact: The strong kick of a giraffe can create an impact of up to 2000 pounds of force per square inch!

  25. They can live for up to 40 years
  26. The above figure is in reference to giraffes living in captivity. As for giraffes living in the wild, they usually live for around 25 years.

  27. The ‘Horns’ of the Giraffe are not ‘real’ horns
  28. Now, that’s surely a fact you didn’t know before!

    Cool Fact: Giraffe ‘Horns’ are actually ‘cartilage’ that is covered by ‘skin’.There’s even a term for them: ‘assicones’.

  29. The Front part of the Giraffe’s Tongue is Dark
  30. This is so that it can be protected from exposure to the Sun, while the giraffe eats.

We are sure that you must be pleasantly surprised yourself, after going through our list of the most Amazing Giraffe Facts For Kids. We at EuroKids urge you to share this cool Giraffe Info for Kids, with your children today itself!