
Facts and Myths About Healthy Food for Kids

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  • Facts and Myths About Healthy Food for Kids

Striking a fine ‘balance’ is difficult, when ensuring kids eat a ‘balanced’ diet! Especially in today’s ‘marketing gimmick-ridden’ world, that sees a new health fad pop up every now and then. Only, it isn’t always ‘healthy’!

It’s absolutely crucial to debunk the common myths surrounding children’s diets. Time to block out all that ‘hearsay’, that comes from just about every layperson in the guise of a ‘health guru.’

In this article we will take a close look at the most common Myths about Healthy Food. Armed with some great Nutrition Myth Busters, we will debunk those myths and replace them with most pertinent Facts about Healthy Food. Ready to learn all there is to know about Healthy Food for kids? Time to get that virtual shopping list ready. That is, by uncovering some Facts about Healthy Food, that will show us just what needs to be on the plates of those hungry eaters!

About Healthy Food for Kids: Facts and Myths about Healthy Food for Kids

Ready to unlock that arsenal of Nutrition Myth Busters, and uncover ‘true’ facts about healthy food? Presenting the most common myths about healthy food, with a view towards gaining the right perspective towards healthy eating for kids.

  1. Myth #1: Every child is aware of the food that is right for them
  2. Fact: Children are only really aware of food that ‘tastes’ good. It’s little wonder, then, that they gravitate towards sugary desserts like donuts and muffins.

    To do: You want to sit down with your kids, and tell them about what those healthy eating choices are. To that effect, the next time you go to the supermarket for grocery shopping, you want to take them along with you. Having them experience the joy of putting all those green veggies and nuts in the shopping basket, will help make it easier to get your kids to eat them!

  3. Myth #2: ‘Low Fat’ means ‘Low Calories’
  4. Fact: Just because something is low in fat, doesn’t imply that it’s going to help your kids lose weight! Truth is, the ‘fat’ in these foods is generally replaced by other ingredients like Sodium, which can definitely contribute to their weight gain.

    To do: You want to check the label thoroughly, before deciding if something that is ‘low fat’, is truly ‘healthy.’

  5. Myth #3: Multigrain options make for healthier choices
  6. Fact: ‘Multigrain’ might sound cooler than ‘Whole Grain’, but it’s actually the latter that makes for a healthier choice for kids. That’s because Whole Grain products actually contain the ‘entire’ grain. Namely, Bran, Endosperm and Germ. In effect, that makes it far healthier than its ‘multigrain’ counterpart.

    To do: When shopping, look for products that have ‘whole’ grains. Not only in the case of Wheat, but items like Oats, too.

  7. Myth #4: Starting the day with Cereal is best
  8. Fact: In the list of ‘incorrect’ facts about eating healthy food for kids, this one is right on top of the list. While cereals might seem like the most convenient choice to give your kids, they are actually laced with far more sugar than you think. Needless to say, you don’t want to give them a ‘sugar high’ first thing in the morning!

    To do: Breakfast should consist of healthier choices. Like oatmeal, or fruits.

  9. Myth #5: Children must drink Milk daily
  10. Fact: While milk is definitely a great source of calcium for those healthy teeth and bones, it is not the only source. You can replace that milk in their diets, with other calcium-rich sources.

    To do: You can give them milk that comes from alternative sources. Oat milk and Almond milk make for some great choices here. Besides these, there are other foods that are rich in calcium. Like Beans, and Oatmeal!

  11. Myth #6: Your child will starve if they skip a meal
  12. Fact: If your child ends up eating one less meal a day, it’s perfectly normal. This ideology must be applied to their not having to finish everything on their plates, too. The idea is to get them to form a ‘healthy’ relationship with food. When they do, they will naturally become healthier eaters.

    To do: Keep portions small. That’s the most healthy way, to see them not skip their next meal.

  13. Myth #7: Sugar is Bad for Kids
  14. Fact: ‘All’ sugar is not bad for kids! The real culprit here is ‘processed’ sugar, which is sugar that has been stripped off its nutrients. In fact, there’s no avoiding sugar completely. Sugar is found naturally in things like fruits and milk. However, this is ‘natural’ sugar that is good for our kids. In fact, their bodies ‘need’ this sugar to function properly!

    To do: The next time you’re buying sugar for baking, you might want to consider honey as a replacement for that white sugar.

  15. Myth #8: Probiotics are bad for kids, because they contain bacteria
  16. Fact: Some bacteria are great, where it comes to boosting kids’ immune and digestive health. Did you know that all of us, including our kids, are actually  ‘more bacteria’ than humans? It’s true, our bodies are host to a whopping number of around 40 trillion bacterial cells!

    To do: Give them probiotic foods and supplements that will aid in the formation of a healthy gut microbiota.

  17. Myth #9: Overweight children must be put on a strict diet
  18. Fact: As far as the word ‘diet’ goes for kids, it should only be limited to their eating a ‘balanced diet.’

    To do: Apart from them eating healthy in general, have them sign up for things like games or even a dance class. That will take care of those overweight issues, in a healthier way.

  19. Myth #10: It’s best to not buy ‘frozen’ fruits and vegetables
  20. Fact: Frozen fruits and vegetables are really as healthy as their ‘fresh’ counterparts.

    To do: You might want to ensure that there is no ‘No Salt Added’ label on those cans of Frozen fruits and vegetables.

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