
Animal: Habitats, Movements and their Behaviour

“Does your child love animals? From the cute and cuddly to the weird and wild, animals are like us in so many ways. We can learn a lot from their physical traits, personalities and emotions, family life, and more.”

–  Tirazh Weiskotten

As parents or educators, one of our greatest joys is sparking a child’s curiosity about the world around them. A fantastic place to begin is the animal kingdom. The diversity of creatures and their environments provides a rich learning experience, teaching toddlers about what are the different types of animal habitats, different types of movements in animals, and different types of animal behaviour. This article will be a guide on the different types of animals for kids and how to explore them.

8 Different Types of Animal Habitats

  1. Tropical Rainforests
  2. Found near the equator, these lush forests receive high rainfall throughout the year. The thick canopy formed by overlapping trees and the rich undergrowth beneath create distinct layers, each housing specific animals. From jaguars to tree frogs, orangutans to various bird species, the biodiversity here is staggering. The rainforest is a hotbed of evolution, thanks to the variety of niches and resources.

  3. Deserts
  4. Defined by their low precipitation, deserts can be hot, like the Sahara or cold, like the Gobi. While seemingly barren, they are home to a unique array of adapted life forms. Camels, rattlesnakes, and cacti are all uniquely adapted to conserve and make the most of the scarce water. Nocturnal behaviours, water storage mechanisms, and deep burrowing are common survival strategies. Further, exploring the desert and various types of animals for kids can be exciting and adventurous for children.

  5. Deciduous Forests
  6. Located primarily in the northern hemisphere, these forests experience all four seasons. Trees here, like oak and maple, shed their leaves in winter. Animals such as deer, foxes, and various birds inhabit these woods. Adaptations to cope with seasonal changes, like hibernation and food storage, are essential for survival. Further, deciduous forests can be taught with the help of animal images for kids.

  7. Tundras
  8. These are the cold deserts near the poles, where the ground remains frozen most of the year. Due to the harsh conditions, plant growth is stunted and consists mainly of mosses, lichens, and some shrubs. Animals like the Arctic fox, snowy owls, and reindeer have special adaptations like fat storage and camouflage to survive.

  9. Mountains
  10. As we ascend a mountain, the climate and vegetation change drastically. Mountainous regions present a cascade of ecosystems, starting from the base and going up to the snow-covered peaks. Snow leopards in the Himalayas, Andean condors in South America, and mountain goats in North America are examples of fauna adapted to rugged terrains and thin air.

  11. Freshwater Habitats
  12. This includes rivers, lakes, ponds, and streams. The flowing water of rivers supports animals like otters, beavers, and various fish species. Lakes and ponds, with their still water, provide homes to amphibians, waterfowl, and even crocodiles in some parts of the world.

  13. Wetlands
  14. Often the transitional zones between terrestrial and aquatic habitats, wetlands like marshes, swamps, and bogs are incredibly productive ecosystems. They support a variety of bird life, from storks to flamingos, and act as nurseries for many fish species.

  15. Oceans
  16. Covering about 71% of the Earth’s surface, oceans are the largest habitat. Their vastness and depth create a plethora of sub-habitats. Coral reefs, often termed the “rainforests of the sea,” are teeming with life, from colourful fish to massive sharks. The deep sea, with its crushing pressure and complete darkness, houses mysterious creatures like the anglerfish and giant squid. These habitats can also be taught with the help of animal pictures for kids. An excellent way of teaching animal habitats to kids is by teaching about animal images for kids simultaneously.

5 Various Types of Movements in Animals

  1. Walking and Running
  2. The most basic form of movement for many terrestrial animals. Mammals like humans, dogs, and cats use their legs to walk and run. The number of legs and their structure varies; insects, for instance, have six legs, while arachnids have eight. Walking and running movements in animals can be taught with the help of animal pictures for kids.

  3. Jumping and Hopping
  4. Some animals, like kangaroos and rabbits, use strong hind legs to jump or hop as their primary form of locomotion. Frogs and grasshoppers are also expert jumpers, propelling themselves into the air to escape threats or capture prey.

  5. Burrowing
  6. Animals like moles, earthworms, and some insects move by burrowing through the soil. They have evolved specialised body parts, such as the flattened, spade-like hands of the mole or the segmented body of earthworms, to facilitate this. Further, burrowing can be taught to children with the help of animal picture for kids.

  7. Climbing
  8. Animals like monkeys, squirrels, and many insects have adaptations to move vertically in trees or across other surfaces. This might include specialised claws, adhesive pads, or prehensile tails.

  9. Swimming
  10. Many animals are adapted to life in water. Fish use their fins to navigate aquatic environments. Whales and dolphins, being mammals, have powerful tails that move up and down, propelling them through water.

    Did you know there are various kinds of animals living in different types of ecosystems from ocean to the desert?

7 Diverse Types of Animal Behaviour

  1. Innate Behaviour (Instinct)
  2. These are behaviours that are hard-wired into an animal’s genetics and do not require any learning to manifest. For instance, a spider spinning a web or a bird building a nest is primarily guided by instinct. Further, innate behaviour or instincts of animals can be taught alongside types of animals for kindergarten children.

  3. Learned Behaviour
  4. As the name suggests, this behaviour is acquired or modified by experience. Animals learn from their environment, their experiences, or from other animals.

  5. Migration
  6. Seasonal long-distance movement, usually driven by changes in the environment, food availability, or breeding needs. Birds are the classic examples, but many other animals, including certain species of fish and mammals, also migrate.

  7. Hibernation and Estivation
  8. Hibernation is a prolonged sleep-like state animals enter during cold months, while estivation occurs during extremely hot or dry periods. Both behaviours help animals conserve energy and survive harsh conditions.

  9. Territorial Behaviour
  10. Many animals establish and defend territories, particularly during the breeding season. This behaviour ensures that they have enough resources, like food or nesting sites, and reduces conflict within the species.

    Do your kids know that there are thousands of kinds of animals ranging from insects to huge mammals?

  11. Communication
  12. Animals communicate using vocalisations, body language, chemical signals (pheromones), or even bioluminescence. Examples include bird songs, ant trails, and firefly flashes.

  13. Avoidance and Escape
  14. These behaviours help animals avoid potential threats or escape predators. Avoidance and escape behaviour can also be taught along with various types of animals for kindergarten kids.


Exploring the world of animals with toddlers can be an exciting and enriching journey. By understanding different types of animal habitats, movements, behaviours, and types of animals, children not only learn about the diverse world of wildlife but also develop a sense of respect and empathy for all living beings. The article also addressed various kinds of animals in different habitats.

At EuroKids, we focus on making the journey interactive and fun, and instil a lifelong love for animals in their young hearts through fun games and play.

What is your child’s favourite animal? How are you going to impart knowledge about animals to your children?

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