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Cultivating a peaceful classroom: supporting students in the  school

School is hard. Not just for teens as they show in movies, but kind of for every grade. Even your tiny preschooler can face a pretty stressful time at school, you know. And it could be harder for your little one simply because they are not used to being away from you. Separation anxiety is so real. And adjustment is truly a learning curve. Ergo, it is kind of crucial for schools to recognize the Importance Of A Positive Learning Environment and provide your tots and tykes with a peaceful atmosphere. Somewhere where they can find their zen when things spiral a little bit out of their control.

The good thing is creating an atmosphere of peace and calm in the classroom isn’t a mammoth task. Just a little effort and empathy can go a long way. So teachers if you are reading this, here how you can foster a peaceful classroom environment. And yes, luckily, it is not rocket science.

  1. Choose soothing decor
  2. That means lots of pastel blues and yellow lights and greens all around! By incorporating nature’s elements in your classroom, you instantly create a place where zen can prevail if things get tough. Also, try to keep it as cosy as possible. Have magical and comfy reading nooks and snug seating all around the classroom so your kids never feel on edge. That ought to control flying tempers too. We all know what a kid’s tantrum can be like!

  3. Keep the transition from home to school smooth
  4. For kids starting out in school for the first time, spending time away from their mommy and daddy is unfathomable. At least in the initial phase. Which obviously leads to a build-up of stress. Which, in turn, can even cause anxiety.

    But you can ease that by promoting a calm classroom environment. How, you ask? Well, just have easy transition activities in place. Start the day with a little song and dance. A jig or two can definitely uplift the mood. You could even try morning mindfulness with older kids!

  5. Provide a safe space
  6. That is part of making a peaceful classroom. There has to be a safe escape when things get a bit too chaotic for any kid in the class. You can do this creating a cosy little nook where kids can retreat anytime they feel like it is getting too much. Do up the space with snuggly cushions, soft lighting and sensory toys. Maybe even add some calming music if possible. Anything that helps children calm down and recharge.

  7. Start a morning mindfulness practice
  8. You might think your students are too young for this. But trust us. Kids of all ages could benefit from it. Even if getting them to focus might be a bit of a challenge. At least initially.

    That aise, a five-minute mindfulness session every morning could be the best answer if you were wondering how you can keep peace in your classroom. Meditation is inherently calming and keep tempers and tantrums in check. Besides, it can set a good tone for the rest of the day to come. All you gotta do is put some soothing music on, get kids to close their eyes and just breathe.

  9. Make mindfulness a recurrent part of the day
  10. So if your kids are already in the habit of mindful mornings by now, the time is rife to take things up a notch. Which means encouraging them to practise mindful moments all through the livelong day! Every time you see a student get stressed, ask them to just take a few deep breaths. So they can recentre and feel better. Besides, mindful moments can also help them stay in sync with their surroundings without getting upset or feeling unsettled.

  11. Try a couple of relaxing exercises in class
  12. Let us face it. School life is competitive. And kids need a break too. Sometimes even in the middle of school hours. No, we are not talking about lunch break. But just a break from the stress and the competitiveness all around. And that is where you can help them by teaching them relaxing exercises.

    You could try guided meditation before nap time. Or you could teach them a couple of exercises that help relax their muscle groups, thus reducing or removing any excess stress they may have felt during their day. That is one of the classroom management strategies that can even help when things get strained between two students.

  13. Create a positive learning environment too
  14. That is always the goal. A positive learning environment that balances curiosity and excitement with inner calm. Sounds like a challenge, we know. But it really can be achieved in simpler ways. Like for example, you could create an ‘about me’ board with a section with each child’s name in the classroom.  Encourage kids to fill out this board with their interests and hobbies and family photos. Now watch kids getting that feeling of home while being curious to connect with other kids due to shared interests!

  15. Do a feelings check-in
  16. Kids have a LOT of feelings! And the thing is sometimes they can bottle it all up inside due to peer pressure or the inability to openly express themselves in front of everyone. Or for any other reason. However, you can make them come around to expressing how they feel with a little check-in board.

    Set one up in your classroom, labelling each child’s name and give your kids a couple of smileys with different expressions to stick under their names each day. If they pick a frown smiley one day, you can treat it as an opportunity to help them out. Plus, it makes the kids feel seen and heard so that is a bonus.

  17. Indulge in storytelling
  18. Nothing makes a classroom environment more positive and engaging for kids than a good ol’ storytelling session! Whether things are tense or smooth-sailing, daily story sessions can be a great way to get your kids to bond. As long as you let them indulge in dramatic play with the story of the day! The more they work with each other, the lesser the chances of friction in the classroom.

  19. Always be loving, kind and empathetic
  20. And lastly, if you still want an extra tip on ‘how can you keep peace in your classroom’, remember to always act with kindness in your heart. When you, as a teacher, become a calming and empathetic presence for kids, the one they can count on and turn to, they are bound to feel a lot at ease within the four colourful walls of their classroom.

Patience is key. As an early educator, you have to make that your mantra. It will definitely take kids time to feel at-home in the classroom. But they will get there. With your hard work, they are bound to. In the meantime, parents, if you want your kids to be a part of a preschool that already has a beautiful, constructive and calming classroom environment, come to EuroKids. Your kids will love it here! And they will learn a lot too! Visit us to know more.