
Cool Sea Turtle Facts For Kids

‘See! A Turtle’

Exactly what you might find yourself uttering, when you ‘See’ a Sea Turtle!

Imagine the excitement of your little one, then, when they happen to witness the sight of this miraculous creation of Nature, on an exotic beach somewhere! Needless to say, their mind will be full of questions pertaining to it, especially if they’ve never seen them before.

Luckily for you, we have compiled some great information about Sea Turtles.  In this article you will find everything About That Turtle that your child will want to know, and more. Our comprehensive list of Turtle Facts for Kids, will help your Kids satiate their appetite for Important Facts about Sea Turtles.

Take a Dive into the Ocean of Information, and get started with a Few Lines about the Turtle!

Table of Contents

Turtle Basics: A Few Lines About The Turtle

There’s far more to Turtles than we think we know. Like, the knowledge that they are found in different environments and come in an assortment of sizes and shapes!

There are all kinds of Turtles, ranging from the slow-moving Tortoise that lives on land, to those graceful turtles that one can find gliding with ease through oceans around the world. For the purposes of this article, we will focus only on this latter kind of Turtle, the Sea Turtle.

Read on, to uncover some cool snippets of information about the Sea Turtle!

10 Turtle Facts for Kids: Important Facts about Sea Turtles

Presenting 10 Important Facts about Sea Turtles that every child should know!

  1. They have been around since Time Immemorial
  2. Yes, it’s true! Sea Turtles have roamed the oceans of the world for more than a 100 million years!

    Cool Fact: These majestic creatures were actually present in the Dinosaur Era, and survived those very dinosaurs when they went extinct!

  3. The Biggest Species of Sea Turtles
  4. Yes, there are different ‘species’ of Sea Turtles, too! Among them, the Leatherback Turtles are the largest.

    Cool Fact: It may come as a surprise, that these are also the ‘fastest’ moving species of Sea Turtle, with speeds in the water that go up to 22 mph!

  5. They can live for a very long time
  6. While Sea Turtles typically live for around 30 years, they can live for a lot longer.

    Cool Fact: Many turtles go on to have lifespans like those of humans, living anywhere between 70-80 years!

  7. The Sex of SeaTurtles can be Determined by the Sand Temperature
  8. You heard that right! While males are produced by cooler sand temperatures, the reverse is the case for females.

    Cool Fact: Sea Turtles lay a whopping 100-125 eggs at a time on the ocean floor!

  9. They need Air to breathe
  10. While they can be found in almost every ocean in the world, Sea Turtles are not as well-adapted to breathing ‘ocean air’ as their ‘fish’ counterparts.

  11. Green Sea Turtles are not only ‘green’ in colour!
  12. One might be thinking, ‘Why on Earth are they even called ‘Green’ Sea Turtles then?’

    Cool Fact: The name stems from the layer of ‘green fat’ that can be found under the shells of this species of turtle.

    Bonus Fact: The fat is believed to be green in colour, owing to the predominantly-vegetarian diet of these turtles!

  13. The Miraculous Navigation Abilities of Female Sea Turtles
  14. Did you know, the Female Sea Turtle can actually navigate its way back to the very same beach where they were born, to lay their eggs?

    Cool Fact: ‘Homing’ is the name given to this mysterious navigational ability that has left even Scientists baffled!

  15. There are 7 different species of Sea Turtle. They are the following.
    • Leatherback
    • Green
    • Flatback
    • Loggerhead
    • Hawksbill
    • Olive Ridley
    • Kemp’s Ridley
  16. They do not ‘retract’ into their Shells like other Turtles
  17. This is what makes those Sea Turtles especially vulnerable to predators like tiger sharks and even wild dogs!

  18. They are an Endangered Species
  19. Alas, it’s true! These beautiful, majestic animals face plenty of dangers out there. Sadly, most of them are man-created, like Ocean Development and even Fishing Nets!

    Fact: Sea Turtles commonly mistake plastic bags thrown into the ocean for jellyfish! This only poses yet another serious threat to their precious lives!

  It’s important for our kids to garner awareness of Sea Turtles. After all, as the last piece of information shows, they might be on the brink of extinction! Teach your kids these Important Facts about Sea Turtles today itself. That will help them cultivate a sense of Empathy for these majestic creatures, apart from that sense of Awe they experience when they encounter them!

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