
Cinderella’s Story for Kids with Moral

The essence of every fairy tale for the ages.

And yet, there’s far more ‘substance’ in these ‘fairy’ tales, than you can ever imagine!

The Cinderella Story for Kids is synonymous with that very sense of ‘magic’. When we think of Cinderella, our mind instantly hearkens to the ‘Girl who lost her glass slipper.’ And yet, it is so much more than that!

We at EuroKids believe in the power of fairytales to exert a positive influence on the minds of people, especially those of children. If you’re looking to teach kids some important Life Lessons, The Cinderella Short Story will certainly do the trick.

Read on, to know all about the Cinderella Story, and get a whiff of that ‘magic’ yourself!

Table of Contents

The Cinderella Story: The Cinderella Short Story for Kids

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away, there lived a beautiful damsel called Cinderella, with the kindest eyes and a heart that was bursting with love. Ironically, for all her ‘softness’, life was pretty ‘hard’ for Cinderella. Her two stepsisters Anastasia and Drizella, and stepmother Lady Tremaine, made life Hell for her. Be it cooking meals for them or scrubbing the floor, Cinderella found herself toil like a slave.The only friends she had were the two mice Gus and Jaq, and the birds that lived in the attic where she lived.

One fine day, there came an announcement from the king’s messengers. They said that the King and Queen were looking for a suitable bride for the young Prince. To that effect, they extended an invitation to all the pretty damsels in the kingdom – an invitation to The Royal Ball!

Cinderella’s mother and stepsisters immediately commanded Cinderella to stitch some fancy gowns for them, to wear to the ball. Luckily for Cinderella, from the beads and threads left over from their gowns, her friends prepared a resplendent gown for her, too!

Cinderella looked beautiful when she wore the gown. Sadly, her happiness was short-lived. Her stepsisters flew into a rage when they saw her all decked up, and tore her dress to shreds. A distraught Cinderella found herself retreating to the garden and thinking, ‘Oh how I wish I could go to the ball!’

Just then the most ‘magical’ thing happened. A fairy godmother appeared in front of Cinderella, and asked her why she was so sad. Feeling bad on hearing her story, the fairy godmother turned some mice into horses and a pumpkin into a carriage! Oh, and that was not all. She even bequeathed Cinderella with a beautiful dress and a pair of glass slippers!

However, the Fairy Godmother left her saying, ‘This magic spell will vanish at the stroke of midnight, so make sure you return before that!’ Cinderella happily promised she would, and left in a flurry of excitement.

At the ball, Cinderella was the most beautiful girl by far. The young Prince, enchanted by her beauty, spent all night dancing with her.

As it was nearing midnight, Cinderella looked at the clock and remembered the Fairy Godmother’s words. She left in a hurry, without even bidding the Prince a proper goodbye. However, as she was running down the stairs, one of her glass slippers fell off.

That solitary glass slipper, was the only clue the Prince had as to the identity of the girl who had mesmerized him with her beauty. He went from house to house, looking for the girl whose slipper it was, but to no avail. Finally, he arrived at Cinderella’s home. The stepsisters were eager to try on the slipper, but like all the girls before them, they failed to secure ‘the right fit’.

Just when the Prince was about to give up, he saw Cinderella working in the house. He asked if she would try the slipper, and Voila! It fit like a glove!

‘I found you!’ exclaimed the Prince, and he took Cinderella with him. They went on to marry, and lived happily ever after in the palace.

Cinderella Story Summary: Moral of the Cinderella Story

The Cinderella Story is the tale of a kind and beautiful girl named Cinderella, who lives a harsh life. One day, as luck will have it, she glimpses a ray of hope in the form of an invitation to a Royal Ball. Thanks to the magnanimity of  her Fairy Godmother, she manages to get to the ball, and ends up stealing the Prince’s heart.

Cinderella finds herself leaving the ball prematurely before the stroke of midnight, for fear that the ‘magic spell’ cast by the Fairy Godmother will be broken. As fate will have it, she leaves a glass slipper behind. That very glass slipper is the ticket to her destiny. Thanks to it, the Prince finds her and she gets married to him, ending her life of toil and misery.

Moral of The Cinderella Story

Good people are always rewarded at the right time.

Cinderella Short Story: Key Takeaways for Kids

There are some valuable life lessons that can be gleaned by children from the Cinderella Story for Kids.These are the following.

  • If you are optimistic and patient, even the worst life situations can be completely turned around for the better.
  • We must be kind to others, even if they are cruel to us.

The Cinderella Story is indeed one of the most breathtakingly beautiful stories for children. Narrate the Cinderella Short Story to your kids today, and help them learn some vital life lessons!