
Benefits of White Noise for Babies

If there is one thing we know about White Noise, it is this: Babies love it!

It’s true. While the term ‘White Noise’ is not something most adults are even familiar with, it is nothing short of being a ‘soothing balm’ to all those cranky babies out there!

As a new parent, you know the scenario well. You need to wake up for the umpteenth time in the night, to feed your baby and then put them back to sleep. Sometimes, all that’s required is not plenty of that ‘swaddling’, but instead, exposing your little one to some good old ‘White Noise’!

We at EuroKids present to you in this article, all the White Noise Benefits for your little one. If you’re looking at How to Use White Noise for Baby, you’ve come to the right place. Want to know what all the fuss about ‘White Noise for Babies’ is? Read on, to answer questions like ‘Is White Noise Good for Babies’ and ‘Is White Noise Safe for Babies’, apart from learning How to Use White Noise for Baby, of course!

Table of Contents

White Noise for Babies: A Closer Look

Before we can take a look at the White Noise Benefits for Babies, we must first understand What is White Noise.

Simply put, White Noise refers to a ‘noise’ that contains different ‘frequencies’ at the same ‘intensity’.

Let’s put it this way. Your baby actually came into this world being accustomed to ‘noise’. It’s true. There were ambient sounds in their Mumma’s womb that played in the background all the time. Sounds like the beating of Mumma’s heart, and the air moving through their lungs! This was the ‘White Noise’ they were accustomed to for 9 months before they came into this world!

It’s little wonder, then, that they will find that ‘low hum’ White Noise is best characterized by, most comforting. That being said, if you’re wondering ‘Is White Noise Safe for Babies’, you can rest assured that if used appropriately, it most certainly is! Needless to say, that answers the question ‘Is White Noise Good for Babies’, too!

Hop on to the next section, to discover the wonderful White Noise Benefits for Babies

White Noise Benefits for Babies

Time to make some Noise! Presenting the top White Noise Benefits for your little one.

  1. It blocks out Annoying Sounds
  2. In a country like India, it is not uncommon to be disturbed in the middle of the night by the sound of cars honking, or even stray dogs barking. One of the best White Noise Benefits lies in the fact that it cuts out the ‘outside sounds’. The very sounds that can go on to wake Baby up from their precious slumber at night!

  3. It creates a Womb-Like Environment
  4. One of the best things White Noise does is to replicate the environment in the Mother’s Womb, for your little one. That is why they not only fall asleep ‘faster’ when listening to that White Noise, they also tend to sleep for ‘longer’!

How to Use White Noise for Baby: White Noise Machine Tips

Yes, there are actually ‘White Noise Machines’ that you can buy in a store, that can aid in Baby’s sleep!

The following are a few pointers that you need to bear in mind, when buying that White Noise Machine for your little one.

  • Get a machine that makes ‘Actual’ White Noise
  • It’s easy to fall prey to the trap of buying a machine that makes ‘so-called’ white noise like the sounds of birds chirping and waves crashing on the shore.

    Tip: You want to instead go in for a machine that makes ‘actual white noise’, that is characterized by a low-pitch, continuous tone that ‘really’ soothes your baby!

  • Avoid machines that work on a Timer
  • The last thing you want is for that machine to ‘go off’ and for your baby to start crying again.That is why, it is essential that you choose one that doesn’t operate on a timer.

  • Choosing one that is Not Too Loud
  • According to the American Association of Paediatrics (AAP), a noise that is above 50 decibels can damage your baby’s hearing. You must ensure that you keep this fact well in mind, when choosing the right kind of White Noise Machine for your little one.

    Tip: Choose one that, even when set to the maximum volume, produces a sound that will not be detrimental to your child’s hearing.

    Bonus Tip: There is good research to show that when you are using a White Noise Machine, you want to keep it at least 1 foot away from Baby.

    At EuroKids we believe that a sound sleep is absolutely essential to your little one’s development and sense of well-being. Get them a White Noise Machine and use it within the prescribed limits, to help them sleep better at night!