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Benefits Of Birthing Ball Exercises During Pregnancy

Priya is a mum-to-be on the most glorious but tricky journey of her life – pregnancy. Like many Indian women, she fights sleepless nights along with backache, pelvic pressure, and all other common discomforts. Her friend suggests working out with a birthing ball, which she claims to have done wonders during her pregnancy. Priya gets interested in the idea and decides to give it a try. Little does she know that this simple exercise equipment will become her closest companion in pain relief throughout the gestation period as well as preparation for labour.

Through this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of using birthing balls during pregnancy so that our Indian readers can take away some key points when incorporating this into their prenatal routines. Starting from relieving discomfort to promoting readiness for childbirth, let’s see how game-changing these pregnancy ball exercises can be for expectant mothers!

Table Of Contents:

What Is A Birthing Ball?

Also known as an exercise or stability ball – it is just like any other big inflatable rubber ball used in different types of exercises for support purposes mainly. In fact, there are so many fitness programs that use them regularly, not excluding physical therapies but during pregnancy too! This is because they are versatile enough to allow pregnant women to work out comfortably without straining themselves at all.

Benefits Of Using Exercise Balls During Pregnancy

Here are some exercise ball benefits:

Relieves Back Pain

The ability of a birthing ball to relieve back pains cannot be underestimated. As the baby continues growing inside you, more weight gets added to your lower spine, thereby causing strain on those muscles located there. At times, even sitting becomes unbearable due to such pressure, hence making things worse off than before! However, doing gentle workouts while seated on this type of equipment can greatly help improve posture besides easing these kinds of pains too.

Reduces Pelvic Pressure

One thing about being expectant is feeling lots of heaviness around the pelvis region because the baby’s weight tends to push downwards. The good news is that using birthing balls enables us to deal with this problem by ensuring appropriate alignment of our pelvises, leading to comfortability during such circumstances. All you need to do is sit on one and make circular moves with your hips – it will distribute weight evenly, thus removing any unnecessary strain.

Strengthens Core Muscles And Stability

During pregnancy, having a strong core becomes extremely important for various reasons. This can be easily achieved by utilizing a pregnancy ball since it makes those tummy muscles tighter than ever before. Not only does it support the back as well as pelvic areas, but it also prepares the body system for the laboring process. Several gentle exercises, like tilting your pelvis or even rotating hips while sitting on top of them, work wonders when trying to attain such goals.

Encourages Better Posture

Another thing that needs attention throughout the gestation period is maintaining proper sitting positions because failure may result in straining different parts unnecessarily. Sitting on birthing balls ensures that an individual remains upright all along due to the requirement for balance and stability associated with these objects. This leads to improved postures even during normal activities, hence reducing pains caused by poor alignments.

Assists In Preparing For Labour

Pregnancy involves getting ready for delivery, too, where mothers do everything possible just to make sure their babies get born safely without complications whatsoever. Exercises done using birthing balls can help achieve the right positions for babies to come out well through the birth canal without much trouble experienced by either party involved – mother or child. It should be noted that bouncing up and down, as well as gentle rocking motions made over this kind of equipment, stimulates movement downwards, thus facilitating the opening up of wider spaces within the pelvic region, thereby making things easier during the labour process itself.

How To Use An Exercise Ball When Pregnant?

Putting exercise balls into use while pregnant doesn’t require complex procedures besides being inserted into daily routines seamlessly. Below are some tips on how to use exercise balls:

Sitting And Bouncing

Hip Swirls

To perform hip swirls with a ball, one must sit on it and make circular moves with their hips. This workout helps reduce pressure on the pelvis and enhancing suppleness.

Pelvic Tilts

While seated on the ball, one can execute pelvic tilts by gently tucking the pelvis backward then forwards. The essence of this exercise is to strengthen the core muscles as well as support lower back health.


Sitting on a birthing ball and rocking back and forth will help you relax your body while inviting your baby into a favorable birth position.


By kneeling down and leaning forward onto a birthing ball, expectant mothers can relieve some pressure off their backs and pelvic regions, which may also be comforting during labor pains.

When to start using a birthing ball?

You can start using it at any stage of pregnancy, but most recommend beginning in the second trimester when chances of miscarriage are low & body has adapted to changes brought about by pregnancy; however, always seek medical advice before starting new exercises, especially during this delicate period.

Safety tips for using an exercise ball when pregnant

Despite many advantages, potential dangers that come with these types of workouts still exist. Thus, it’s important to take necessary precautions for safety reasons:

Choose the correct size – Ensure its height suits yours such that while sitting, your knees should form right angles with your feet flat on the ground surface.

Proper inflation – Follow instructions given by the manufacturer when inflating because too much or too little air might affect balance, thereby reducing efficiency;

Non-slip surface – Always place non-slip material beneath so as to prevent slipping incidents;

Do not overdo – Do not push yourself beyond limits lest you end up injuring yourself; therefore, stop immediately once discomfort sets in;

Consult Doctor – Before commencing any new physical activity especially during gestation period, consult your healthcare provider first whether safe both for mother and child.

Ways to include birthing ball exercises in your routine

Making use of birthing balls during exercise sessions can be exciting and rewarding at the same time; thus, below are some suggestions on how one can easily do so:

Morning stretches – Start off each day with gentle stretching while sitting on a birthing ball by slightly rocking back & forth, thus loosening up back muscles as well as hips.

Work breaks – For people who spend much time sitting down doing office jobs, they may consider replacing their chairs with these types of seats for short durations since it helps in maintaining good posture throughout the entire working period, thereby engaging core muscles better.

Evening relaxation – Sit on a birthing ball, then do hip circles or gentle bounces, which will aid in relaxing the body, hence attaining peaceful sleep overnight.

Prenatal Yoga – Bring variety into habitual prenatal yoga practice using different positions that incorporate birthing balls, thereby adding support plus stability.

Labor readiness – As the due date nears, try spending a few minutes daily bouncing on such balls as this could simulate contractions needed for labor induction while also assisting the baby’s descent into the birth canal through pelvic rocking movements.

Priya’s example demonstrates how much birthing ball exercises can change a person. Among other things, they help relieve back pain and reduce pelvic pressure; moreover, they strengthen the core and prepare for labor. There are numerous advantages to using a birthing ball. By adding these uncomplicated workouts to your daily routine, you can have an easier pregnancy and feel more self-assured.

For Indian expectant mothers, birthing ball exercises provide an easy-to-follow yet effective method of maintaining physical and mental health throughout their pregnancies. As always, consult your doctor before trying out any new workout routines during pregnancy for safety precautions and to consider both your and your baby’s well-being.

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