
Basic Geometric Concepts and Formulas for Students

‘It’s not Rocket Science!’

One might proclaim thus, when talking about the Science of Geometry. After all, we use basic geometry concepts in our daily lives, without even realizing it. For instance, if you tell someone something to the tune of ‘the road down there angles to the right’, you are actually making use of one of the prime concepts of geometry: namely, angles!

At EuroKids we are of the opinion that while Geometry might not be Rocket Science, it is certainly not something children – or adults, for that matter – can grasp at the drop of a hat. To that effect we have especially curated a list of basic geometry concepts for students.

In this article you will learn everything from basic geometry formulas to basic geometry definitions. Interspersed with answers to some interesting basic geometry questions, the information herein will ensure we leave no stone unturned where it comes to uncovering basic geometry concepts – like basic geometry equations!

Ready to polish those basic geometry concepts that might have lost their shine over time in your mind? Let’s begin, with a look at some basic geometry definitions!

Table of Contents

Basic Geometry Concepts: Basic Geometry Definitions Decoded

Before we delve into those basic geometry definitions, it would be prudent to take a look at the definition of the term ‘Geometry’ itself! Geometry can thus be defined as:

‘The study of various types of geometric shapes, figures or sizes in Maths or in real life.’

That being said, all students need to bear in mind the following basic geometry definitions.

  • Point
  • Usually represented by a dot, this represents the precise location of a place on a plane.

  • Line
  • A line is quintessentially the combination of infinite points. Having no thickness, it extends in both directions. Note: For the purpose of geometry, we have ‘horizontal’ lines (x-axis) and vertical lines (y-axis).

  • Ray
  • A ray is a line with a single point of origin that extends infinitely in a single direction.

  • Angle
  • This is the figure that is formed by two rays, each of which is called the ‘side’ of the angle. They both share a common endpoint, known as the ‘vertex’ of the angle.

    The following are the common types of angles:

    • Right angle. This one’s a 90-degree angle.
    • Acute angle. Also known as a ‘sharp’ angle, it is less than 90 degrees.
    • Obtuse angle. This one’s greater than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees.
    • Straight angle. This is an angle of 180 degrees.
  • Polygon
  • This refers to a ‘plane figure’ that is bound by a finite chain of straight line segments. The latter close in a loop to form a circuit.

    The following are examples of polygons:

    • Triangle
    • Pentagon
    • Hexagon
    • Octagon
  • Circle
  • A shape we know only too well, this one’s a simple ‘closed’ shape. From a point inside the circle that is known as the ‘center’, all points of the circle are equidistant.

Basic Geometry Formulas: Basic Geometry Equations

The real fun in Geometry lies in the several equations that leave students pondering at times for hours on end.

Presenting a few basic geometry equations, for all students looking to sharpen their basic geometry concepts.

  • Triangle
  • Area = ½ x base x perpendicular

    Perimeter = sum of all sides

  • Square
  • Area = side x side

    Perimeter = 4 x side

  • Sphere
  • Diameter = 2r where r is the radius of the sphere

  • Circle
  • Diameter = 2r

    Circumference = 2𝛑r

  • Rectangle
  • Perimeter = 2w + 2l

    Area = l x w

  • Parallelogram
  • Area = lh

    Perimeter = 2l + 2w

Basic Geometry Questions for eager young minds

The process of learning is a lifelong one! Perhaps the best way for students to learn more about the world around them, including those basic geometry concepts of course, is to ask more questions.

Luckily for them, here are some basic geometry questions we have prepared ourselves. With their corresponding answers, of course!

  1. How many sides does a hexagon have?
  2. Answer: 6

  3. Answer whether True or False: A parallelogram has 3 pairs of parallel sides.
  4. Answer: False. It has 2.

  5. What are the lines that are the same distance from each other, but never meet, called?
  6. Answer: Parallel lines

  7. What are two or more points that lie on the same line called?
  8. Answer: Collinear points.

  9. What is the distance from the edge of a circle to its center called?
  10. Answer: Radius

  11.  How many pairs of parallel sides does a trapezium have?
  12. Answer: 1

  13. How many sides does a nonagon have?
  14. Answer: 9

  15. What is the difference between a line and a line segment?
  16. Answer: The line is endless by definition, whereas the line segment, being part of a line, has endpoints.

  17. What are perpendicular lines?
  18. Answer: They are lines that intersect at right angles.

  19. How many dimensions does a point have?
  20. Answer: None. It is zero-dimensional.

We at EuroKids believe that the learning of geometry is essential for one and all, to understand the simple everyday concepts we are exposed to every now and then. Share the basic geometry concepts we have outlined in this article with your kids, and don’t forget to ask them some basic geometry questions to see how many they can answer correctly!