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Avoiding Difficult Situations: The Fox and the Lion Story for Kids

‘Tell me a Story!

How very often have we heard our kids ask that of us? On the other hand, is there any child out there who would ask their parents, ‘Teach me an Important Life Lesson’?

Luckily for us, we can do both! Contrary to what we might think, kids are subconsciously eager to learn important Life Lessons. When we narrate stories to them, like the Fox and the Lion Story outlined in this article, we go a long way in helping drill such lessons in their minds.

Read on, to enjoy the Lion and Fox Short Story, that will impart an invaluable Life Lesson not only to your child, but to ‘you’ as well!

Table of Contents

Fox and The Lion Story: A Short Story about The Lion and the Fox

Once upon a time, in a jungle far away, there lived a lion and his wife. Now, while in his heyday the lion had been in his prime and was a hunter beyond compare, he had now grown old and weary. His claws and fangs were a far cry from the fine weapons they had once been. As a result, the lion called Hunting quits. He decided to stay put in his ‘den’ with his wife, and made it a point to intimate all the animals in the jungle of his decision.

What’s more, he resolved to feed himself by ‘Eating any Animal that came to see him!’

One morning, his wife told him, ‘Your Breath smells terrible!’ This tidbit of information did not go down too well with the proud lion. All at once he knew what he had to do: confirm the piece of news with other animals, in an attempt to see if it was true!

The Sheep came first.

‘Is my breath foul-smelling?’ The lion asked the sheep. The sheep, straight-faced, looked at the lion and replied, ‘Why, yes! It does appear to have a nasty smell about it!’

The lion, incensed at this rather straightforward reply of the audacious sheep, jumped on the poor animal and killed it at once. Then, he issued a summons for the Wolf to come to his cave.

By the time the wolf arrived, it was well-apprised of the fate that had befallen the poor sheep. That’s why, it approached the lion with an air of trepidation.

‘Oh Wolf, does my breath smell bad?’ The same question to the wolf, who appeared to ponder a bit before replying, ‘What on earth makes you think you have terrible breath? To me, it seems like the sweet scent of flowers!’

‘Why, you flatterer!’ roared the lion, and pounced on the wolf, who met the same fate as that of the sheep.

Finally, it was the turn of the Fox. By now, two animals had been killed by the lion, and the fox was well aware that he might meet the same fate.

‘Oh Fox, tell me, does my breath smell bad?’ The lion asked the fox.

The smart fox began engaging in a fit of mock-coughing. Clearing his throat, he finally replied, ‘You will have to excuse me, respected Lion Sir. Since I have been suffering from a cold for the past few days, I’m not able to smell anything, good or bad.’

This answer was satisfactory for the lion. He decided to spare the fox!

Summary of the Lion and the Fox Short Story with Moral

The Lion and the Fox Short Story is the story of a cunning lion, who schemes to kill the animals that enter his cave because he has become too old to hunt.

It’s also a story about how we handle difficult situations in our lives. The Sheep and the Wolf were both animals who made poor choices where it came to responding to the Lion’s question about his foul-smelling breath. On the other hand, the Fox was smart enough to recognise the seriousness of the situation, and avoid the situation by answering in a diplomatic manner.

Fox and the Lion Story Moral
We must avoid certain circumstances, if we do not wish to be met with harsh circumstances.

Fox and the Lion Story: Key Takeaways for Kids

There is an important lesson indeed, that can be learned by kids when they hear the Lion and the Fox Short Story! Presenting the key takeaways for kids from this story.

  • We must be wise where it comes to choosing the company we keep.
  • When we find ourselves in difficult circumstances, it is better to avoid them rather than having to face the unwanted negative consequences.

The Fox and the Lion Story is an excellent story for kids who are looking to learn an invaluable life lesson. Narrate the wonderful Short Story of the Lion and the Fox to your child today, to help them tackle the difficult situations that crop up in their lives!

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