
Activity Books for Kids – Benefits and How to Choose the Right One

We live in a world where we are constantly falling prey to the lure of Digital Devices. What about our kids? Do we want them to be mere couch potatoes, or rather have them dwell in something more constructive?

Let’s think of it this way. A child’s brain is like a ‘sponge’ that absorbs ‘water’ in the form of information. Why not expose them to some pertinent information then, that will take care of their developmental needs?

Activity books are designed to be age-appropriate, which means children can often engage with them independently or with minimal guidance. We at EuroKids are all for stimulating those ‘grey cells’ in the brains of young children. To that extent, we have especially curated for you some pertinent information pertaining to Activity Books for Children. Not only will you learn about the Benefits of Activity Books for Kids, you will also learn How to Make an Activity Book, and more!

What are you waiting for? Delve right into this article, and start exploring the wonderful world of Activity Books for Kids. Moreover, you will see how those Book Activities for Kids go a long way towards driving their potential in ways you could never imagine!

Table of Contents

  1. The Benefits of Activity Books for Kids
  2. Choosing the Best Activity Books for Kids
  3. Activity Book DIY: How to Make an Activity Book

Activity Books for Children: The Benefits of Activity Books for Kids

The very word ‘Activity’ in ‘Activity Books’, suggests that there is some sort of ‘Action’ that kids need to take.. Action indeed, that leads to some wonderful benefits, like the following.

  1. A Boost to Concentration Powers
  2. We live in an age of dwindling attention spans. Want to get your child to focus better? Hand them an Activity Book!

    Cool Fact: Many Activity Books have ‘bite-size’ tasks that need to be accomplished by your child. Believe us when we say that this will get them to concentrate like nothing else!

    Bonus Fact: Book Activities for Kids help children reduce their use of ‘screen time’. Apart from that, it helps kids become more ‘sociable’, when they attempt to solve the puzzles in activity books alongside other kids.

  3. It gives a Push to Creativity
  4. The one thing people won’t tell you about Creativity, is that it thrives on ‘practice’! When your child gets lost within the pages of an activity book, what is really happening is they are learning to express themselves ‘freely’. This could be via the act of solving a puzzle, or even coloring something.

    Cool Fact: Through the exploration of ‘different outcomes’, children learn the power of ‘divergent thinking’. This helps them greatly, where it comes to problem-solving.

  5. Physical and Intellectual Development
  6. The development in children who make good use of Activity Books is twofold.

  7. Physical Development
  8. Be it ‘hand-eye coordination’ or ‘grip stability’, kids get a boost to their fine motor skills when they work on activity books. This is achieved through the repetitive indulgence in activities like ‘connect the dots’ and ‘colouring within a shape’.

  9. Mental Development
  10. The striking illustrations and simple instructions in Activity Books, goes a long way towards improving things like their comprehension abilities, and logical reasoning skills.

Choosing the Best Activity Books for KIds

Choosing the Best Activity Book for Kids need not be a chore! Presenting tips on choosing the Best Activity Books for Children.

  1. Age-Appropriateness
  2. Needless to say, different Activity Books are for children of different ages. You want to find an activity book that aligns well with your child’s motor and cognitive skills.

  3. Simple Instructions
  4. The last thing you want is for your child to be overwhelmed by a set of ‘complex’ instructions in an activity book! Choose one, that helps them follow ‘clear’ instructions, that too without your support.

  5. Reviews
  6. You check out the reviews of all things online, like the hotel you are planning to book on your next vacation. Why should it be any different when choosing Activity Books? Going in for those with the best possible reviews, might be the smartest decision you make.

  7. A Wide Gamut of Activities
  8. The only way your child is not going to get bored of that activity book soon, is if it encompasses a plethora of activities. Be it ‘mazes’, ‘word searches’ or ‘colouring’, ensure that the activity book you choose has all these and more!

Activity Book DIY: How to Make an Activity Book for Kids

From mathematical crossword puzzles to learning vocabulary, you can create an activity book that will help your child learn all these!

The following steps will show you how you can create a ‘Colouring’ Activity Book for Kids.

  1. Step One: Buy the Book
  2. Buy a blank bound book from a stationery shop. This will serve as the starting point to create your Colouring Activity Book for Children. This is far easier than collecting blank papers and binding them yourself!

  3. Step Two: Create the Designs
  4. You can draw simple outlines of images that your child will love colouring, on each page of your colouring book. A couple of cool examples would be a House, and an Octopus!

  5. Step Three: Add the Text
  6. After you have created all the images, you want to add some text alongside each one. Like, ‘O is for Octopus.’

  7. Step Four: Add a Cover Page
  8. A book is not complete without a cover, right? You want to elaborately craft a visually appealing cover page, so the book can compete with its counterparts in bookstores!

At EuroKids we believe that a child should never have to say ‘I’m bored!’ A good way to do this is to hand them an Activity Book. Get some Activity Books for Kids today, to ensure the sound development of your growing child!