
The Lion and the Mouse Short Story for Kids

‘The Lion and the Mouse’

Two inhabitants of the animal kingdom, that can send a jolt of fear coursing through humans at the mere sight of them!

Luckily for us, we hardly ever come up close and personal with a Lion, and the threat that the mouse poses to us is almost entirely fictional. Needless to say, if you put the two animals together, there is one thing that’s for certain. Namely, the fact that the Mouse will certainly be scared of the Lion!

One of Aesop’s best fables, the Lion and Mouse Story provides a fresh perspective on the ‘power dynamics’ between the Lion and the Mouse. It’s one of those tales that’s guaranteed to teach children a few most important Life Lessons. We at EuroKids are proud to present to you the Lion and the Mouse Full Story. This Lion and Mouse Story with a Moral, is one that will create a strong impression in your mind too, in case you haven’t heard it already!

Without further ado, presenting the Lion and Mouse Story!

Table of Contents

The Lion and Mouse Story for Kids: The Lion and Mouse Full Story

Once upon a time, a long time ago, there lived a mighty Lion in a jungle. One day, while the lion was enjoying his siesta, a tiny Mouse came seemingly out of nowhere, and ran across the lion’s nose!

The lion woke up from his slumber, and instinctively clamped his paw on the mouse, thereby trapping her.

‘Please let me go, oh mighty Lion!’ The tiny mouse pleaded. ‘I promise to pay you back one day.’

Hearing this, the lion was tickled. How could such a tiny creature ever help him in any way? However, today he was in a better mood than usual. He would let the mouse go. The little mouse thanked the lion profusely, and went on her way.

It was some days late, that the lion found himself ensnared in a trap that had been set for him by a hunter. He flailed around helplessly in the net that had trapped him, trying his best to break free from it, but to no avail. In a bout of helplessness, he let out a painful cry. This caught the attention of none other than the tiny mouse, who had been fortunate enough to have been pardoned by the Lion not long ago.

The mouse arrived at the spot where the lion lay helpless, trying his best to make his way out of the hunter’s net. At once she leaped forward and started gnawing at the net, slowly working her way towards tearing a hole large enough for the lion to crawl out of. Soon it was done, and the lion, relieved, made his way out of the net and to his freedom.

‘I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for me today’, said the lion to the mouse. He was clearly humbled by the thought that he had been rescued by such a tiny creature.

‘Don’t be silly!’, replied the little mouse. ‘I’m only repaying your kind act of sparing my life earlier.’

That being said, the lion and the mouse became the best of friends and they both lived happily ever after in the forest.

Summary of the Lion and Mouse Story with Moral

This is a simple tale about two creatures, one Big and the other Small. A story about a Lion, whose sleep is disturbed by a Mouse. He pardons it, and the mouse tells the lion, much to his amusement, that she will repay his act of kindness someday. In the end, that ‘day’ actually arrives, and it is the Small mouse that actually frees the Big Lion from what would have otherwise been a sure death.

Moral of the Lion and Mouse Story for KIds: You can accomplish with kindness, what you cannot with brute force.

The Lion and Mouse Story: Key Takeaways for Kids

The Summary of the Lion and Mouse Story might have given us the ‘essence’ of this classic tale, but what can children really learn from this story?

Presenting the Key Takeaways of the Lion and Mouse Story for Kids

  • The Kindness that you show for others, has a mysterious way of coming back to you in the most unexpected of ways.
  • No matter how Big or Powerful you are, there will be moments in life when the ‘Small’ and ‘Helpless’ will come to your rescue.

At EuroKids we believe that the Lion and Mouse Story is one of the best stories you can tell your little ones, to inculcate in them some sound Life Lessons. Narrate the wonderful Lion and Mouse Story for Kids to your child today, and watch how they relish this wonderful tale!