
How To Teach Standing, Sleeping And Slanting Lines To Preschoolers And Kids

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  • How To Teach Standing, Sleeping And Slanting Lines To Preschoolers And Kids

‘Is the line Standing, Sleeping or Slanting?’
This is a question you might want to ask your preschooler, when they are in the midst of learning lines for nursery class.

That is, after you have drawn any of the three Line types!
Children are filled with a sense of curiosity, and will love to answer that question. If it’s the first time they hear of a ‘Sleeping’ Line, it’s a tad humorous, too.

Getting kids to practice the different Types of Lines for Nursery, does not make for an arduous task at all. In this article, you will learn all about the Lines for Nursery Class. You will find the answers to questions like ‘What is a Slanting Line?’, and even uncover some Slanting Line Examples.

Lines for Nursery Class: Nursery Line Names

Here are the Nursery Line Names that every Preschooler should know.

  • Standing Line
  • Sleeping Line
  • Slanting Line
  • Curved Line

Let us now explore each of these lines, in greater detail.

Standing Line

Get your child’s attention, telling them this is akin to a Soldier standing at the call of ‘Attention’!
A Standing Line is nothing short of being a ‘Vertical Line.’

How to Draw: Starting from up, and moving the pencil down.

Importance: Think of the letter that best describes us. Yes, the answer is ‘I’! A standing line in itself! Also, we can use it for letters like ‘T.’

Standing Line Example


Sleeping Line

A line that is ‘taking a nap?’ How cool is that!
What is a sleeping line? It’s merely a Horizontal Line.

How to Draw: Use your pencil to draw a straight line from Left to Right.

Importance: A sleeping line can be combined with a couple of standing lines, to form the letter ‘H’. Needless to say, the sleeping line is the one in the middle, that joins the two standing lines.

Sleeping Line Example

Slanting Line

Thus far, we have seen Sleeping Lines and Standing Lines. What is a Slanting Line?
When we talk about a slanting line, we mean a line drawn at an ‘angle’. Like, a Diagonal Line. It is perfectly in-between a Sleeping Line and a Standing Line.

Slanting Line Examples

/ \

/–Right Slanting Line

\-Left Slanting Line

Curved Line

A line that goes ‘Bumpety Bump’, is sure to catch the attention of your little one!
Perhaps the best way to explain a curved line to your child, is to tell them it looks like the line of each colour in a rainbow.

How to Draw: Starting at one point on paper, and gently curving the pencil as it glides along the sheet.

Cool Attribute: One of the best characteristics of curved lines, is that they can go in the direction you want them to. Up or down, left or right, take your pick!

Curved Line Examples:

Fun with Lines: Activities to help Master Standing, Sleeping and Slanting Lines

The one thing everyone could do with when it comes to mastering an Art of any kind, is tons of Practice! For little children, drawing Standing and Sleeping Lines is an Art that must be learned well, before they are able to perfect it.

Perhaps the first line you will want to teach your children to master is the Standing Line. Are you looking for a good Standing Line Activity? In this section you will find more than just ‘one’ Standing Line Activity. Oh, and therein you will learn to master the other line types, too!


All children love to draw! Help bring out the budding artist in your little one, with this cool Activity that is sure to get them to master those lines in no time!

To do: Hand them some crayons and a piece of paper. Tell them to make drawings of things that will require good use of those lines. For instance, drawings of Houses, Cupboards, etc.

Making Letters with Straw

Why use straws only for taking sips of our favourite drinks? They can help us make Letters, too!

To do: Hand your child some straws, telling them they must make letters with them. Letters, that are combinations of the different types of lines, like the following.

  • A combination of a standing and sleeping line.
  • A combination of standing and slanting lines.


Sometimes a little more ‘formal’ practice, might just do the trick succinctly well!

To do: Get some worksheets for your children, that will help them master the art of drawing lines. This is essentially accomplished by their ‘joining the dots’ on the sheets, which in itself is a fun exercise for kids.

Stencil Fun

Making the use of a Stencil, makes for oodles of fun for little children. The bonus: They will learn to master those lines!

To do: There are all sorts of things that children can master, through the use of a stencil. Things like shapes, alphabets and even, Lines!

Drawing Lines from One Object to the Other

Children never fail to ‘find the connection’, when they ‘connect things.’

To do: Get your children to draw a couple of things on a piece of paper, using a pencil. For instance, you could have them draw a goal post and a football. Then, have them connect the two with a Straight Line!

Make it Fun

Drawing lines need not be a chore.

To do: Make drawing refreshingly fun, like in the following example. You could tell your child to draw a circle, and then tell them to sketch a ‘Smile’ using a ‘Curved Line.’ Then, after they have added the ‘Eyes’ and the ‘Nose’, tell them they must draw a conical Hat using a couple of Slanting Lines!

At EuroKids it is our belief that learning Lines is of paramount importance to children. It is through learning lines, that they are able to garner a sound understanding of the Shapes and Figures in the world they live in.