
Understanding and Overcoming School Struggles: A Parent’s Guide

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  • Understanding and Overcoming School Struggles: A Parent’s Guide

Riya came home one day with her chin quivering and eyes downcast. She clutched her maths notebook tightly, afraid to show her mother the red marks that lined the pages. Her mother noticed, gave her a warm hug, and said, ‘It’s okay, we’ll figure it out together.’”

Like Riya’s mother, many parents frequently encounter circumstances when they worry about their child’s academic achievement. In this article, we’ll look at five essential signs that might show you whether your child is having academic issues and how to support them. We’ll also touch upon some major problems in schools and why students may struggle in the Indian education system. Is your child struggling in school too? Let us learn how to support a child with learning difficulties in school.

What are the major problems in schools? Why do students struggle in school?

Here are some indicators that you should take note of.

Indicator 1: Declining Academic Performance

A substantial fall in academic achievement is one of the most obvious symptoms that your child is suffering in school. Grades that were previously A’s and B’s may now be C’s or even D’s.  While it’s essential not to fixate solely on grades, significant and consistent drops can indicate that something isn’t quite right. To address this, consider these steps:

How to Support a Child with Declining Grades

Open Communication: Discuss your child’s grades with them in an open and nonjudgmental manner. Inquire if they are experiencing any difficulties or if there is anything they do not comprehend.

Tutoring or Extra Help: Arrange for extra support, such as tutoring or instructor aid, to address specific areas or topics in which your child is suffering.

Set Realistic Expectations: Ensure that you’re not putting undue pressure on your child. Sometimes, excessive expectations can lead to stress and poor performance.

Indicator 2: Behavioural Changes

Children often express their difficulties through behavioural changes. Sudden behavioural changes, such as being more withdrawn, irritated, or anxious, can indicate that something is wrong at school. Here’s what you can do:

How to Support a Child with Behavioural Changes

Promote communication: inspire your child to openly share their emotions. Foster a supportive environment where they feel safe expressing their worries and frustrations.

Collaborate with Teachers: Initiate conversations with your child’s educators to gain insight into whether they have observed any substantial alterations in behaviour during school hours.

Explore Counselling: If the behavioural shifts persist, contemplate seeking professional counselling or therapy to assist your child in effectively managing their emotions and anxieties.

Indicator 3: Lack of Interest in School

A sudden loss of interest in school can be a red flag. If your child used to be enthusiastic about learning but now shows disinterest, it’s crucial to investigate the underlying reasons.

How to Support a Child Who’s Lost Interest in School

Discover Their Interests: Take the time to uncover if there’s a specific subject or extracurricular activity that continues to ignite your child’s enthusiasm. Foster and champion their pursuit of these passions.

Engage with Teachers: Plan meetings with your child’s educators to have conversations about their lack of interest and brainstorm ideas to make the learning experience more captivating.

Maintain Active Participation: Stay engaged in your child’s educational journey by participating in parent-teacher meetings and closely monitoring their academic advancements.

Indicator 4: Difficulty with Homework and Assignments

Homework and assignments can become a significant source of stress for children struggling in school. If your child frequently struggles to complete their homework or takes an unusually long time to finish assignments, it’s worth addressing.

How to Support a Child with Homework Difficulties

Establish a Homework Routine: Create a consistent homework routine that includes a designated study area and specific study hours.

Break Tasks into Smaller Steps: Help your child break down assignments into smaller, manageable tasks to reduce overwhelm.

Seek Teacher Guidance: If your child constantly struggles with homework, reach out to their teachers for guidance or additional resources.

Indicator 5: Frequent Physical Complaints

Physical complaints, such as headaches, stomachaches, or fatigue, can be a manifestation of stress or anxiety related to school difficulties. It’s essential to address these concerns promptly.

How to Support a Child with Frequent Physical Complaints

Visit a Healthcare Professional: Consult a paediatrician to rule out any underlying medical conditions that could be causing physical discomfort.

Address Stress and Anxiety: Talk to your child about their feelings of stress or anxiety related to school. Consider relaxation techniques or mindfulness exercises to help them cope.

Collaborate with Teachers: Share your child’s physical complaints with teachers so they can be aware of the situation and provide support in the classroom.

Major Problems in Indian Schools

Before concluding, it’s crucial to understand some of the major problems in the Indian education system that can contribute to students’ struggles:

Rote Learning: When rote memorising is prioritised, it can hinder critical thinking and creativity, which decreases pupils’ interest in learning.

Pressure to perform: High expectations and fierce competition may put undue strain on students, which may have an adverse effect on their mental health and general wellbeing.

Lack of Individualised Support: Many schools fail to give students with special needs individualised support, leaving some kids behind.

Curriculum that is out of date: In some circumstances, the curriculum may not be compatible with various learning styles or current with contemporary teaching techniques.

Limited Extracurricular Activities: Extracurricular activities, which are essential for holistic development, might occasionally be neglected in favour of academics.


A child struggling in school is not uncommon!

The first crucial step in guiding your child towards overcoming obstacles and realising their full potential is being attentive to their struggles in school. It’s imperative to maintain open lines of communication, collaborate with teachers, and seek expert assistance whenever necessary. Keep in mind that each child possesses a unique learning style, so what proves effective for one may not necessarily work for another.

As you navigate these challenges, consider looking into schools that prioritise holistic education and individualised support, like EuroKids. EuroKids is committed to providing a nurturing environment that fosters a love for learning. With its child-centric approach, EuroKids aims to help your child thrive academically and emotionally, making their school journey a fulfilling and enjoyable experience.

Supporting your child through their academic hurdles is a journey that requires patience, empathy, and unwavering affection. By actively engaging in your child’s education and seeking the right resources, you can assist them in surmounting obstacles and building a solid foundation for a prosperous future.