
How to Manage the Common Cold in Toddlers

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  • How to Manage the Common Cold in Toddlers

The one defining characteristic of a Cold Infection is this: It’s Common!

  No wonder, it is called the Common Cold.

While you might know well that Flu Season has arrived, it’s rather difficult watching your little one deal with a stuffy nose. What makes it worse, is that there’s no Magic Pill, like an Antibiotic, that might banish that cold. Being a Viral Infection, a cold will run its own course.

Luckily, there are several steps you can take to ease your child’s discomfort, every time they come down with a case of ‘the sniffles.’ This article proposes to shed light on everything ranging from Common Cold Prevention, to Home Remedies for the Common Cold.

Are you ready to get armed with some ‘Hot’ knowledge about the common ‘Cold’?  Let’s get started!

The Common Cold: What it is caused by

Typically, the Common Cold is caused by Rhinoviruses. These can be found in invisible droplets in the air, or in things we touch.

How these viruses operate is like this: Getting into the protective lining of the nose and throat, they set off an immune system reaction.

Note: Dry air, both indoors and outdoors, can reduce the resistance to infection by the viruses that cause colds. Also, smokers are far more likely to catch a cold than people who do not smoke.

Common Cold Symptoms in Toddlers

When your toddler gets a cold, it will usually manifest itself in their ‘not feeling too good.’ This might be followed by typical cold symptoms: a sore throat, runny nose or cough.

Over time, they might develop the following Common Cold symptoms:

  • Watery mucus
  • Watery eyes
  • Sneezing
  • Feeling drained out
  • Decreased appetite

As the cold progresses, you might see that the mucus coming out of your child’s nose is thicker. Sometimes, the Cold might even cause a low-grade Fever.

Common Cold Prevention

You might be asking yourself, Mightn’t there be some way I can prevent my child from being afflicted by the Common Cold?

It’s impossible to completely prevent your little one from catching all those unwanted coughs and colds. However, there are some things you can do to reduce their chances of falling sick.

Frequent Handwashing

If there is one thing the Covid Pandemic taught us, it was to wash our hands every time we came home from an excursion in the outdoors. Even whilst they are home, children should indulge in frequent handwashing. This is especially important after they cough, sneeze or even blow their nose.

Eating a balanced diet, and resting well

You want to ensure that your toddler’s diet does not predominantly consist of ‘treats.’ This is the time when you should be taking all the steps you possibly can, in building their Immunity. Oh, and not only does that include their eating Wholesome, Nutritious Food, but also getting plenty of Sleep, too.

Not sharing utensils and cups with one another

Yet another of those things we learned from the pandemic. You don’t want your toddler to be sharing even a cup ‘you’ have sipped from! After all, there are chances they might contract the cold from you, too. One of the most underrated methods of common cold prevention, this one.

Common Cold Medicine for Toddlers

Oral, over-the counter medicines might actually cause more damage than good, when it comes to treating the common cold in small children.

Common Cold Medicine is definitely not recommended for babies and toddlers. Children over the age of 4 years should be treated with Cold medicine, only if it is prescribed by their doctor.

Natural Home Remedies for The Common Cold

Natural Home Remedies are far more safer than prescribed medications, when it comes to treating the common cold in your toddler.

Here is a list of some great ways, in which you can help your little one feel more comfortable, every time they come down with a cold.

Enhanced Fluid Intake

Staying Hydrated will certainly make your toddler feel better, when they are afflicted with a cold. Further, that extra fluid will help thin those nasal secretions.

Note: You want to steer clear of sodas and juices that are high in sugar.

Give them Chicken Soup!

Chicken Soup might be good for the Soul, but let’s not forget it’s great for the Body, too! This wonderful warm broth comes with a big Thumbs Up from Grandma.

The ingredients in the soup, the chicken and veggies, are laced with nutrients that help ease the Inflammation that causes many symptoms of cold. Also, when they sip it, it can work miracles in clearing their Congestion!

Taking Steam

If your child’s cold has progressed to the point where they have difficulty breathing, it might be time to have them inhale some Steam. Certainly, one of the best home remedies for the common cold.

To Do: Heat some water in a large bowl, and let your little one inhale the soothing hot fumes for around 15 minutes.

Honey before Bed

All children love sweet things. Getting them to swallow one teaspoon of Honey, half an hour before they go to bed, won’t be all that difficult.

The Antimicrobial and Antibacterial properties of honey are believed to do the trick!

Use a Humidifier

Sometimes, all it takes is a bit of Moisture in the air, to help with that coughing and stuffiness.

Humidifiers work well in breaking up that Mucus, so that children can cough it up.

Milk with Turmeric Powder

We all know a glass of Milk at night helps kids sleep better. Add Turmeric to it, and you might just help vanquish that cold!

The Antiseptic property of Turmeric, helps to fight Colds. The Calcium in milk helps your child fight the infection.

We at EuroKids strongly recommend that you choose Natural Home Remedies over Prescribed Medicine, where it comes to treating the Common Cold in your toddler. Also, as discussed earlier in this article, you want to focus on building their Immunity, to decrease their chances of contracting infections in the future.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is not a substitute for professional medical advice. EuroKids encourages you to consult with a qualified healthcare professional for any health concerns you may have. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.