
Discover Common Flower Names for Kids

“Flowers offer a unique opportunity for children to learn about the natural world, including plant biology, pollination, and ecosystems. Engaging with flowers can also stimulate a child’s curiosity, creativity, and problem-solving skills. For example, arranging a mixed flower basket allows children to explore different textures, colours, and shapes while developing their fine motor skills.”

–  Lily’s Forest

On a sun-kissed morning in Mumbai, little Arav was in his garden, when he asked his mother, “Ma, what is the name of this yellow flower?” His mother smiled, knelt beside him, and said, “This is a Marigold, beta.” Arav’s eyes sparkled with the newfound knowledge, and from that moment, flowers weren’t just colourful blooms for him—they had names.

Just like Arav, children have an innate curiosity, and it’s our duty as parents and educators to nurture it. Knowing the names of flowers not only enriches their vocabulary but also fosters a deeper connection to the environment. Today, let’s embark on a floral journey, acquainting our children with some beautiful flower names. Here’s a curated list of common flower names for kids.

1. Rose (Rosa)

    A classic favourite, roses are not just symbols of love but also have a variety of colours, each with its own significance. They can range from passionate reds to pure whites and even gentle pinks.


    2. Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)

    This tall, radiant flower always turns its face to the sun. With its vibrant yellow petals, sunflowers symbolise happiness and positivity—a perfect flower name for kids to learn early on.


    3. Marigold (Tagetes)

    Marigold is one of the notable Indian flower names for kids. Vibrant and lively, Marigolds are widely used in Indian festivals like Diwali and Durga Puja. They are a symbol of passion and creativity.


    4. Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)

    Commonly found in many Indian gardens, the Hibiscus comes in shades of red, pink, white, and yellow. It’s not just a beautiful flower; its petals are used in various traditional hair treatments.


    Did you know you can create a book on flower names with pictures so your kids can learn about nature in a fun way?

    5. Jasmine (Jasminum)

    Jasmine is the most popular Indian flower name for children. This white, fragrant flower is a staple in Indian households, often strung together to make garlands or used as offerings in temples.


    6. Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera)

    Lotus is also one of  the significant names of flowers that kids must know. Held in high regard in Indian culture, the Lotus symbolises purity, beauty, and divinity. It’s India’s national flower and often associated with the goddess Lakshmi.


    7. Tulip (Tulipa)

    Tulips are also one of the notable names of flowers that kids must know of for its beautiful colours and elegant blooms. Though not native to India, Tulips have become increasingly popular. Their bulbous petals and variety of colours make them a delightful addition to any floral lesson.


    8. Daffodil (Narcissus)

    These yellow or white flowers with a trumpet-shaped centre are captivating and represent rebirth, perfect for teaching kids about new beginnings.


    9. Daisy (Bellis Perennis)

    These simple white flowers with a yellow centre are a symbol of innocence and purity.


    10. Lavender (Lavandula)

      Known for their calming fragrance, these purple flowers are not only beautiful but also have therapeutic properties.


      That was a nice list of flower names for kids, eh?

      For parents looking to enhance their child’s learning, remember to show them actual flowers alongside images. Physical interaction with flowers can stimulate their senses, making learning a multi-sensory experience.

      Now, for our tech-savvy parents, the digital world offers many resources where you can find comprehensive flower names and pictures for kids. Websites and apps dedicated to early education often have galleries of flower names with vibrant images, making learning interactive and fun.

      Why is it essential for kids to learn about flowers? Besides the sheer joy of knowing their names, flowers play an integral role in our ecosystem. They attract pollinators, are a source of food for many animals, and contribute to biodiversity. When children recognize and respect these blooming wonders, they develop an early appreciation for nature.

      Did you know children can learn flower names with fun and engaging activities in the garden?

      The Emotional Significance of Flowers in Indian Culture

      Flowers in India are more than just botanical beings; they hold deep emotional and cultural significance. In fact, for centuries, they’ve been an integral part of our religious, social, and even daily routines. When a child learns the name of a flower, they aren’t just expanding their vocabulary—they’re being initiated into an age-old tradition.

      Take the Jasmine flower, for instance. Apart from its divine aroma, it’s also an emblem of love. In many parts of India, women adorn their hair with Jasmine, a symbol of elegance and sensuality. The Marigold, with its blazing orange and yellow, is often associated with sacred ceremonies and festive celebrations. Its strong hue is believed to ward off negativity and usher in prosperity.

      Teaching children about the emotional essence of these flowers instils a sense of respect, not just for nature but also for the rich cultural tapestry that these blooms represent. They don’t merely learn the flower’s name; they understand its place in the cultural heart of India.

      Flowers in Indian Folktales and Stories

      Learning about flower names through folktales and stories is fun and meaningful for children. Indian folklore and tales are replete with references to flowers, weaving them into narratives that impart moral lessons and values. From the tale of the Lotus, emerging pristine from the mud symbolising purity and resilience to stories where flowers play pivotal roles in solving riddles or mysteries, these stories enthral young minds. Introducing children to these tales not only familiarises them with flower names but also with the rich tapestry of Indian storytelling. Listening to a story where their newly learned flower plays a key role enhances retention and gives a cultural context to their learning. So, the next bedtime story? Let it bloom with flowers!

      Introducing Flower Learning in Daily Activities for Kids

      Including flower learning in daily activities is an amusing way for kids to learn flower names. While teaching our children flower names, why not make it engaging? The world around us offers countless interactive opportunities. Let’s explore 2 ideas to introduce flower learning in daily activities for kids:

      Flowery Idea 1 – Gardening with Kids

      Children adore playing in the dirt. Turn this into a fun learning session. Plant seeds or saplings of different flowers and watch them grow together. As they water, nurture, and see the flowers bloom, they’ll naturally remember their names.

      Flowery Idea 2 – Craft Activities

      Use art and craft sessions to teach flower names. Create paper flowers, draw, colour, or even craft clay models. As they mould and paint, reinforce the flower’s name, ensuring they associate the name with the image.

      These hands-on activities not only fortify the learning experience but also help in motor skill development. And the joy of watching a flower bloom or creating one from scratch? That’s just the cherry (or should we say, the petal) on top!


      From the mesmerising roses to the enchanting daisies, the world of flowers is vast and vibrant. This flower name list is just the beginning. Parents can always expand on this, making every nature walk an educational adventure. You can also engage your children on a colourful journey of flower names and pictures by taking them to a garden.

      For a holistic approach to early education, we recommend EuroKids—a leading name in early childhood education in India. Their curriculum is crafted with care, ensuring every child receives a well-rounded education, blending academic learning with valuable life lessons.

      Nurture your child’s curiosity. Today, it’s the name of a flower; tomorrow, it might be the mysteries of the universe. As the saying goes, every big journey begins with a small step.

      Which of these flowers are you going to grow in your garden to teach children about flowers?

      For informative and accurate articles on all things related to your new born-toddler’s development, growth, health and nutrition, follow EuroKids Blogs and do check out our nationally recognized preschools – EuroKids for the first step in your kid’s educational journey!

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