
Exploring Time Zones

When my little Meera first asked me, “Mumma, why is it night here but day at Nani’s house in the US?”, I was taken aback. How can you engage a four-year-old who is interested in learning about time zones? However, as with everything related to parenting, I took a big breath and started the process of teaching time zones in the most straightforward manner. And guess what? For both of us, it ended up being a pleasant and educational experience!
Let us go through some fascinating facts about time zones of the world.

What is the Time Zone?

Time zones are fascinating concepts that help us organise our world into manageable chunks of time. At its essence, a time zone is a designated region of the Earth where all the inhabitants follow the same standard time. But why do we need time zones? The Earth revolves once every 24 hours, and as it does, various regions of our world experience darkness while others are hidden from the sun’s light. Because of this rotation, when you awaken to a lovely morning in India, someone else in the USA may be finishing up their day and getting ready for bed. That should have helped in answering the question: what is time zone?

About Time Zones of the World

The Earth’s division into time zones isn’t arbitrary. There are 24 primary time zones, mirroring the 24 hours in a day. If you were to visualise this, think of the Earth as a colossal clock. Each time zone is like an hour on this clock. As our planet goes through its daily rotation, every time zone ushers in a new hour, making sure that noon is roughly when the sun is at its highest in the sky for everyone.

The Story Behind Time Zones:

Have you ever questioned whose idea it was to create time zones? As intriguing as the idea itself is the story. Towns and cities used to set their clocks according to the local position of the sun before the 19th century. This system was functional for daily life but posed challenges for scheduling trains, which were becoming increasingly popular.

Enter Sir Sandford Fleming, a Canadian engineer. He proposed the idea of dividing the world into 24 time zones, each one hour apart. His idea was presented at the International Meridian Conference in 1884 in Washington, D.C. The conference’s attendees agreed upon the system we use today, with the Prime Meridian in Greenwich, England, serving as the reference point.

Thanks to Fleming’s ingenious idea, we have a standardised system that not only facilitates global communication and travel but also provides curious little minds with a fascinating topic to explore and understand.

Time Zone Facts for Little Minds: How to teach them about time zones of the world?

The Starting Point: Every system needs a starting point, and for time zones, it’s the Prime Meridian, located in Greenwich, England. Think of it as the number 12 on our clocks, the reference from which all other time zones are determined.

The International Date Line: This is an imaginary line, opposite the Prime Meridian. It’s a bit magical because, when you cross it, the date changes! If you’re travelling from west to east, you’ll need to subtract a day, but if you’re going from east to west, you add one.

India’s Unique Time Zone: India, our beloved country, follows a single time zone. It’s 5 hours and 30 minutes ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). So, when it’s noon in Greenwich, it’s 5:30 PM in India.

Variety in Time Zones: Some countries, due to their vast size, span multiple time zones. The USA, for example, has four primary time zones: Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific.

Those time zone facts were fun, right? Now, let us dive into some time zone activities 🙂

Time Zone Activity for Preschoolers:

Engaging in activities is a fantastic way to make learning stick, especially for young minds. Here’s a delightful time zone activity for your preschooler:


A world map

Small toy clocks or paper clocks

Colourful markers


Lay Out the Map: Begin by spreading the world map on a table or pinning it to a wall.

Mark the Time Zones: With the markers, draw vertical lines to demarcate the different time zones. Label them with numbers 1-24 for clarity.

Set the Clocks: Position the toy or paper clocks on various countries on the map. Adjust the time on each clock to match that country’s time zone.

Play and Learn: Engage your child by asking them to modify the clocks as you shift from one country to another. For instance, if it’s 12 noon in India, challenge them to figure out the time in the USA or Australia.

This activity is a dual win! It not only demystifies the concept of time zones for children but also sharpens their geographical acumen and mathematical prowess.

The Magic of Sunrise and Sunset:

The phenomenon of sunrise and sunset is one of the most alluring features of time zones. The sun rises and sets at different times in various locations due to Earth’s rotation. Understanding this can be exciting and wonderful for a preschooler.

Imagine two friends, Riya in India and Mia in the USA. When Riya is playing in the park during the evening, Mia might be just waking up to a beautiful sunrise. This difference is all because of time zones!

By asking your child to determine whether it is day or night in various locations across the world, you can turn this into a game. They will learn about time zones in this way, and they will also gain awe for the large and varied planet we live in.

Although teaching toddlers about time zones may seem like a difficult endeavour, with the correct approach, it can be a fun learning experience. Remember that the keys to success are simplicity, relatability, and fun. And it is our obligation as parents to foster their curiosity and provide them with the tools they need to understand the world.

On that note, consider EuroKids if you’re searching for a preschool that appreciates the value of holistic development. With their child-centric approach and innovative teaching methods, they ensure that your child’s foundational years are filled with learning, exploration, and joy.

So, the next time your little one asks you about the mysteries of time zones, embrace the opportunity. Dive into the world of teaching time zones and embark on a delightful journey of discovery with your child. After all, every moment is a learning opportunity, and every question is a window to a world of wonder.