
Tracking pregnancy week by week: observing symptoms, baby’s growth and baby transformation

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  • Tracking pregnancy week by week: observing symptoms, baby’s growth and baby transformation

There is no doubt that pregnancy is an exciting time full of new and unexpected changes! Your body literally transforms to accommodate the little one growing inside you, providing them a safe and warm home before they are ready to move out.

That said, the road to delivery can be a long one and it helps to know what exactly is going on in your body so you can keep tabs on your health along with the growth of your baby.

We have prepared a guide for you that you can use to track your pregnancy every week, gleaning information about the key changes that happen and what you can expect. Let us begin!

Week 2

This is when ovulation commences since the onset of your last periods. Pregnancy takes place if the sperm fuses with the egg.

Week 3

3 weeks after the onset of your last periods, and a week after the fertilisation of the egg, your baby begins to form. At this age, they are the size of a tiny ball with their cells rapidly multiplying to generate growth.

Week 4

At this time, your baby has become a full-fledged embryo. The embryo is made up of two distinct layers, and your primitive placenta starts to develop as well.

Week 5

This is a time of rapid growth for the embryo. You will also start noticing early symptoms that occur during pregnancy such as fatigue and sore breasts.

Week 6

Congratulations! Your baby’s heart has begun beating. It is a major milestone! You will also experience symptoms such as sore breasts and morning sickness.

Week 7

In week 7, the changes during pregnancy in mothers that arise include the urge to pee more than usual. That is because at this time, your baby is growing rapidly, developing a mouth, nose, ears, and eyes.

Week 8

Major changes take place at this time. Your baby’s hands and feet now start developing webbed, and rather tiny, toes and fingers. You may experience fatigue and nausea.

Week 9

Consider it a pregnancy early sign, at this stage you will experience mood swings and morning sickness. Also, your baby will start taking the shape of a tiny, little human.

Week 10

Towards the end of 10 weeks, your baby has developed into a human, which means it is time for you to go shopping for maternity clothes!

Week 11

This is the time when your baby will start stretching, kicking and moving around. However, you might not feel it yet.

Week 12

From curling their teeny tiny toes to making movements that mimic sucking, your baby is prepping for the outside world. As a mom-to-be, you might feel heartburn.

Week 13

Week 13 marks the end of the first trimester of your pregnancy, which means you are now way past pregnancy early signs. During this week, your baby will grow up to 3 inches in length and will develop unique fingerprints.

Week 14

Now begins the second trimester, during which nausea will reduce and your energy will increase. Your baby is now capable of making expressions.

Week 15

Your baby now has developing taste buds and can move their joints. You may have a stuffy nose at this point, which is one of the surprising changes during pregnancy in mothers.

Week 16

Your mood swings and nausea will reduce, and your baby will enter into a rapid growth phase.

Week 17

Bone formation starts in babies at this stage. Their skeleton is no longer soft cartilage. Their umbilical cord also becomes thicker and stronger.

Week 18

You might experience a sudden increase in your appetite. Also, your baby’s genitalia will now be developed enough to show up in an ultrasound.

Week 19

Your pregnancy tummy growth though visible will not be noticeable for everyone. Hair will appear on your baby’s head and you might feel round ligament pain on your sides.

Week 20

You are halfway through the term of your pregnancy and your baby’s taste buds are now active!

Week 21

Now you will actively feel your baby move and kick! Plus, your baby’s eyebrows would have grown by now.

Week 22

There is a good chance your baby can hear your heartbeat. Moreover, your pregnancy tummy growth will be quite visible now and you will feel like cradling your belly.

Week 23

Your baby’s sense of movement has pretty much developed. Swollen ankles and feet are common at this time for moms.

Week 24

Long and lean – that is what your baby is going to be at this stage. As for your uterus, that will be the size of a football now.

Week 25

The mop of hair on your baby’s head will increase and they will have some baby fat. You might experience good hair days too right now!

Week 26

Your baby will start breathing amniotic fluid, which will help develop their breathing abilities.

Week 27

Your baby might hiccup, which you may feel. They will also begin sucking their fingers as well as opening and closing their eyes.

Week 28

Now begins the final trimester of your pregnancy. Your baby might be able to catch glimpses of light that pass through your womb.

Week 29

At this stage, your baby’s lungs and muscles will start to mature. The size of their heads will grow as well as their brain increases in size.

Week 30

Your baby will weigh a healthy 1.3 kilos now (approximately). The symptoms during pregnancy that you observe now fatigue, clumsiness and mood swings.

Week 31

Your baby’s kicks will get stronger, making you stay awake at nights. You may also get Braxton Hicks contractions.

Week 32

Your baby is growing further causing your uterus to expand. Shortness of breath and heartburn may occur at this stage of your pregnancy.

Week 33

Being comfortable in bed will likely be a task now and you may waddle. Your baby’s weight will increase to 1.8 kilos approximately.

Week 34

Fatigue and dizziness may have an impact on your daily routine at week 34. Also, your baby’s lungs and nervous system will start to mature.

Week 35

Though your baby will not have much space to move now, you might still feel them kick and move frequently.

Week 36

This is a stage of rapid weight gain for your unborn baby and they may gain about 30 grams per day. You will feel your baby get closer to your pelvic floor.

Week 37

Your baby’s lungs and brains will continue growing, and you may experience both contractions and vaginal discharge.

Week 38

Your baby will develop a good and firm grasp at this point. Be watchful for the signs of preeclampsia during week 38.

Week 39

Your baby has reached full-term and is ready to be welcomed into the world! You must contact your OB-GYN if your water breaks.

Week 40

If you have not delivered, your baby will be roundabout the size of a small pumpkin now. There is nothing to worry about if you have not given birth yet.

Week 41

Layout is inevitable during week 41. Your baby will be active and moving until you have delivered.

There we come to the end of tracking pregnancy by weeks. We hope you get a clearer picture now of all the major changes that take place each week. Your child’s growth and development obviously continues after they have been born, and we know you want the best for them in all regards. Including the preschool they end up going to. EuroKids might be your best bet when it comes to preschools as we focus on the all-round development of your child. Visit us to know how we ensure that.