
Developmental Skills Every Toddler Should Have

As your little bundle of joy grows, you take pleasure and pride in all their little achievements. Bit by bit, they achieve their milestones as they learn and get stronger every day. The younger the child, the faster they grow, learn and develop and you will begin noticing changes almost daily.

Soon it will be time for them to go to preschool and begin their learning outside the comforts of their home. While we strongly discourage comparing children within the same age group, proficiency is required in specific toddler developmental skills. It would only benefit your child if they can reach it before going on to the next phase. So pay attention to these basic developmental skills. Not all children are destined to become Einstein, Mozart, or Picasso. Each child is unique and has a way of learning.

A child’s learning results from their environment and experiences, so if you find your child lacking in some way, there’s no need to worry. All that’s required is for you to give them ample opportunities and activities to practice and hone these skills. However, after some time, if you don’t find any improvement, it is always better to consult your pediatrician.

Check for these Essential Toddler Developmental Skills to see if Your Child is on the Right Track

1. Coordination

Your child’s ability to place things into a bowl, feed themselves, and stack blocks indicate that the brain and body are working in harmony. To do these activities, your child needs to develop eye-hand coordination and fine motor control to handle things correctly. This also requires them to develop an understanding of cause and effect. Keep toys like stacking rings, shape sorters, and peg boards around for them to keep practicing and sharpening their skills. The more they practice, the better they will get.

2. Language

Language is a way of communication and a means by which a child can tell us their needs and requirements. When your child is beginning to speak, it is important as parents to use the correct words consistently and engage in a conversation with them. E.g., if they point and say “an apple,” we reply, “yes, that is an apple. Would you like to eat an apple? “. This allows your child to listen, think and respond “yes “or “no” if they shake their head. Then again, you echo their thoughts by saying “yes” or “no.” Singing the same nursery rhymes over and over again, as well as reading the same story at regular intervals, will help your child learn new words as well as recognize familiar ones. Use sound effects or modulate your voice to engage your child and keep them interested. Children learn a language by listening and repeating, so we must speak slowly and clearly when interacting with them, especially in the initial days of language development.

Read more for the 12 best ways to help your child learn English.

3. Dexterity

Skill is the ability to manipulate your hands and fingers accurately to perform specific tasks. Increased capabilities of your child will encourage independence, so even though the task might take longer or messier, allow your child to start doing things by themselves, especially when you’re not in a hurry. Give your child finger food in the initial days, so they learn to feed themselves before introducing them to cutlery. You can also give them opportunities to dress, undress, and put on and take off their shoes. More practice will provide them with greater confidence.

4. Imagination

A child’s or toddler’s imagination develops very differently from slightly older children’s. What seems like a random dot or a squiggle has been purposefully put on the paper by your child and could represent a variety of things, from a fruit, vehicle, or even a parent. As your child’s artistic abilities develop, their representations will become more accurate. The fact that they have associated the image drawn to mean something means that they are thinking about it and making an active choice, thereby tapping into their Imagination. Join them in their activity to see what they are thinking about.

5. Active Listening

A child looking at you and responding to what you’re saying is called active listening. Developing functional listening skills is necessary to help the child perform tasks and go about their daily activities comfortably and accurately. Call your baby’s name and watch them turn to you, or talk to them while they face you and observe their expressions. These are forms of active listening in the early days. As they get older, you can give them simple directions or ask simple questions like, “come here” or “would you like a banana” once they get the hang of this, you can move on to two-step instructions like “go eat your snack,” or “bring teddy from your room.” Make sure you have your child’s full attention when instructing them, and use simple language.

Read more for tips to improve your child’s active listening skills.

I have added related topics for each heading to encourage parents to click and read further, and these are from the titles I’ve written. However, I didn’t have anything related to skill or Imagination. If you have titles on creativity or fine motor skills, you can add those.

The team at EuroKids believes that these developing these essential skills will go a long way in helping your child perform better in school and life later, which is why we have numerous activities as part of the curriculum that is conducted throughout the day and through the course of the year to give children as an opportunity to learn a new skill as well as to practice and perfect it. Click here to visit a EuroKids centre near you and see how the children are actively and gainfully employed.