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Why A Daily Routine & Schedule is Important for Your Child

Let us begin with a key question – why is it necessary to create a daily schedule and daily diet chart for kids?

Remember that ‘Daily Planner’ you would carry to your workplace? The one that is pretty obsolete now, what with all our schedules being accessible at the mere click of a button?

We all like to have a sense of control where it comes to planning our days. Children are no different. Creating a Routine Chart for kids helps them check things off their ‘list’, thereby giving them a sense of accomplishment.

Before we look at some pretty cool, customized routine charts for your little and elder ones alike, here’s a look at the importance of routines in early childhood.

“Try to maintain a balance in your kid’s schedule:

Mental vs. physical stimulation

Family fun vs. independent quiet time

Focused learning vs. silly play

Indoor vs. outdoor activities”

Nurture Life

5 Important Benefits of Introducing Routines in Early Childhood

The importance of routines in early childhood cannot be undermined. The benefits of creating a schedule for kids that they can stick to, are vast and varied. Did you know that creating a kids routine chart fosters independence and responsibility in children?

  1. It teaches them time management
  2. What better way to manage time than by setting a schedule? If they know they have to go to bed by 9 p.m., they will start winding down an hour earlier. Time management is one of the crucial aspects that your children will learn in their daily schedule for kids.

  3. Gives them confidence and independence
  4. All a child has to do is refer to their routine chart to know they have to pack their bag for school the next day or do their homework. Doing it for themselves instead of being told to, elicits in them a strong sense of independence.

  5. It gets them excited about what’s coming
  6. Pizza night coming up? What better way to be reminded of that, than through a glimpse at that routine chart? Schedules work well by not limiting your children to perform mundane tasks, but allowing them to make space for great fun, too.

    Did you know any of these benefits of creating a kids routine chart?

  7. It helps them set expectations
  8. If your child has been assigned a task like taking out the trash, they will ‘expect’ to do that on a particular day of the week. This will prevent unnecessary debates about whose turn it is to do weekly or even daily tasks. Therefore, by creating a kids daily routine chart it will set clear expectations for your children.

  9. Helps form habits
  10. When your children get used to using that routine chart, they will learn to inculcate good habits. No longer will you find the need to run after them, to have them do simple things like brushing their teeth. These are the five key benefits of implementing a kid’s daily routine chart.

5 Essential Items to Be Included in the Daily Routine Diet Chart for a Child

Did you know that you could use that routine chart effectively to curate a daily routine diet chart for your child? Here’s a sample diet chart that will ensure that they get all the nutrients they need, in this vital ‘high growth stage.’

The Diet Chart

Here’s an overview of all the ‘essentials’ that your kid’s diet needs to be laced with, every single day. The daily healthy food chart for kids must include these essential nutrients.

#1 Carbohydrates

As children are sufficiently active, they need plenty of carbohydrates in their diets.

Best source of carbs for a kids

  • Starchy vegetables. Potatoes, beets, etc.
  • Whole wheat flour, brown rice, etc.
  • Ragi, bajra, etc.
  • Chole (chickpeas), rajma (kidney beans), etc.

How Much: ¼ of every meal should be carbohydrates.

#2. Proteins

Known as the building blocks of the body, proteins also play an important role in staving off infections.

Best sources of protein for a kids

  • Dals or legumes. Moong dal, masoor dal, etc.
  • Nuts and seeds. Almonds, chia seeds, etc.
  • Soybeans, tofu, etc.
  • Foods from animal sources. Chicken, fish, etc.

How much: Multiply your child’s weight by 0.5. The resultant number is the number of grams of protein your child needs every day.

#3. Fats

Fats have unnecessarily gotten a bad rap out there. Did you know that they are essential for building the brain and other nerve tissues?

Best sources of fats for a kids

  • Monounsaturated fats. Peanut oil, sesame oil, etc.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids. Oily fish – tuna, salmon.
  • Saturated fats. Coconut oil, ghee.

How much: In limited quantities. If using in the form of oil, not more than 4 or 5 tablespoons a day when cooking for the entire family.

#4. Fibre

Fibre is extremely important for a healthy heart and gut.

Best sources of fibre for a kids

  • Whole wheat, brown rice.
  • Spinach, bhindi, pumpkin.
  • Apples, strawberries, oranges.

How much: On average, 14 grams of fibre for every 1000 calories. Fibre is a crucial component in the healthy diet chart for children.

#5. Vitamins

Your kid’s body needs an assortment of vitamins to function properly. Vitamins are vital components that must be included in the daily healthy food chart of kids.

Best sources of vitamins for a kids

  • Vitamin A. Carrots, red palm oil.
  • B vitamins. Whole grains, eggs and meat (for vitamin B12.)
  • Vitamin C. Oranges, red and yellow peppers.
  • Vitamin D. Eggs, milk, sunlight.

Note: It’s best to ask your doctor about your child’s daily vitamin requirements, if you are thinking of giving them a supplement. Creating a daily healthy food chart helps maintain balance and overall vitality and wellbeing of your kids.

Sample Routine Chart for Preschool Kids

Looking to curate a Routine Chart for preschool kids? Here’s one that does the trick succinctly well.

  1. 8 a.m. Rise and Shine.
  2. It helps when children’s wake-up times are relatively consistent.

  3. 30-9 a.m. Breakfast.
  4. Breakfast should not merely be limited to ‘eating.’ Have your little one clean up after eating. Before they eat, they could even help you prepare that meal.

  5. 9-10 a.m. Playtime.
  6. Unstructured play is vital for toddler development.

  7. 10-11 a.m. Exercise.
  8. You don’t need to go to the park. Do simple exercises at home!

  9. 11-12 a.m. Library Hour.
  10. Let them be transported to magical new worlds.

  11. 12-1 p.m. Lunch.
  12. Ensure they wind down after eating.

  13. 1-3 p.m. Naptime.
  14. Who’s up for a wonderful siesta?

  15. 3-3.30 pm.
  16. Snack time. Keep it healthy – yoghourt, hummus, etc.

  17. 3-5 p.m.
  18. Free Play. Yes! Play is more beneficial for preschoolers than you might think.

  19. 5 p.m. Dinner.
  20. Try and get all family members present, for familial bonding.

  21. 6-7.30 p.m.
  22. Family Time. Do puzzles, go for a walk outside.

  23. 7-7.30 p.m
  24. Nighttime Routine. Time for them to have a bath and brush their teeth.

  25. 8.30 p.m
  26. Bedtime. Lights out. Sweet dreams baby! Likewise, with a personalised healthy diet chart you can achieve your child’s nutritional goals.


Creating a Routine Chart helps kids check things off their ‘list,’ giving them a sense of accomplishment. In this article, we have covered the benefits of introducing routines in early childhood and five essential items to include in the diet routine plan for your child. We have also provided information on the sample routine chart for preschoolers. Does your child have a routine chart? Do share your valuable thoughts.

At EuroKids we place a great emphasis on adhering to routine, ensuring your children always have a sense of predictability, that enables them to feel secure and happy. We believe that routine charts are a great way for children to take responsibility for their day, and feel really great about it, too.

For informative and accurate articles on all things related to your new born-toddler’s development, growth, health and nutrition, follow EuroKids Blogs and do check out our nationally recognized preschools – EuroKids for the first step in your kid’s educational journey!

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