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Cow Milk vs. Buffalo Milk :  Which is Better for Babies and Toddlers

Mommy, why can’t Moo-Moo share her milk with me?” Little Anya asked, her eyes wide with curiosity as she watched a cow graze in a field.

Her mom chuckled, “Well darling, cows make milk for their baby calves, just like I made milk for you when you were a tiny baby.”

Anya’s brow furrowed, “But what about that other kind of milk we get from the milkman?  The one that comes in a big can?”

Aha!  The great milk mystery!  We understand that it can be puzzling for parents as well.  Cow’s milk or buffalo’s milk…which milk is good for a baby?  At EuroKids, we believe in providing our children with the greatest possible start in life, which includes assisting parents in making informed decisions.  So, common… let’s understand the world of milk in detail and compare these two popular options. Let us learn about the difference between buffalo and cow milk.  By the end, you will find an answer to the question, “which milk is good for a baby?”

Table Of Contents:

Buffalo Milk vs Cow Milk Nutritional Value

Hey, parents, it is important to compare the nutritional profiles of various milk varieties to understand their advantages and disadvantages.

Nutrition in Cow’s Milk:

Protein: Cow’s milk is necessary for a baby’s growth and development because it contains proteins such as whey and casein, which aid in overall growth and muscle growth.

Fat Content: Cow’s milk usually contains 3-4 percent fat, making it easily digestible for young kids. This fat is mostly saturated fats that act as quick sources of energy required by active toddlers.

Lactose: More lactose is found in cow’s milk than buffalo’s milk, which can be good for energy production and calcium absorption since this natural sugar also facilitates other necessary minerals like phosphorous uptake along with calcium into the body; however, if children cannot tolerate lactose they may experience symptoms like bloating, gas or diarrhoea.

Vitamins & Minerals: Vitamin B12 found abundantly in cows’ milk plays a critical role in brain development while vitamin D assists with calcium absorption into bones for stronger teeth formation among others; besides it also contains essential minerals including calcium necessary for healthy bone growth especially during childhood stage.

Nutrition from Buffalo Milk:

Protein: Higher levels of proteins can be observed within buffalo milk when compared to cow varieties – these elevated protein amounts may aid muscle repair or growth, but they might not sit well with baby tummies since concentrated forms take longer to digest.

Fat Content: The fat content of buffalo milk is much higher than that of cow milk (6-8%), so it appears richer and creamier by comparison. This increased fatty substance also means there are more calories in buffalo’s milk which can be good for older children who need lots of energy.

Lactose: Buffalo’s milk has slightly less lactose than cows’ – this might make it easier on some toddlers’ stomachs, especially those with mild forms of lactose intolerance.

Vitamins & Minerals: Richness in magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus among others, makes buffalo’s milk important in building strong bones and teeth; additionally, vitamin A contained therein boosts immunity as well as vision development, unlike cow varieties, which have lower fat contents that may not work well for very young kids due to digestive problems associated with high-calorie foods.

Which One is Easier to Digest? Cow milk or buffalo milk, which is better for babies?

Let us understand the key difference between buffalo and cow milk:

Cow Milk:

This type contains less fat, therefore making the digestion process easier in babies and young children; hence it is recommended during the weaning stage from either breastmilk or formula feeds.

The level of protein found within cows’ milk aligns perfectly with the digestive capacity seen among infants thus preventing any probable tummy upsets while ensuring maximum utilisation by body cells.

Buffalo Milk:

Higher fat content slows down breakdown during digestion, which could lead to constipation issues among other discomforts like bloating and stomach aches – unsuitable for infants.

The highly effective protein contents for older children may not be easily digested by infants’ digestive systems. This may result in undigested proteins and allergies.

Benefits and Risks of Health

Cow Milk:


Easy Digestion: Reduced fat content in cow milk aids digestion among young kids thereby minimising chances of stomach upsets.

Balanced Diet: Cow milk provides complete nutrition for toddlers, supporting their growth in general. It contains necessary vitamins, such as calcium, vital for healthy bones.

Bone Formation: Calcium and phosphorus are necessary for strong teeth and bones thus present in cow milk. Vitamin D also facilitates calcium absorption into the body from this type of milk.

Widely Suggested: Doctors mostly advise parents to give their children cow milk since it has all required nutrients which can be absorbed easily by the body while being digested quickly too due to its balance.


Lactose Intolerant: Babies who cannot digest lactose properly suffer diarrhoea or other problems related to bloatedness after ingesting too much of the lactose in cow udder fluid called “milk.”

Potential Allergies: Some babies might develop an allergy towards proteins found abundantly within cows’ udder liquid, leading them to have hives, wheezing among other symptoms associated with allergic reactions like skin rash accompanied by an itching sensation around the mouth area followed shortly afterward by vomiting then diarrhoea occurs after swallowing any food containing these substances;

Buffalo Milk:

Is buffalo milk good for babies? Understand the pro & cons first!


High Energy Density: The increased fat levels found naturally occurring within buffalo’s breast liquid provide extra calories required for active older toddlers and more energetic growing children.

More Minerals Content: Calcium is abundant together with magnesium plus phosphorus. All three elements support overall health as well robust bone formation respectively, especially during childhood stages when bones are still developing rapidly and hence need higher amounts than normal;

Vitamin A Boosts EyeSight And Immunity Power; Buffalo meat being a rich source of retinol compound helps in improving eyesight among young ones while strengthening immune system against diseases through better resistance mechanisms.

Less Lactose Problems; Buffalo milk has lower percentages of lactose thus making it good for kids who have mild forms of lactose intolerance.


Digestive Challenges: This type of liquid from cows’ mammary glands contains more fats and proteins, thereby making the digestion process difficult, especially among infants whose systems are not well developed enough to handle such a heavy diet, therefore leading to constipation or stomach upsets;

Risk Weight Gain: Large amounts being consumed may result in excessive calorie intake that can lead to increased body mass index followed by various health problems related to overweight condition if left unchecked over time;

Not Suitable For Little Ones: Young babies do not possess fully functional digestive tracts; hence, they cannot cope with heavy foods like buffalo’s breast fluid, which is too rich in nutrients.

Which Milk Is Best For Baby?

Babies and kids under a year old should be fed breast milk or formula. Cow’s milk is the recommended animal-based milk since it is readily digested and gives newborns a balanced diet. Doctors recommend introducing cow’s milk after the first birthday since this coincides with a child’s development needs.

Is Buffalo Milk Good For Babies?

Although buffalo milk contains many valuable nutrients, its high levels of fat and proteins make it hard for young children to digest. Hence, it should not be given to infants but can work well with older kids who require more energy due to their advanced digestion.

Cow milk or buffalo milk, which is better for babies?

Consider your baby’s age, digestive health, and nutritional requirements when deciding between cow milk and buffalo milk. Cow’s milk is recommended for most babies and young children because it’s easily digested and has balanced nutrients. However, buffalo milk can supply extra calories– necessary for older kids who are more active and need minerals.


The selection between cow’s milk and buffalo depends on three factors: your child’s age bracket, digestive health status, and nutritional needs. Both types of milk have advantages, but in terms of providing nourishment for infants and small children, cows’ milk wins hands down due to its easy digestibility coupled with balanced nutrition content. Nevertheless, buffaloes might still work well with them, especially if introduced later after stabilising their digestion.

However, before giving your child any new kind of beverage, it is advisable to talk to a paediatrician, who will advise whether this suits the specific needs of your child.

Choosing what liquid diet should be used takes into consideration many aspects required during the growth stage; therefore, nurturing him properly becomes vital also at this point, where mental development is taking place rapidly, so you may want to consider EuroKids – where learning meets fun in a safe and stimulating environment.


Why cow milk is better than buffalo milk for newborn baby? – Safe Milk Labs
8 Reasons Why Cow Milk Is Healthier Than Buffalo Milk (
Buffalo Milk: Nutrition, Benefits, and How It Compares (