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Transition Words for Kids: What They Are and How to Use Them

‘It’s all about Connections.’

Who out there doesn’t resonate deeply with the above statement? After all, what is Life but a search for meaningful ‘Connections’?

For the scope of this article, however, the word ‘Connections’ takes on an entirely different meaning. Here we are talking about the connections between ‘Thoughts’ or ‘Sentences’. Connections that can only be fostered by those vital ‘Transition Words’.

The importance of learning Transition Words for Kids is far greater than you might imagine. In this article, we will not only discover What are Transition Words, but also shed light on the Different Types of Transition Words. We will uncover Transition Words Examples, and have a peek into a meticulously-crafted Transition Words List. Ready to make that ‘Transition’ into a deeper exploration into words that ‘connect’? Join us, as we embark upon a journey of meaningful ‘Connections’!

Table of Contents:

Transition Words: Unlocking the Basics

Before we dive into Transition Words Examples, it would be prudent to answer the question ‘What areTransition Words?’

As we have briefly touched on, Transition Words are responsible for connecting different ‘thoughts’ or ‘sentences’. Like the name suggests, they refer to ‘words’ or even ‘phrases’, that your child will benefit greatly from learning.

In layman terms, Transition Words are those words or phrases that help push the narrative forward. Indeed, words that help the reader progress from one idea to the next. In the end, what we will have achieved by using those Transition Words, is to give our narrative that vital sense of ‘flow’. The kind of ‘coherence’, that makes what is written or spoken, easy to comprehend.

Transition Words List

The following Transition Words List, will give you a fair idea of what Transition Words are. Needless to say, these are words that might come naturally to you, but will take some learning for your little one.

  • Accordingly
  • Besides
  • For example
  • Moreover
  • Therefore
  • Likewise
  • Nevertheless
  • For instance
  • As a result
  • Yet
  • Indeed
  • However
  • In that case
  • In contrast
  • For this reason
  • Secondly
  • Because of this
  • Additionally
  • Afterwards
  • Suddenly
  • Later
  • Earlier
  • Meanwhile
  • Equally important
  • Initially
  • In addition
  • To begin with
  • In the event that
  • For this purpose
  • To this end
  • With this in mind

Common Types of Transition Words

Now that you have a brief gist of what those Transition Words are, here’s a slightly more detailed look at them, in order to understand their finer nuances. Presenting some of the common Types of Transition Words used in common writing/speaking parlance.

  1. Conjunctions
  2. These are primarily responsible for linking two parts of a sentence.

    Examples: and, or, but

  3. Pronouns
  4. These are used to refer to a noun that was previously mentioned.

    Examples: these, those, this

  5. Prepositional Phrases
  6. These are words that go on to describe the ‘spatial’ relationship between words that have been used. You probably noticed some of these in the list above!

    Examples: as a result, in addition to

  7. Conjunctive Adverbs
  8. Yet another type of transition words, these are most commonly used by one and all.

    Examples: therefore, furthermore

The Importance of Transition Words

By now, we have a decent understanding of What Transition Words are. Before we dive into some cool Transition Words Examples, however, here’s a closer look at The Importance of Transition Words for Kids!

  1. They provide a sense of Structure
  2. A solid narrative calls for an equally solid ‘structure’. Transition words help ‘fill the gaps’, making the narrative flow beautifully.

  3. Providing a cue
  4. Every reader/listener can benefit greatly by knowing ‘what’s coming next’ in the narrative. This is what those Transition Words are expert at doing.

  5. Forming Logical Connections
  6. By forming logical connections between sentences, transition words help convey information to the reader in a precise manner.

Transition Words Examples: How to Use Transition Words

Can’t wait to get started, to teach your kids how to use Transition Words? The following are sentences employing Transition Words that you could narrate to your children, to help them understand Transition Words better.

  • The bicycle we bought for our son was exactly the kind he wanted. Moreover, it came with a modest price tag!
  • Transition Word: Moreover

  • I was baking a cake for the first time in my life. Yet, it turned out to be delicious.
  • Transition Word: Yet

  • The trek was really arduous. Therefore, it took us a lot of time to complete it.
  • Transition Word: Therefore

  • We really want to go for a vacation to the U.S. this year. On the other hand, the price of tickets is too high, so we are still mulling it over.
  • Transition Words: On the other hand

  • As a result of my driver coming late, I didn’t make it in time for my meeting.
  • Transition Words: As a result of

  • Finally, he finished what he was doing and left for his daughter’s concert.
  • Transition Word: Finally

It’s fair to say that by now you have fostered a sense of that vital ‘connection’ Transition Words provide us with. Go on ahead, and help your child make that invaluable ‘transition’ into learning words that ‘foster connections’. Give them a Masterclass in Transition Words yourself!