
Push and Pull Fun: 5 Magnet Activities at Home for Kids

It’s in our earliest years of Childhood, that we are introduced to the concept of ‘Magic.’

All thanks, of course, to those wonderful little objects called ‘Magnets’!

When kids witness the ‘Push’ and ‘Pull’ exerted by a magnet on another, they are spellbound. Needless to say, there’s a scientific principle underlying that ‘Magnetic Effect ’for Kids. However, why spoil the fun for them? Get them as ‘magic-bound’ as they possibly can be, with some cool Magnet Activities!

For the purposes of this article, we have carefully compiled for you a list of 5 Fun Magnet Activities for Kids. Allow yourself to get ‘pulled’ into the wide world of Magnet Activities. Let the Magnetic ‘Magic’ unfold!

Magnets for Kids: A Note of Caution

Although we give a big thumbs up to Magnet Activities, we at EuroKids firstly place a firm emphasis on your child’s ‘safety’! Which is why, we caution you to be a tad careful where it comes to your little one Playing with Magnets.

Tip: Advising your children against ingesting Magnets is not enough! You must ensure those Magnet Activities are always carried out under strict supervision.

Warning: If your child does happen to swallow a magnet of any kind, you must seek medical attention for them immediately!

Playing With Magnets: Magnet Activities for Kids

After they have gotten over the simple joy of watching magnets ‘attract’ and ‘repel’, it’s time to up the ante! Presenting 5 fun Magnet Activities for Kids, that will help you do just that!

  1. The Magnetic and Non-Magnetic Divide
  2. Why limit them to playing with only ‘two magnets’?

    Things you will need

    • An assortment of common household items. These include things like paper clips, pencils and metallic spoons.
    • A large magnet

    To do

    • Get them to play with each of the objects they have collected, with a magnet.
    • In the case of objects attracted to the magnet, they must place them in a container marked ‘Magnetic’.
    • Similarly, they must segregate the items unresponsive to the magnet, in another container labeled ‘Non-Magnetic’.
  3. Magnetic Sensory Bottle
  4. Once they have learned to sift the ‘Magnetic’ from the ‘Non-Magnetic’, it’s time for this fun activity involving Magnets for Kids

    Things you will need

    • A bottle with a lid
    • Rice
    • Magnetic and non-magnetic objects
    • A large bottle

    To do

    • Half-fill the bottle with rice and add the magnetic and non-magnetic objects to it.
    • Close the lid of the bottle, and give it a good shake.
    • Ask your child to take the magnet and move it across the outer surface of the bottle.
    • Watch them revel in delight, as some objects are attracted to the magnet while others aren’t.
  5. Magnet Maze
  6. This is one of those Magnet Activities for KIds, they will indulge in time and again!

    Things you will need

    • A popsicle stick
    • Some glue
    • Two button magnets
    • A piece of paper
    • A pencil

    To Do

    • Glue a button magnet to one end of the popsicle stick. This is the ‘Magic Wand’.
    • On a piece of paper, create a maze.Note: The difficulty level of this maze should be based on your child’s age.
    • Place the other button magnet on the ‘start’ point of the maze.
    • Hand your child the ‘magic wand’, and have them p[lace it underneath the surface of the maze. Now let them ‘steer’ the ‘start’ button to the end point!
  7. Magnetic Painting
  8. For all those budding young artists!

    Things you will need

    • Paper
    • Different-coloured Paints in bowls
    • Tray
    • Metal objects such as bolts and washers
    • Magnetic wand (like in the example above)

    To Do

    • Paste the paper onto the tray.
    • Immerse the metal objects into the paints.
    • Place the ‘painted’ metal objects on the piece of paper.
    • Give your child the metal wand, and watch them create a masterpiece by moving the wand underneath the paper to move those painted metallic objects!
  9. Magnet Fishing
  10. Your child might be too young for ‘actual’ Fishing, but certainly not for Magnet Fishing!

    Things you will need

    • Paper clips
    • Paper Images of letters and numbers. Note: You can create these on your own, or make cutouts from printables downloaded from the Internet.
    • The Magic Wand

    To Do

    • Glue the paper letters and numbers to paper clips. These are the ‘fish’.
    • Place the Fish into a large bowl.
    • Hand your child the Magic Wand. Let them go fishing, and see how many ‘fish’ they end up ‘catching’!

    Magnets and Kids make for an irresistible combination. There’s indeed a force far greater than ‘Magnetic Force’, that binds children to magnets. We’ve all had so much fun Playing with Magnets as children, why should our kids be left behind? Have them indulge in the Magnet Activities above, as soon as possible!